One way to implement state in contract is dividing the contract in the locking script into two parts: data and code. Data part is the state. Code part contains the business logic of a contract that encodes rules for state transition.
sCrypt offers stateful contracts. Let us look at a simple example of a stateful contract: a counter contract tracking how many times its function increment()
has been called. Its code is shown below with comments inline.
contract Counter {
public function increment(SigHashPreimage txPreimage, int amount) {
// deserialize state (i.e., counter value)
bytes scriptCode = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(scriptCode);
// counter is at the end
int counter = unpack(scriptCode[scriptLen - Util.DataLen :]);
// increment counter
// serialize state
bytes outputScript = scriptCode[: scriptLen - Util.DataLen] + num2bin(counter, Util.DataLen);
bytes output = Util.buildOutput(outputScript, amount);
// ensure output is expected: amount is same with specified
// also output script is the same with scriptCode except counter incremented
require(hash256(output) == Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage));
data of the contract locking script can be accessed by using an accessor named dataPart
, for example:
const Counter = buildContractClass(loadArtifact('counter.json'));
counter = new Counter();
const dataPart = counter.dataPart;
const dataPartASM = counter.dataPart.toASM();
const dataPartHex = counter.dataPart.toHex();
// to set it using ASM
After that, the counter.lockingScript
would include the data part automatically. You can use it to calculate preimage.
const preimage = getPreimage(tx, counter.lockingScript, inputSatoshis)
If you want to access the code part of the contract's locking script including the trailing OP_RETURN
, use:
const codePart = instance.codePart;
const codePartASM = instance.codePart.toASM();
const codePartHex = instance.codePart.toHex();