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Using Debug Recorders

Jason McHuff edited this page May 30, 2021 · 4 revisions

trunk-recorder has the ability to send raw output over the network (or the same computer t-r is running on) to GNU Radio and possibly Wireshark.

To connect trunk-recorder to GNU Radio over the Internet (steps 2-4 can be skipped if trunk-recorder and desktop computers are on same network; instead set the address in step 1 and "debugRecorderAddress" in config.json to the address of the trunk-recorder machine):

  1. open udp-debug.grc in GNU Radio, double-click the 'Id: address' variable box and set the value to `"", then run the graph by clicking on the black triangle on the toolbar.
  2. in config.json set "debugRecorder": true in the main config
  3. create a reverse SSH tunnel (but TCP) by logging into server using ssh -R user@server
  4. create a TCP (back) to UDP bridge on local Desktop machine with nc -v -l -k -p 1234 | nc -v -u 1234
  5. create a UDP to TCP bridge on the server with nc -v -u -l -k -p 1234 | nc -v 1234 & (or omit the & and log in to another shell)
  6. run recorder
