diff --git a/tests/BaseControllerDependenciesTrait.php b/tests/BaseControllerDependenciesTrait.php
index 439046e..578ecdd 100644
--- a/tests/BaseControllerDependenciesTrait.php
+++ b/tests/BaseControllerDependenciesTrait.php
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ protected function getContainer(array $override_settings=[]): \Psr\Container\Con
$psr11Container['vespula_auth'] = fn() => $this->newVespulaAuth();
+ $psr11Container['logger'] = fn() => new \SMVCTools\Tests\TestObjects\InMemoryLogger();
//Object for rendering layout files
$psr11Container['new_layout_renderer'] = $psr11Container->factory(function () {
diff --git a/tests/BaseControllerTest.php b/tests/BaseControllerTest.php
index e0b4f34..8a8db3e 100644
--- a/tests/BaseControllerTest.php
+++ b/tests/BaseControllerTest.php
@@ -1235,6 +1235,183 @@ public function testThat_doLogin_WorksAsExpected() {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Call doLogin with an Auth object that always throws a
+ // \Vespula\Auth\Exception whose message string
+ // is not in $backendIssues & $usernamePswdMismatchIssues
+ // everytime the login method is called on it.
+ $exceptionThrowingAuth = $this->newVespulaAuth(
+ \SMVCTools\Tests\TestObjects\AlwaysThrowExceptionOnLoginAuth::class
+ );
+ $originalAuth = $controller->getVespulaAuthObject();
+ $controller->setVespulaAuthObject($exceptionThrowingAuth);
+ //reset the logger first so that only log messages related to the next
+ //call of doLogin are present in the log object.
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->reset();
+ $result4 = $controller->doLoginPublic(
+ $controller->getVespulaAuthObject(), $bad_credentials, $success_redirect_path
+ );
+ // Right error message was returned
+ self::assertEquals(
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_v_auth_exception_general_msg'),
+ $result4
+ );
+ // logger contains expected error message
+ self::assertTrue(
+ $this->stringIsContainedInAtLeastOneArrayItem(
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->getLogEntries(),
+ \str_replace(
+ '
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_v_auth_exception_general_msg')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ // we should not be logged in
+ self::assertFalse($controller->isLoggedIn());
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Call doLogin with an Auth object that always throws a
+ // \Vespula\Auth\Exception whose message string
+ // is in $backendIssues everytime the login method is called on it.
+ $exceptionThrowingAuth->setExceptionMessage('EXCEPTION_LDAP_CONNECT_FAILED');
+ //reset the logger first so that only log messages related to the next
+ //call of doLogin are present in the log object.
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->reset();
+ $result5 = $controller->doLoginPublic(
+ $controller->getVespulaAuthObject(), $bad_credentials, $success_redirect_path
+ );
+ // Right error message was returned
+ self::assertEquals(
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_v_auth_exception_back_end_msg'),
+ $result5
+ );
+ // logger contains expected error message
+ self::assertTrue(
+ $this->stringIsContainedInAtLeastOneArrayItem(
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->getLogEntries(),
+ \str_replace(
+ '
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_v_auth_exception_back_end_msg')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ // we should not be logged in
+ self::assertFalse($controller->isLoggedIn());
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Call doLogin with a credentials array not having any username or
+ // password keys, leading to a \Vespula\Auth\Exception being thrown
+ $controller->setVespulaAuthObject($originalAuth);
+ //reset the logger first so that only log messages related to the next
+ //call of doLogin are present in the log object.
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->reset();
+ $credentials_with_no_uname_or_passwd = [];
+ $result6 = $controller->doLoginPublic(
+ $controller->getVespulaAuthObject(),
+ $credentials_with_no_uname_or_passwd,
+ $success_redirect_path
+ );
+ // Right error message was returned
+ self::assertEquals(
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_v_auth_exception_user_passwd_msg'),
+ $result6
+ );
+ // logger contains expected error message
+ self::assertTrue(
+ $this->stringIsContainedInAtLeastOneArrayItem(
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->getLogEntries(),
+ \str_replace(
+ '
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_v_auth_exception_user_passwd_msg')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ // we should not be logged in
+ self::assertFalse($controller->isLoggedIn());
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Call doLogin with an Auth object that throws a general
+ // \Exception whose message string.
+ $exceptionThrowingAuth->setExceptionMessage('Booo Booo!');
+ $exceptionThrowingAuth->setExceptionClass(\Exception::class);
+ $controller->setVespulaAuthObject($exceptionThrowingAuth);
+ //reset the logger first so that only log messages related to the next
+ //call of doLogin are present in the log object.
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->reset();
+ $result7 = $controller->doLoginPublic(
+ $controller->getVespulaAuthObject(), $bad_credentials, $success_redirect_path
+ );
+ // Right error message was returned
+ self::assertEquals(
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_exception_msg'),
+ $result7
+ );
+ // logger contains expected error message
+ self::assertTrue(
+ $this->stringIsContainedInAtLeastOneArrayItem(
+ $controller->getContainerItem('logger')->getLogEntries(),
+ \str_replace(
+ '
+ $controller->getAppSetting('base_controller_do_login_auth_exception_msg')
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ // we should not be logged in
+ self::assertFalse($controller->isLoggedIn());
+ }
+ protected function stringIsContainedInAtLeastOneArrayItem(array $haystacks, string $needle): bool {
+ $contains = false;
+ foreach ($haystacks as $haystack) {
+ if(str_contains($haystack, $needle)) {
+ $contains = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $contains;
diff --git a/tests/test-objects/AlwaysThrowExceptionOnLoginAuth.php b/tests/test-objects/AlwaysThrowExceptionOnLoginAuth.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac63f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-objects/AlwaysThrowExceptionOnLoginAuth.php
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+exceptionMessage = $msg;
+ }
+ public function setExceptionClass(string $class) {
+ $this->exceptionClass = $class;
+ }
+ public function login(array $credentials): void {
+ $exceptionClass = $this->exceptionClass;
+ throw new $exceptionClass($this->exceptionMessage);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/test-objects/InMemoryLogger.php b/tests/test-objects/InMemoryLogger.php
index bdfb1dd..18fab9f 100644
--- a/tests/test-objects/InMemoryLogger.php
+++ b/tests/test-objects/InMemoryLogger.php
@@ -31,4 +31,14 @@ public function log($level, $message, array $context=[]) {
$this->log_entries[] = "[LEVEL: {$level}] [MESSAGE: {$message}]";
+ public function reset():void {
+ $this->log_entries = [];
+ }
+ public function getLogEntries(): array {
+ return $this->log_entries;
+ }