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rtxa edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 6 revisions


This contains the BBCode tags supported in every forum style. Some forums contains features that I don't plan to support, mostly because they require a major rewrite in the tokenizer or isn't intended to do Markdown posts. In any case, you can still write BBCode tags manually mixed with the Markdown text.

phpBB - Base forum


  • Bold text: [b][/b]
  • Italic text: [i][/i]
  • Underline text: [u][/u]
  • Text size: [size=X][/size] In some way represents a decimal number: 0.5, 0.85, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
    1. Tiny: [size=50]
    2. Small: [size=85]
    3. Normal: [size=100]
    4. Large: [size=150]
    5. Huge: [size=200]
  • Text color: [color=red][/color] or [color=#FF0000][/color]
  • URL: [url]http://url[/url] or [url=http://url]URL text[/url]
  • Image: [img][/img]
  • Code text: [code][/code]
  • List item: [*] Item text
  • Unordered list: [list][/list]
  • Ordered list: [list=1][/list] or [list=A][/list] or [list=I][/list]
  • Quotes [quote][/quote] or [quote=AUTHOR][/quote]
  • Strike text: [s][/s]
  • Inline code: [c][/c]

phpBB -

Supports everything from phpBB base forum with the following differences

  • Spoiler: [spoiler=][/spoiler] or [spoiler=TITLE][/spoiler] (Bugged in this forum, only once per post)
  • Horizontal line: [hr][/hr]

phpBB - ForoActivo

Supports everything from phpBB base forum with the following differences

  • Strike: [strike][/strike]

Supported by the forum but not implemented in the Markdown converter

  • Alignment: [left][/left], [center][/center], [right][/right] and [justify][/justify]
  • Spoiler: [spoiler][/spoiler] or [spoiler=TITLE][/spoiler] (Bugged in this forum, only once per post)
  • Horizontal line: [hr]
  • Hide until post: [hide][/hide]
  • Embed: [embed][/embed]
  • Tables: [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
  • Youtube video: [youtube]VIDEO_ID[/youtube]

MyBB - Amxxmodx-es

  • Text size: [size=X][/size]

    1. [size=x-large]
    2. [size=large]
    3. [size=medium]
    4. [size=small]
    5. [size=x-small]
    6. [size=xx-small]
  • Youtube video: [video=youtube][/video]

Further information is required here.

vBulletin - Alliedmodders

  • Bold text: [b][/b]
  • Italic text: [i][/i]
  • Underline text: [u][/u]
  • Text size: [size=X][/size] starts from 1 (smallest) up to 7 (biggest).
  • Text color: [color=red][/color] or [color=#FF0000][/color]
  • Text font name: [font=Courier New][/font]
  • URL: [url]http://url[/url] or [url=http://url]URL text[/url]
  • Image: [img][/img]
  • Code text:
    • No syntax coloring: [code][/code]
    • PHP: [php][/php]
    • HTML: [html][/html]
  • List item: [*] Item text
  • Unordered list: [list][/list]
  • Ordered list: [list=1][/list] or [list=a][/list] or [list=i][/list]
  • Quotes [quote][/quote] or [quote=AUTHOR][/quote]

Supported by the forum but not implemented in the Markdown converter

  • Youtube video: [youtube]VIDEO_ID[/youtube]
  • Spoiler: [spoiler][/spoiler] or [spoiler=TITLE][/spoiler]
  • Indent: [indent][/indent] Can be used multiple times
  • Email: [email][/email]
  • Alignment: [left][/left] and [center][/center] and [right][/right]

Steam BBCode


  • Steam only supports 3 heading levels, [h1], [h2], and [h3].

Not supported

  • Image: [previewimg=id;size;align;filename]

Image tags by URL are not supported. Requires you to upload everything to his server and then you got an ID referencing that image. There's no way to translate this in the Markdown parser so leave a placeholder and add it manually.

  • Spoiler tags

Supported by the forum but not implemented in the Markdown converter

  • Tables
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