This code is used for a demo job on our Raspberry pi cluster named bobolink. It consists of the mpi-mandelbrot application, a jobscript and a viewer.
In order to run the application the program has to be compiled first. It is compiled using compilers installed with EasyBuild.
The GNU compilers and other tools are organized in a toolchain. This toolchain is called foss/2019a.
To compile the application the module for foss/2019a has to be loaded first, e.g.:
module load foss/2019a
Without loading the module a different MPI is being used, which is not interfaced with the SLURM scheduler of the cluster.
To run the application on the compute nodes a job has to be submitted to the scheduler. An example job is shown in The job can be submitted using:
A viewer has been created in Python. This viewer will display the most recent *.bmp image on disk. After this it will check for new images, and display the latest one. The viewer can be started using: