- Date: Fridays at 1PM EST (UTC-5)
- Calendar invite: Google Calendar
- Meet link: https://meet.google.com/cnq-dcst-wtb
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)
- Bjorn Sandmann (BlockTrust)
- Ed Eykholt (BlockTrust)
- Frank Albanese (Snapbrillia)
- Stephen will host a session, we don't know much yet, but will try to participate
- Rodolfo will demo Cardano AnonCreds method
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)
- Bjorn Sandmann (BlockTrust)
- Revocation takes time - tails files, CL signatures (RSA) has been mentioned, v2 is focused on improving
- Issuance and verification is fast... imperceptible if it is slower than other formats
- Sovrin is using it in production
- Lets reach out to Stephen Curran
- DIDComm interop
- After IIW
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Alex Andrei (RootsID)
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)
- Bjorn Sandmann
- Prism did method published.
- Possible to use AnonCreds w/prism did all on Cardano.
- AnonCreds in AFJ
- Cardano AnonCreds module in AFJ demonstration
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Alex Andrei (RootsID)
- Alex and I talked about Verification Policies and https://identity.foundation/presentation-exchange/
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Alex Andrei (RootsID)
- It appears there is enough typescript support in AnonCreds-RS for us to do the smallest demo w/AnonCreds-Cardano driver.
- Mike Lodder wanted to know if there should be a new meeting to begin work towards a v2 that includes his updates.
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Ed Eykholt (BlockTrust)
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)
- Alex Andrei (RootsID)
- What dependencies does the typescript implementation have? We haven't tested in browser but the blockfrost and emurgo serialization should work in the browser.
- Animo is creating a Rust library so all crypto, etc which should be useful with WASM for browser, etc. https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-rs
- Swift and Java and React Native support are coming
- What would an interopathon at IIW look like?
- We will adapt to the reference impl once it solidifies.
- A Cardano CIP for AnonCreds now that we are a registerd method https://hyperledger.github.io/anoncreds-methods-registry/#cardano-anoncreds-method. Explain what compliance means.
- There is hope for Prism Node will be open sourced eventually
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)
- Alex Andrei (RootsID)
- Rodolfo presented the first prototype driver for AnonCreds on Cardano! Recording https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JNKAK_-HPmgmfO6XL1NGkOYKdAmTf32k/view?usp=sharing
- Lance Byrd (RootsID)
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)
- Alex Andrei (RootsID)
- Ed Eykholt (BlockTrust)
- Bjorn Sandmann (BlockTrust)
- Starting in January 2023 introduce the CIP for AnonCreds on Cardano.
- Big future updates for crypto for different schemas/pairing curves/etc. Work by Mike Lodder.
- First impl will use CL-signatures, then they will add the future improvements.
- The initial goal will be to provide a driver that will allow AnonCreds users to use Cardano as the VDR
- Lance Byrd
- Rodolfo Miranda
- Alex Andrei
- Use DIDs as references to other resources: Cheqd has a way to link resources to DIDs that is now part of ToIP (in Utility Foundry WG) https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/DID-Linked+Resources+Specification The idea is to use this specification to store the anoncreds object into Cardano TX metatada.
** Nice way to query for all schemas from a particular DID
- More movement for AFJ towards Indy-pendence for AnonCreds openwallet-foundation/credo-ts#1118
- More discussion about AnonCreds method on Cardano ** We will discuss storing on the blockchain soon ** We will discuss how to interface with anoncreds-rs
- AnonCreds-spec is discussing naming conventions and expanding beyond DIDs for identifiers hyperledger/anoncreds-spec#107
- IIW AnonCreds presentation was excellent https://photos.app.goo.gl/TkkgQa1QrZJV7Ton7
- Cardano announced Midnight privacy sidechain ** https://youtu.be/z_oQAuFSh3E ** https://youtu.be/tbtkClr3Y3I ** https://youtu.be/7xC-mQ3wSao?t=514
- We'll create a CIP for AnonCreds
- Lance Byrd
- Rodolfo Miranda
- Alex Andrei
- Several Snapbrillia devs (Feel free to add yourself)
- Work being done on the revocation model list
- Replace indy-credx implementation with AnonCreds-rx
- Move indy-wql to Aries Askar
- Wrappers for each language
- Revocation accumulator
- Ids on chain (resources), including the hash of the transaction
- Combine Spec models with Cardano specific fields
- @Rodo will help define how we store this
- All of the objects need an id, but then we can't use the hash from the transaction... instead right after publishing (accepted) with trx id.
- Tails service
Participants: - Lance Byrd - Bjorn Sandmann - Alex Andrei - Rodolfo Miranda
- Initial discussion about this WG and goal
- Reading through the AnonCreds specification and attending those meetings.
- We'll meet again in two weeks. Reach out on the CSSIA AnonCreds-wg slack to get added to the meeting https://cssiaworkspace.slack.com/archives/C047EH5FJK0
- https://github.com/AnonCreds-WG/anoncreds-spec
- https://anoncreds-wg.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
- https://animo.id/project/how-the-community-is-coming-together-to-implement-ledger-independent-anoncreds