A change management system for databases based on Liquibase
This fork of the Liquibase source aims to:
- Improve the integration tests
- Improve code documentation and maintainability
- Support more Oracle Database features
- Support different connections for changesets (e.g. use an administrative connection for creating tablespaces and a "regular" connection for normal schema updates)
- Modernise the code to use JDK 8 features.
Last updated: June 7th, 2017
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FORK, IN GENERAL, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED UNSTABLE FOR THE MOMENT. A lot of work is currently being done to get all integration tests (OSS + commercial RDBMSs) green; manual testing of features like CDI, RPM/Debian packaging, Spring integration etc. comes after that.
- General functionality/unit tests: OK
- Status of integration tests for Open Source DBMS (except Firebird, working on that): https://circleci.com/gh/dbmanul/dbmanul
- Issue tracking: https://dbmanul.atlassian.net
- SONAR/Code quality improvement progress: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=org.dbmanul%3Adbmanul-parent
- Unmerged PR progress: most upstream prs in the range #678 down to #652
Full support (DBMS-specific integration tests green, Software should be usable for everyday tasks):
- Apache Derby (tested:
- H2 database (tested: 1.4.195)
- HyperSQL (hsqldb) (tested: 2.4.0)
- IBM DB2 LUW Express (tested: 10.6)
- MariaDB (tested: 10.2.6, with InnoDB)
- MySQL (tested: 5.7.18, with InnoDB)
- Oracle Database (tested: and
- PostgreSQL (tested: 9.6)
Somewhat working (work in progress):
- Firebird (a problem in snapshotting causes duplicate indexes to be generated to FOREIGN KEY constraints). Regular change sets (forward migration) seems to work fine. as deferrable, which is a functionality not present in MySQL/MariaDB AFAIK).
- Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) (tested: 2016, Express)
- Problems with default values and DATE/DATETIME etc. columns
- Tests running on multiple schemas simultaneously fail
- SAP SQL Anywhere 17 (formerly known as Sybase AS Anywhere)
- Basic functionality is working
- Currently failing tests:
- runUpdateOnOldChangelogTableFormat (should not affect new users)
- Change logs working on more than one schema simultaneously
- SQLite: Generally working except for operations that would be possible with ALTER TABLE on other RDBMS (see https://dbmanul.atlassian.net/browse/DBM-3 for details)
Unstable multiple integration tests to fail
- IBM Informix (work started, but several SQL generators are broken; needs considerable work to get it back again) Currently completely broken due to a regression involving catalog and schema names
Untested / Work has not started yet:
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) (formely known as Sybase Adaptive Server)
- Microsoft SQL Server (in case-sensitive mode)
- Microsoft SQL Server (via JTDS driver)
- Determine the oldest supported versions of the RDBMSs, procure them, and test compatibility
- Snapshotting can only retrieve attributes that are present in most RDBMS (e.g. names of columns, PKs etc.) Attributes that are specific to a RDBMS (like storage attributes for segments in Oracle) cannot be snapshotted currently.
- RPM packaging works, there is a small bug if non-release-version directories are used
- Debian packaging could work (DEBs get generated), but need to set up a Debian box to test it
- Documentation, website: Not yet updated / reviewed.
- Database documentation generation (DbDoc - though automated tests seem to work)