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Developing without docker compose

Joshua Nelson edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 6 revisions

These are instructions for developing locally. For deploying in a production environment, see

While the docker-compose allows for easier setup of the required dependencies and environment, here is a breakdown of how to use the service without an outer docker container. This is useful e.g. for quickly iterating during development.

Note that this does not remove the docker dependency altogether, since uses docker at runtime for sandboxing. This just allows you to run commands more quickly since you are building in debug mode instead of release and are also caching more of the build.


The commands and package names on this page will assume an Ubuntu server running systemd, but hopefully the explanatory text should give enough information to adapt to other systems. has a few basic requirements:

  • Rust (preferably via rustup)
  • Git
  • CMake, GCC, G++, and pkg-config (to build dependencies for crates and itself)
  • OpenSSL, zlib, curl, and libmagic (to link against)
  • PostgreSQL
$ curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain nightly
$ . $HOME/.cargo/env
# apt install build-essential git curl cmake gcc g++ pkg-config libmagic-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev postgresql
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER cratesfyi WITH PASSWORD 'password';"
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE cratesfyi OWNER cratesfyi;"

Building the site

Be warned - this builds over 350 crates! Depending on your computer, this may take upwards of 10 minutes.

$ git clone && cd
$ cargo build

The "prefix" directory stores several files in a "prefix" directory. This can be anywhere, but if you put it in the repo, it should go under the ./ignored/ directory so that it is not seen by git or the docker daemon.

$ mkdir -p ignored/cratesfyi-prefix
$ cd ignored/cratesfyi-prefix
$ mkdir -vp documentations public_html sources
$ git clone && cd
$ git branch crates-index-diff_last-seen

(That last command is used to set up the crates-index-diff crate, so we can start monitoring new crate releases.)

Docker group needs to run docker containers for sandboxing. Therefore, you need to be in the 'docker' group to build crates. If you are already in the docker group, you can skip this step (you can check with groups).

# usermod -a -G docker "$USER"
$ # now logout and back in to your shell
$ cd /path/to/

Environment for the server

To ensure that the server is configured properly, we need to set a few environment variables. This is most easily done by making a shell script.

$ cd ..
$ echo '
# or add an appropriate username/password as necessary
export CRATESFYI_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://cratesfyi:password@localhost
export RUST_LOG=cratesfyi,rustwide=info
' >

This last command assumes you put the shell script in ./, but you can name it anything as long as it is in the current directory.

$ . ./
$ cargo run database migrate
$ cargo run database update-search-index
$ cargo run database update-release-activity
# This will take between 5 and 30 minutes on the first run.
$ cargo run build crate rand 0.5.5