This document will guide you to the installation of all the SLAM/V(I)O systems that were used in the evaluation of the GRADE paper. Moreover, we will extract groundtruth information necessary during the evaluation step.
Everything has been tested in
- UBUNTU 20.04
Please refer to to install ROS.
Experiments have been run by using a roscore
and setting use_sim_time
To install libraries locally (suggested) you can use -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
Remember that at that point each program using that library needs to be manually linked through the CMakeLists.txt
file, usually specifying PATH ...
in the find_package
As per the python packages, we leave to the reader the choice if they want to run them in virtual environments or not.
is required by multiple SLAM methods. Run following command to generate desired gt-pose data.
- Default Ground Truth Pose File
python3 src/tool/ --type groundtruth \ --path BAG_SEQUENCE_FOLDER[reindex_bags_folder] \ --topic /my_robot_0/camera/pose --output OUTPUT_DIR
- VDO-SLAM requried Ground Truth Pose File
# generate gt_pose_vdo.txt python3 src/tool/ --type vdo_gt \ --path BAG_SEQUENCE_FOLDER[reindex_bags_folder] \ --topic /my_robot_0/camera/pose --output OUTPUT_DIR mv gt_pose_vdo.txt pose_gt.txt # Rename pose groundtruth file
- Tartan VO required Ground Truth Pose File
by transforming Defaultgt_pose.txt
python3 src/tool/ --type tartan_gt \ --path gt_pose.txt \ # default groundtruth pose --output OUTPUT_DIR
Each link contains all the edits that we made (or the forks that we used), and how to run evaluations for each project. Most of the edits were necessary to run the projects in the latest Ubuntu version and address many of the difficulties that we encountered during testing. Some of them were made to avoid crashes of the selected methods, especially when no features were detected.
Some bulk-test/evaluation scripts can be found either in SLAM_evaluation/additional_scripts
or in the specific forked repositories.
- RTAB-Map from Multi-Session Visual SLAM for Illumination-Invariant Re-Localization in Indoor Environments
- Dynamic-VINS from RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-Restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
- VDO SLAM from VDO-SLAM: A Visual Dynamic Object-aware SLAM System
- TartanVO from TartanVO: A Generalizable Learning-based VO
- DynaSLAM from DynaSLAM: Tracking, Mapping, and Inpainting in Dynamic Scenes
Instructions are specified in each singular tutorial.
If you need to change the evaluation, the
is where you want to look. We extract the ground truth trajectory from the bags in most cases (except for RTABMap which log that automatically from the TF tree).
You can easily skip that by running your evaluation by hand using pre-fixed files.
Please feel free to evaluate on different methods and, by following the same scheme, write a tutorial and a pull-request. We will happily include them here.
The evaluation script is modular based on the -t
flag that selects the method.