Instructors: Rick Anderson ([email protected])
Brought to you by: Rutgers GRID, RU Makerspace, and CMSCE
In this hands-on introduction to using Raspberry Pi, you will learn how to get started with the Pi, some creative ways to use it in your classroom, and where to find more info for taking it to the next level. Bonus: How to remotely access the Raspberry Pi from your computer or smartphone.
- Your Goals
- Have some fun learning Raspberry PI
- What's a Raspberry PI Jam?
- You can host your own too.
- Learning Information Technology in K-12 with Raspberry PI
- Setting up Raspberry PIs for jamming
- Jam
A Raspberry Jam is the pun-tastic name we give to a meetup of people interested in making things with a Raspberry Pi computer. Raspberry Jams come in all shapes and sizes: workshops for beginners, drop-in sessions to work on your own projects, show-and-tell, talks, and more. A Jam is a meeting of all kinds of people: some will be new to physical computing, and some will have plenty of experience that they are happy to share. Jams are welcoming events where you’ll meet and learn from like-minded people in a friendly environment.
-- Raspberry PI Foundation:
- Computer Hardware
- Web Design
- Networking
- Computer maintenance and repair
- What else?
- How can the Raspberry PI help?
- Memory
- Hard drive
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- What name does my computer have?
- Local information
- IP Address
- Domain Name System
- Gateway IP
- Preparing the operating system
- Etching the image onto an SD Card
- Turning it on and off again
- Updating hardware
- Updating software
- Remote Access
- Graphical Access: RealVNC
- Command Line Access: ssh
- This is framed as IT and setting up the class
- It's a real world activity
- How to we create accounts for people
- The students can do it
- Make a worksheet and checklist to for getting started
- Wifi: makerspacePRO
- Choose a computer name
- Pick a password
- What else?
- Booting up
- Picking the language
- Setting the keyboard internationalization
- Setting the time zone
- run
- Change the name of the machine
- Change the system password
- Explore the PI
- Example activity using Scratch to control electonics
- Raspberry PI: Hardware: (link is external)
- Raspberry PI: Software Guide: (link is external)
- Raspberry PI: Network Lesson: (link is * external)
- Online Learning Resources: (link is external)
Introduction Video: (link is external)
Scratch and Pi Tutorial: (link is external)
Raspberry Pi Guy Video Tutorials: (link is external)
- (link is external)
The parts of the raspberry Pi: (link is external)
Tutorial by Student: (link is external)
More Tutorials: (link is external) +++
Project: (link is external)
Blockly: (link is external)
Kids Adventures with Raspberry Pi: