Improve installation instructions and update project info (
) -
Added detailed installation steps for PyPI, source, and manual methods - Updated project information in documentation - Enhanced API server launch instructions - Refactored code for better readability and maintainability
- Update multiple packages to optional status
Changed several packages from mandatory to optional status in the lock file. This aligns with the flexibility of package dependencies and usage.
- Add onnxruntime provider for model execution
Imported onnxruntime and updated model providers.
- Add write permissions for repository changes
Added permissions to allow pushing changes to the repository.
- Add in-memory storage option to GithubSearchEngine
Initialize GithubSearchEngine with an optional in-memory storage location.
- Add examples.rst, update documentation URLs
Added examples.rst for code examples. Updated documentation URLs to use correct capitalization and domain.
- Add step to fetch all history for accurate rebasing
Include a new step in the workflow to checkout repository with full history for precise rebasing.
- Update AWS S3 upload URLs in workflow file
Update the AWS S3 upload URLs to use the correct environment variable for documentation uploads.
- Add conditional step for main branch in workflow
Include a conditional step to invoke the rebase Workflow only when on the main branch.
- Improve docs deployment workflow
Sync updated documentation to S3 and remove redundant lines.
- Update version to "0.0.0"
Set the project version to "0.0.0" in the codebase and adjust version references accordingly for semantic release configuration.
Add semantic release configuration (
) -
Added version variables and TOML settings for semantic release - Configured branches for main, dev, and feature releases
Add workflow_dispatch trigger for rebase job (
Add a manual trigger for the rebase job using workflow_dispatch.
Add automatic rebase workflow (
) -
Added a GitHub Actions workflow for automatic rebasing of dev onto main branch.
Update workflow names and triggers (
) -
Renamed the release workflow to "Build And Release Docs" for clarity. - Changed the trigger to manual dispatch instead of specific events.
- Add initial Sphinx documentation setup
Added Makefile, make.bat, conf.py, and templates for Sphinx documentation. Set up basic configuration and structure for the documentation project. Included instructions for installing Poetry and building the documentation.
- Update Python versions in workflows
Update Python versions to 3.11.0 and add 3.12 in test matrix.
Add workflows for release and running tests (
) -
Added workflows for releasing the project and running tests. - Workflows include steps for building, deploying, and testing.
Add initial test files for GitHub search engine (
Added test files for initialization and a sample test case.
- Add Dockerfile and .dockerignore files
Include Dockerfile with Python setup and ignore unnecessary files in Docker build.
- Update README with new Getting Started instructions
Added detailed instructions for installing the package, using it as a CLI tool, launching an API server, accessing documentation via Docker or manually.
- Add API example and refactor basic example
Added a new API example using FastAPI for repo indexing and search. Refactored the basic example to use GithubSearchEngine class for async operations.
cli: Add CLI commands for API, indexing, and searching (
) -
Added CLI commands for starting the API, indexing a repository, and searching an indexed repository. The commands include options for setting port, host URL, Github Access Token, EnvFile to load, database path, and Qdrant Database location.
api: Add FastAPI initialization and endpoints (
) -
Initialize FastAPI with lifespan context manager - Define POST endpoint to index repositories - Define GET endpoint to search repositories
Add optional parameters to constructor and update search method (
) -
Added optional parameters to the constructor for flexibility. - Updated the search method to handle collection existence check and filtering empty issues.
Add new packages and dependencies (
Added new packages "cleo", "click", "crashtest", "dnspython", "email-validator", "fastapi", and their respective dependencies. Included package extras for optional features.
- Add .gitignore and .pre-commit-config.yaml files
Include Python template in .gitignore, configure pre-commit hooks in .pre-commit-config.yaml.
- Add basic example for GitHubSearchEngine
Include a simple example demonstrating usage of the GitHubSearchEngine library to query a specific repository.
cli: Add CLI module for running Github search engine (
) -
Introduce a new CLI module to run Github search engine with async support.
Add GithubSearchEngine class with methods (
) -
Added a new class
with methods for summarizing issues, summarizing search results, indexing repositories, searching text, and setting collection details. -
Add OllamaClientManager for embedding and chat functionality (
) -
Implement OllamaClientManager class with embed and chat methods.
clients: Add GithubClientManager for GitHub API interactions (
) -
Implement methods to retrieve repository issues, issue comments, and cross-referenced events from the GitHub API.
Add new packages and versions to poetry.lock (
Added multiple packages with their respective versions, descriptions, Python version compatibility, and file hashes to the poetry.lock file.