diff --git a/bin/cli.ml b/bin/cli.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d94d386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cli.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+open Cmdliner
+module C = Common.Constants
+let setup_log style_renderer level =
+ Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
+ Logs.set_level level;
+ Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ())
+let setup_log_term =
+Term.(const setup_log $ Fmt_cli.style_renderer () $ Logs_cli.level ())
+let intermediate_arg =
+ let doc = "save the LLVM IR" in
+ let info = Arg.info ["i"; "intermediate"] ~doc in
+ Arg.flag info |> Arg.value
+let sailfile_conv =
+ let parse filename =
+ if Sys.file_exists filename && not (Sys.is_directory filename) then
+ if String.equal (Filename.extension filename) C.sail_file_ext then
+ (Ok filename)
+ else
+ let msg = Fmt.str "'%s' is not a sail file. Hint: use the '%s' extension\n%!" filename C.sail_file_ext in
+ Error (`Msg msg)
+ else
+ let msg = Fmt.str "'%s' : no such file" filename in
+ Error (`Msg msg )
+ in
+ let print f s = Format.fprintf f "%s" s in
+ Arg.conv (parse,print)
+let sailfiles_arg = Arg.(non_empty & pos_all sailfile_conv [] & info [])
+type comp_mode = Library | Executable | Loop
+let jit_arg =
+ let doc = "execute using the LLVM JIT compiler" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info ["run"] ~doc)
+let noopt_arg =
+ let doc = "do not use any optimisation pass" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info ["no-opt"] ~doc)
+let dump_decl_arg =
+ let doc = "dump the declarations" in
+ let i = Arg.info ["D"; "dump_decl"] ~doc in
+ Arg.(value & flag i)
+let extra_paths =
+ let doc = "add folders to look for modules" in
+ Arg.(value & (opt_all dir [] & info ["L"] ~doc))
+let force_comp =
+ let doc = "force compilation. Repeat twice to also recursively recompile imports" in
+ let i = Arg.info ["f"; "force"] ~doc in
+ Arg.(value & flag_all i)
+let verify_ir =
+ let doc = "assert generated LLVM IR is correct" in
+ let i = Arg.info ["verify_ir"] ~doc in
+ Arg.(value & opt bool true i)
+let mode_arg =
+ let doc = "How to compile the current file : $(b,lib) to only generate the object file, $(b,exe) for an executable and $(b,loop) for arduino-like setup/loop." in
+ let mode = Arg.enum ["lib", Library; "exe", Executable; "loop", Loop] in
+ Arg.(value & opt mode Executable & info ["m"; "mode"] ~doc)
+let clang_args =
+ let doc = "extra args to pass to clang" in
+ Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["clang-args"] ~doc)
+let target_triple =
+ let open Llvm_target in
+ let target_conv =
+ let print f s = Format.fprintf f "%s" s in
+ let parse triple =
+ try
+ Target.by_triple triple |> ignore;
+ Ok triple
+ with Error e -> Error (`Msg e)
+ in
+ Arg.conv (parse,print)
+let doc = "choose for what target to compile, defaults to the system target" in
+Arg.(value & opt target_conv (Target.default_triple ()) & info ["target"] ~doc)
+let cmd = fun pgrm ->
+ let doc = "SaiLOR, the SaIL cOmpileR" in
+ let info = Cmd.info "sailor" ~doc ~version:C.sailor_version in
+ Cmd.v info Term.(ret (const pgrm $ sailfiles_arg $ intermediate_arg $ jit_arg $ noopt_arg $ dump_decl_arg $ setup_log_term $ force_comp $ extra_paths $ mode_arg $ clang_args $ verify_ir $ target_triple))
diff --git a/bin/cliCommon.ml b/bin/cliCommon.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f96076d..0000000
--- a/bin/cliCommon.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-open Cmdliner
-module C = Common.Constants
-let setup_log style_renderer level =
- Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
- Logs.set_level level;
- Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ())
-let setup_log_term =
-Term.(const setup_log $ Fmt_cli.style_renderer () $ Logs_cli.level ())
-let intermediate_arg doc =
-let info = Arg.info ["i"; "intermediate"] ~doc in
-Arg.flag info |> Arg.value
-let sailfile_conv =
- let parse filename =
- if Sys.file_exists filename && not (Sys.is_directory filename) then
- if String.equal (Filename.extension filename) C.sail_file_ext then
- (Ok filename)
- else
- let msg = Fmt.str "'%s' is not a sail file. Hint: use the '%s' extension\n%!" filename C.sail_file_ext in
- Error (`Msg msg)
- else
- let msg = Fmt.str "'%s' : no such file" filename in
- Error (`Msg msg )
- in
- let print f s = Format.fprintf f "%s" s in
- Arg.conv (parse,print)
-let sailfiles_arg = Arg.(non_empty & pos_all sailfile_conv [] & info [])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/dune b/bin/dune
index bf33f7d..bcc2c97 100755
--- a/bin/dune
+++ b/bin/dune
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- evaluator
- compiler
+ codegen
@@ -11,5 +10,4 @@
- (names sailInterpreter sailCompiler)
- (public_names saili sailor))
+ (public_name sailor))
diff --git a/bin/sailInterpreter.ml b/bin/sailInterpreter.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92dd608..0000000
--- a/bin/sailInterpreter.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-open Cmdliner
-open Common
-open TypesCommon
-open CliCommon
-open Evaluator
-open SailParser
-let saili (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) () =
- let rec aux = function
- | f::r ->
- begin
- match Parsing.parse_program f with
- | Ok p,errors ->
- Error.print_errors errors;
- let signatures = [SailModule.signatureOfModule p; ExternalsInterfaces.exSig] in
- let p' = Translator.program_translate signatures p in
- if intermediate then (
- let file_w = f ^ ".intermediate" |> open_out in
- let output = Format.formatter_of_out_channel file_w in
- Format.fprintf output "%a\n" (PpCommon.pp_program Intermediate.pp_print_method Intermediate.pp_print_command) p'
- );
- let c = List.find_opt (fun n -> String.equal n.p_name "Main") p'.processes in
- begin
- match c with
- | None -> failwith "no main process"
- | Some c -> Evaluator_.start p'.methods c.p_body
- end;
- begin
- match r with
- | [] -> `Ok ()
- | l -> aux l
- end;
- | Error e, errlist -> Common.Error.print_errors (e::errlist); `Error (false, "evaluation aborted")
- end
- | [] -> `Ok ()
-in try aux files with | e -> `Error (false,Printexc.to_string e)
-let intermediate_arg = intermediate_arg "generate intermediate code"
-let cmd =
- let doc = "SaIL Interpreter" in
- let info = Cmd.info "saili" ~doc in
- Cmd.v info Term.(ret (const saili $ sailfiles_arg $ intermediate_arg $ setup_log_term))
-let () = Cmd.eval cmd |> exit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/sailCompiler.ml b/bin/sailor.ml
similarity index 60%
rename from bin/sailCompiler.ml
rename to bin/sailor.ml
index cccbe25..bb0bbee 100644
--- a/bin/sailCompiler.ml
+++ b/bin/sailor.ml
@@ -1,36 +1,40 @@
-open SailParser
-open CliCommon
-open Cmdliner
-open Llvm
-open Llvm_target
open Common
-open IrThir
-open IrHir
-open IrMir
-open IrMisc
-open Compiler
open TypesCommon
-open Codegen
-open CodegenEnv
+module E = Error.Logger
+module Const = Constants
+module C = Codegen
+module P = SailParser.Parsing
-module C = Constants
-let error_handler err = "LLVM ERROR: " ^ err |> print_endline
+(* llvm *)
+module L = Llvm
+module T = Llvm_target
-open Monad.MonadSyntax(E)
-open Monad.MonadFunctions(E)
-open Monad.MonadOperator(E)
-open MakeOrderedFunctions(ImportCmp)
-let moduleToIR (m:Mir.Pass.out_body SailModule.t) (dump_decl:bool) (verify_ir:bool) : llmodule E.t =
- let llc = create_context () in
- let llm = create_module llc m.md.name in
- let* decls = get_declarations m llc llm in
+(* passes *)
+module Hir = IrHir.Hir.Pass
+module Thir = IrThir.Thir.Pass
+module Mir = IrMir.Mir.Pass
+module Imports = IrMisc.Imports.Pass
+module MCall = IrMisc.MethodCall.Pass
+module MProc = IrMisc.MainProcess.Pass
+module Mono = IrMisc.Monomorphization.Pass
+module SetupLoop = IrMisc.SetupLoop.Pass
+(* error handling *)
+open Monad.UseMonad(E)
+let moduleToIR (m:Mir.out_body SailModule.t) (dump_decl:bool) (verify_ir:bool) : L.llmodule E.t =
+ let module Env = C.CodegenEnv in
+ let llc = L.create_context () in
+ let llm = L.create_module llc m.md.name in
+ let* decls = Env.get_declarations m llc llm in
if dump_decl then failwith "not done yet";
- let env = SailEnv.empty decls in
+ let env = C.CodegenEnv.SailEnv.empty decls in
- DeclEnv.iter_decls (fun name m -> let func = methodToIR llc llm m env name in if verify_ir then Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function func) (Self Method) decls >>= fun () ->
+ Env.DeclEnv.iter_decls (fun name m -> let func = C.Codegen_.methodToIR llc llm m env name in if verify_ir then Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function func) (Self Method) decls >>= fun () ->
if verify_ir then
match Llvm_analysis.verify_module llm with
| None -> return llm
@@ -38,14 +42,14 @@ let moduleToIR (m:Mir.Pass.out_body SailModule.t) (dump_decl:bool) (verify_ir:bo
else return llm
-let set_target (llm : llmodule) (triple:string) : Target.t * TargetMachine.t =
- let target = Target.by_triple triple in
- set_target_triple triple llm; let machine = TargetMachine.create ~triple target ~reloc_mode:PIC in
- set_data_layout (TargetMachine.data_layout machine |> DataLayout.as_string) llm;
+let set_target (llm : Llvm.llmodule) (triple:string) : Llvm_target.Target.t * Llvm_target.TargetMachine.t =
+ let target = T.Target.by_triple triple in
+ L.set_target_triple triple llm; let machine = T.TargetMachine.create ~triple target ~reloc_mode:PIC in
+ L.set_data_layout (T.TargetMachine.data_layout machine |> T.DataLayout.as_string) llm;
-let add_opt_passes (pm : [`Module] PassManager.t) : unit =
+let add_opt_passes (pm : [`Module] Llvm.PassManager.t) : unit =
(* seems to be deprecated
TargetMachine.add_analysis_passes pm machine; *)
@@ -63,18 +67,18 @@ let add_opt_passes (pm : [`Module] PassManager.t) : unit =
Llvm_ipo.add_function_inlining pm
-let link ?(is_lib = false) (llm:llmodule) (module_name : string) (basepath:string) (imports: string list) (libs : string list) (target, machine) clang_args : int =
- let f = Filename.(concat basepath module_name ^ C.object_file_ext) in
- let triple = TargetMachine.triple machine in
+let link ?(is_lib = false) (llm:Llvm.llmodule) (module_name : string) (basepath:string) (imports: string list) (libs : string list) (target, machine) clang_args : int =
+ let f = Filename.(concat basepath module_name ^ Const.object_file_ext) in
+ let triple = T.TargetMachine.triple machine in
let objfiles = String.concat " " (f::imports) in
let libs = List.map (fun l -> "-l " ^ l) libs |> String.concat " " in
- if Target.has_asm_backend target then
+ if T.Target.has_asm_backend target then
Logs.info (fun m -> m "emitting object file...");
- TargetMachine.emit_to_file llm ObjectFile f machine;
+ T.TargetMachine.emit_to_file llm ObjectFile f machine;
if not is_lib then
- if (Option.is_none (lookup_function "main" llm)) then failwith ("no Main process found for module '" ^ module_name ^ "', can't compile as executable");
+ if (Option.is_none (L.lookup_function "main" llm)) then failwith ("no Main process found for module '" ^ module_name ^ "', can't compile as executable");
let clang_cmd = Fmt.str "clang --target=%s %s -o %s %s %s" triple objfiles module_name libs clang_args in
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "invoking clang with the following parameters : \n%s" clang_cmd);
Sys.command clang_cmd
@@ -83,29 +87,30 @@ let link ?(is_lib = false) (llm:llmodule) (module_name : string) (basepath:strin
else 0
- failwith ("target " ^ target_triple llm ^ "doesn't have an asm backend, can't generate object file!")
+ failwith ("target " ^ L.target_triple llm ^ "doesn't have an asm backend, can't generate object file!")
-let execute (llm:llmodule) =
+let execute (llm:L.llmodule) =
+ let module EE = Llvm_executionengine in
fixme : when depending on other modules, we need to 'Llvm_executionengine.add' them, which implies the .ll must be available to be read.
This will be revisited when we make use of the .ll files for LTO
- let _ = match lookup_function "main" llm with
+ let _ = match L.lookup_function "main" llm with
| Some m -> m
| None -> failwith "can't execute : no main process found"
- match Llvm_executionengine.initialize () with
+ match EE.initialize () with
| false -> failwith "unable to start the execution engine"
| _ -> ();
- let ee = Llvm_executionengine.create llm in
+ let ee = EE.create llm in
let open Ctypes in
let m_t = void @-> returning int in
- let main_addr = Llvm_executionengine.get_function_address "main" (static_funptr m_t) ee in
+ let main_addr = EE.get_function_address "main" (static_funptr m_t) ee in
let main = coerce (static_funptr m_t) (Foreign.funptr m_t) main_addr in
let _ret = main () in
- Llvm_executionengine.dispose ee (* implicitely disposes the module *)
+ EE.dispose ee (* implicitely disposes the module *)
let find_file_opt ?(maxdepth = 4) ?(paths = [Filename.current_dir_name]) (f:string) : string option = (* recursively find the file *)
@@ -131,38 +136,36 @@ let find_file_opt ?(maxdepth = 4) ?(paths = [Filename.current_dir_name]) (f:stri
) None paths
-type comp_mode = Library | Executable | Loop
+let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dump_decl:bool) () (force_comp:bool list) (paths:string list) (comp_mode : Cli.comp_mode) (clang_args: string) (verify_ir:bool) (target_triple:string) =
+ Llvm.enable_pretty_stacktrace ();
+ Llvm.install_fatal_error_handler (fun err -> print_string @@ Fmt.str "LLVM ERROR : '%s'\n" err);
-let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dump_decl:bool) () (force_comp:bool list) (paths:string list) (comp_mode : comp_mode) (clang_args: string) (verify_ir:bool) (target_triple:string) =
- enable_pretty_stacktrace ();
- install_fatal_error_handler error_handler;
- let apply_passes sail_module (comp_mode : comp_mode) : AstMir.mir_function SailModule.t E.t =
+ let apply_passes sail_module (comp_mode : Cli.comp_mode) : Mir.out_body SailModule.t E.t =
return sail_module
- |> Hir.Pass.transform
- |> (if comp_mode = Loop then SetupLoop.Pass.transform else Fun.id)
- |> Thir.Pass.transform
- |> MethodCall.Pass.transform
- |> Mir.Pass.transform
- |> Imports.Pass.transform
- |> (if comp_mode <> Library then MainProcess.Pass.transform else Fun.id)
- |> Monomorphization.Pass.transform
+ |> Hir.transform
+ |> (if comp_mode = Loop then SetupLoop.transform else Fun.id)
+ |> Thir.transform
+ |> MCall.transform
+ |> Mir.transform
+ |> Imports.transform
+ |> (if comp_mode <> Library then MProc.transform else Fun.id)
+ |> Mono.transform
- let compile sail_module basepath (comp_mode : comp_mode) : AstMir.mir_function SailModule.t E.t =
+ let compile sail_module basepath (comp_mode : Cli.comp_mode) : Mir.out_body SailModule.t E.t =
let* m = apply_passes sail_module comp_mode in
(* Out_channel.with_open_text Filename.(concat basepath m.md.name ^ ".mir.debug") (fun f -> Format.fprintf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel f) "%a" Pp_mir.ppPrintModule m); *)
let+ llm = moduleToIR m dump_decl verify_ir in
(* only generate mir file if codegen succeeds *)
- Out_channel.with_open_bin Filename.(concat basepath m.md.name ^ C.mir_file_ext) (fun f -> Marshal.to_channel f m []);
+ Out_channel.with_open_bin Filename.(concat basepath m.md.name ^ Const.mir_file_ext) (fun f -> Marshal.to_channel f m []);
let tm = set_target llm target_triple in
if not noopt && comp_mode <> Library then
- let open PassManager in
+ let open L.PassManager in
let pm = create () in add_opt_passes pm;
let res = run_module llm pm in
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "pass manager executed, module modified : %b" res);
@@ -170,19 +173,19 @@ let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dum
- if intermediate then print_module Filename.(concat basepath m.md.name ^ C.llvm_ir_ext) llm;
+ if intermediate then L.print_module Filename.(concat basepath m.md.name ^ Const.llvm_ir_ext) llm;
if not jit then
- let libs,object_files = List.partition Filename.(fun e -> extension e <> C.object_file_ext) (FieldSet.elements m.md.libs) in
- let imports = object_files @ List.map (fun i -> i.dir ^ i.mname ^ C.object_file_ext) @@ ImportSet.elements m.imports in
+ let libs,object_files = List.partition Filename.(fun e -> extension e <> Const.object_file_ext) (FieldSet.elements m.md.libs) in
+ let imports = object_files @ List.map (fun i -> i.dir ^ i.mname ^ Const.object_file_ext) @@ ImportSet.elements m.imports in
let ret = link llm sail_module.md.name basepath imports libs tm ~is_lib:(comp_mode = Library) clang_args in
if ret <> 0 then
(Fmt.str "clang couldn't execute properly (error %i)" ret |> failwith)
- if jit && comp_mode <> Library then execute llm else dispose_module llm;
+ if jit && comp_mode <> Library then execute llm else L.dispose_module llm;
@@ -197,17 +200,18 @@ let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dum
let treated = mname::treated in
let add_imports_decls (curr_env: SailModule.DeclEnv.t ) (imports : ImportSet.t) =
ImportSet.fold (fun i ->
- let file = i.dir ^ i.mname ^ C.mir_file_ext in
+ let file = i.dir ^ i.mname ^ Const.mir_file_ext in
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "reading module '%s' from mir file %s" i.mname file);
- let slmd : AstMir.mir_function SailModule.t = In_channel.with_open_bin file Marshal.from_channel in
+ let slmd : Mir.out_body SailModule.t = In_channel.with_open_bin file Marshal.from_channel in
(* Logs.debug (fun m -> m "decls of import %s : \n %s" i.mname (SailModule.DeclEnv.string_of_env slmd.declEnv)); *)
SailModule.DeclEnv.add_import_decls (i, slmd.declEnv)
imports curr_env
- let* slmd = Parsing.parse_program f in
+ let* slmd = P.parse_program f in
let process_imports_and_compile () : (string list * 'a SailModule.t) E.t =
+ let open MakeOrderedFunctions(ImportCmp) in
Logs.info (fun m -> m "======= processing module '%s' =======" slmd.md.name );
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "module hash : %s" (Digest.to_hex slmd.md.hash));
(* for each import, we check if a corresponding mir file exists.
@@ -226,8 +230,8 @@ let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dum
"dependency cycle : " ^ (String.concat " -> " ((List.split compiling |> fst |> List.rev) @ [slmd.md.name;i.mname]))
in Error.make i.loc msg
) (List.mem_assoc i.mname compiling) in
- let mir_name = i.mname ^ C.mir_file_ext in
- let source = i.mname ^ C.sail_file_ext in
+ let mir_name = i.mname ^ Const.mir_file_ext in
+ let source = i.mname ^ Const.sail_file_ext in
let import = fun m -> {i with dir=Filename.(dirname m ^ dir_sep); proc_order=(List.length compiling)} in
@@ -238,21 +242,21 @@ let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dum
let mir : 'a SailModule.t = Marshal.from_channel f in
Digest.(equal mir.md.hash @@ file s) &&
List.length force_comp < 2 &&
- mir.md.version = C.sailor_version
+ mir.md.version = Const.sailor_version
-> (* mir up-to-date with source -> use mir *)
return (treated,import m)
| None, Some m -> (* mir but no source -> use mir *)
let mir :'a SailModule.t = In_channel.with_open_bin m Marshal.from_channel in
- (Error.make dummy_pos @@ Printf.sprintf "module %s was compiled with sailor %s, current is %s" mir.md.name mir.md.version C.sailor_version)
- (mir.md.version <> C.sailor_version)
+ (Error.make dummy_pos @@ Printf.sprintf "module %s was compiled with sailor %s, current is %s" mir.md.name mir.md.version Const.sailor_version)
+ (mir.md.version <> Const.sailor_version)
>>| fun () -> treated,import m
| None,None -> (* nothing to work with *)
E.throw @@ Error.make i.loc "import not found"
| Some s, _ -> (* source but no mir or mir not up-to-date -> compile *)
- let+ treated',_mir = process_file s treated ((slmd.md.name,i.loc)::compiling) Library
+ let+ treated',_mir = process_file s treated ((slmd.md.name,i.loc)::compiling) Cli.Library
treated',import s
@@ -264,12 +268,12 @@ let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dum
- let mir_file = Filename.(dirname f ^ dir_sep ^ slmd.md.name ^ C.mir_file_ext) in
+ let mir_file = Filename.(dirname f ^ dir_sep ^ slmd.md.name ^ Const.mir_file_ext) in
(* if mir file exists, check hash, if same hash, no need to compile *)
if Sys.file_exists mir_file && (List.length force_comp = 0) then
let mir : 'a SailModule.t = In_channel.with_open_bin mir_file Marshal.from_channel in
- let* () = E.throw_if (Error.make dummy_pos @@ Printf.sprintf "module %s was compiled with sailor %s, current is %s" mir.md.name mir.md.version C.sailor_version)
- (mir.md.version <> C.sailor_version)
+ let* () = E.throw_if (Error.make dummy_pos @@ Printf.sprintf "module %s was compiled with sailor %s, current is %s" mir.md.name mir.md.version Const.sailor_version)
+ (mir.md.version <> Const.sailor_version)
if not @@ Digest.equal mir.md.hash slmd.md.hash then
process_imports_and_compile ()
@@ -297,67 +301,10 @@ let sailor (files: string list) (intermediate:bool) (jit:bool) (noopt:bool) (dum
else Printexc.get_backtrace () in
`Error (false,msg)
-let jit_arg =
- let doc = "execute using the LLVM JIT compiler" in
- Arg.(value & flag & info ["run"] ~doc)
-let intermediate_arg = intermediate_arg "save the LLVM IR"
-let noopt_arg =
- let doc = "do not use any optimisation pass" in
- Arg.(value & flag & info ["no-opt"] ~doc)
-let dump_decl_arg =
- let doc = "dump the declarations" in
- let i = Arg.info ["D"; "dump_decl"] ~doc in
- Arg.(value & flag i)
-let extra_paths =
- let doc = "add folders to look for modules" in
- Arg.(value & (opt_all dir [] & info ["L"] ~doc))
-let force_comp =
- let doc = "force compilation. Repeat twice to also recursively recompile imports" in
- let i = Arg.info ["f"; "force"] ~doc in
- Arg.(value & flag_all i)
-let verify_ir =
- let doc = "assert generated LLVM IR is correct" in
- let i = Arg.info ["verify_ir"] ~doc in
- Arg.(value & opt bool true i)
-let mode_arg =
- let doc = "How to compile the current file : $(b,lib) to only generate the object file, $(b,exe) for an executable and $(b,loop) for arduino-like setup/loop." in
- let mode = Arg.enum ["lib", Library; "exe", Executable; "loop", Loop] in
- Arg.(value & opt mode Executable & info ["m"; "mode"] ~doc)
-let clang_args =
- let doc = "extra args to pass to clang" in
- Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["clang-args"] ~doc)
-let target_triple =
- let target_conv =
- let print f s = Format.fprintf f "%s" s in
- let parse triple =
- try
- Target.by_triple triple |> ignore;
- Ok triple
- with Error e -> Error (`Msg e)
- in
- Arg.conv (parse,print)
- in
- let doc = "choose for what target to compile, defaults to the system target" in
- Arg.(value & opt target_conv (Target.default_triple ()) & info ["target"] ~doc)
-let cmd =
- let doc = "SaiLOR, the SaIL cOmpileR" in
- let info = Cmd.info "sailor" ~doc ~version:C.sailor_version in
- Cmd.v info Term.(ret (const sailor $ sailfiles_arg $ intermediate_arg $ jit_arg $ noopt_arg $ dump_decl_arg $ setup_log_term $ force_comp $ extra_paths $ mode_arg $ clang_args $ verify_ir $ target_triple))
let () =
Llvm_all_backends.initialize (); (* init here to show targets from the cli *)
- Cmd.eval cmd |> exit
+ Cmdliner.Cmd.eval (Cli.cmd sailor) |> exit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/codegen/codegenEnv.ml b/src/codegen/codegenEnv.ml
index 53ab964..52fcd90 100644
--- a/src/codegen/codegenEnv.ml
+++ b/src/codegen/codegenEnv.ml
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ open TypesCommon
open Env
module E = Error.Logger
-open Monad.MonadFunctions(E)
+open Monad.UseMonad(E)
open MakeOrderedFunctions(ImportCmp)
-open Monad.MonadSyntax(E)
module Declarations = struct
include SailModule.Declarations
diff --git a/src/codegen/codegen.ml b/src/codegen/codegen_.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/codegen/codegen.ml
rename to src/codegen/codegen_.ml
diff --git a/src/codegen/dune b/src/codegen/dune
index 541b66f..bd2527a 100644
--- a/src/codegen/dune
+++ b/src/codegen/dune
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
(libraries common logs ir sailParser llvm llvm.analysis llvm.executionengine llvm.scalar_opts llvm.ipo llvm.all_backends)
- (name compiler))
+ (name codegen))
diff --git a/src/common/monadic/monad.ml b/src/common/monadic/monad.ml
index 5183e79..0d03317 100644
--- a/src/common/monadic/monad.ml
+++ b/src/common/monadic/monad.ml
@@ -237,4 +237,10 @@ module MonadFunctions (M : Monad) = struct
let pairMap2 (f : 'c -> 'b M.t) ((x,y) : 'a * 'c) :('a * 'b) M.t =
let+ y = f y in x, y
+module UseMonad(M : Monad) = struct
+ include MonadFunctions(M)
+ include MonadSyntax(M)
+ include MonadOperator(M)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/evaluator/domain.ml b/src/evaluator/domain.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8f94d..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/domain.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* SAIL *)
-(* *)
-(* Frédéric Dabrowski, LMV, Orléans University *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2022 Frédéric Dabrowski *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program. If not, see . *)
-open Common.TypesCommon
-open Common.Monad
-open Common.MonadError
-open MonadSyntax(Common.MonadOption.M)
-open SailParser
-open Intermediate
-open EvalEnv
-open Heap
-type tag = Field of string | Indice of int
-type offset = tag list
-type kind = Owned | Borrowed of offset * bool
-type location = Heap.address * kind
-(** kind : wether the location is owned or (mutually) borrowed *)
-type value =
- | VBool of bool
- | VInt of int
- | VFloat of float
- | VChar of char
- | VString of string
- | VStruct of string * value FieldMap.t
- | VEnum of string * value list
- | VLoc of location
- | Moved
-let valueOfLiteral c =
- match c with
- | LBool x -> VBool x
- | LInt x -> VInt (Z.to_int x.l)
- | LFloat x -> VFloat x
- | LChar x -> VChar x
- | LString x -> VString x
-let rec readValue (v : value) (o : offset) : value option =
- match (v, o) with
- | _, [] -> Some v
- | VStruct (_, m), Field f :: o' ->
- let* v = FieldMap.find_opt f m in readValue v o'
- | _ -> None
-let rec updateValue (v : value) (o : offset) (w : value) : value option =
- match (v, o) with
- | _, [] -> Some w
- | VStruct (id,m), Field f :: o' ->
- let* vf = FieldMap.find_opt f m in
- let* v' = updateValue vf o' w in
- Some (VStruct (id,FieldMap.update f (fun _ -> Some v') m))
- | _ -> None
-type frame = Heap.address Env.frame
-type env = Heap.address Env.t
-type heap = (value, bool) Either.t Heap.t
-type 'a status = Continue | Ret | Suspend of 'a
-(* A command is a statement decorated with frames *)
-type command =
- | DeclVar of bool * string * sailtype * expression option
- | DeclSignal of string
- | Skip
- | Assign of path * expression
- | Seq of command * command
- | Block of command * frame
- | If of expression * command * command
- | While of expression * command
- | Case of expression * (AstParser.pattern * command) list
- | Invoke of string * expression list
- | Return
- | Emit of string
- | When of string * command * frame
- | Watching of string * command * frame
- | Par of command * frame * command * frame
- let rec initCommand (c : statement) : command =
- match c with
- | Intermediate.DeclVar (b,x,t,e) -> DeclVar(b,x,t,e)
- | Intermediate.DeclSignal (s) -> DeclSignal(s)
- | Intermediate.Skip -> Skip
- | Intermediate.Assign(e1, e2) -> Assign(e1, e2)
- | Intermediate.Seq (c1, c2) -> Seq(initCommand c1, initCommand c2)
- | Intermediate.Block(c) -> Block (initCommand c, Env.emptyFrame)
- | Intermediate.If (e,c1,c2) -> If(e, initCommand c1, initCommand c2)
- | Intermediate.While (e,c) -> While (e, initCommand c)
- | Intermediate.Case (e, pl) -> Case(e, List.map (fun (p, c) -> (p, initCommand c)) pl)
- | Intermediate.Invoke (x,el) -> Invoke(x,el)
- | Intermediate.Return -> Return
- | Intermediate.Emit (s) -> Emit(s)
- | Intermediate.When(s,c) -> When(s, initCommand c, Env.emptyFrame)
- | Intermediate.Watching(s,c) -> Watching(s, initCommand c, Env.emptyFrame)
- | Intermediate.Par (c1, c2) -> Par (initCommand c1, Env.emptyFrame, initCommand c2, Env.emptyFrame)
-type error =
- | TypingError
- | UnknownMethod of string
- | UnknownVariable of string
- | UnknownField of string
- | UnknownSignal of string
- | UndefinedOffset of value * offset
- | UnitializedAddress of Heap.address
- | UndefinedAddress of Heap.address
- | OutOfBounds of int
- | IncompletePatternMatching of value
- | MissingReturnStatement
- | ReturnStatementInProcess
- | NotASignalState
- | InvalidStack
- | NotALeftValue
- | NotAValue
- | UnMutableLocation of Heap.address
- | CantDropNotOwned of Heap.address
- | Division_by_zero
- | MovedPointer of Heap.address
- | NonLinearPointer
- | InvalidSignal
-module Result = ErrorMonadEither.Make(struct type t = error end)
-let mapM (f : 'a -> 'b Result.t) (s : 'a FieldMap.t) : 'b FieldMap.t Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let rec aux (l : (string * 'a) Seq.t) : (string * 'b) Seq.t Result.t =
- match l () with
- | Seq.Nil -> return (fun () -> Seq.Nil)
- | Seq.Cons ((x, a), v) -> (
- match (f a, aux v) with
- | Either.Left u, _ -> throwError u
- | Either.Right u, Either.Right l' ->
- return (fun () -> Seq.Cons ((x, u), l'))
- | Either.Right _, Either.Left l' -> throwError l')
- in
- match aux (FieldMap.to_seq s) with
- | Either.Right s -> Either.Right (FieldMap.of_seq s)
- | Either.Left e -> Either.Left e
- let foldM (f : 'a -> (string * 'b) -> 'a Result.t) (x :'a) (y : 'b FieldMap.t) : 'a Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let rec aux (l : (string * 'b) Seq.t) : 'a Result.t =
- match l () with
- Seq.Nil -> return x
- | Seq.Cons ((y, a), v) -> (
- match aux v with
- Either.Left u -> throwError u
- | Either.Right u -> f u (y, a)
- )
- in match aux (FieldMap.to_seq y) with
- | Either.Right s -> Either.Right s
- | Either.Left e -> Either.Left e
diff --git a/src/evaluator/dune b/src/evaluator/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cc6e10..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- (libraries common irMir sailParser logs)
- (name evaluator))
diff --git a/src/evaluator/errorOfOption.ml b/src/evaluator/errorOfOption.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35068fc..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/errorOfOption.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-open Common
-open Monad
-open TypesCommon
-open Domain
-open EvalEnv
-open Heap
-let resultOfOption (e : error) (f : 'a -> 'b option) (x : 'a) : 'b Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- match f x with None -> throwError e | Some y -> return y
-let getVariable env x =
- resultOfOption (UnknownVariable x) (Env.getVariable env) x
-let getLocation h a = resultOfOption (UndefinedAddress a) (Heap.getLocation h) a
-let setLocation h (a, v) =
- resultOfOption (UndefinedAddress a) (Heap.update h) (a, v)
-let getField m f = resultOfOption (UnknownField f) (FieldMap.find_opt f) m
-let getIndex a n = resultOfOption (OutOfBounds n) (List.nth_opt a) n
-let getOffset v o = resultOfOption (UndefinedOffset ( v, o)) (readValue v) o
-let setOffset v o v' =
- resultOfOption (UndefinedOffset (v, o)) (updateValue v o) v'
-let push env w = resultOfOption InvalidStack (Env.push env) w
-let free h a =
- resultOfOption (UndefinedAddress a) (Heap.free h) a
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/evaluator/evalEnv.ml b/src/evaluator/evalEnv.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b13171..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/evalEnv.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* SAIL *)
-(* *)
-(* Frédéric Dabrowski, LMV, Orléans University *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2022 Frédéric Dabrowski *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program. If not, see . *)
-open Common.PpUtil
-module type Env = sig
- type 'a t
- type 'a frame
- val empty : 'a t
- val emptyFrame : 'a frame
- val top : 'a t -> ('a frame * 'a t) option
- val singleton : string -> 'a -> 'a frame
- val record : 'a t -> string * 'a -> 'a t option
- val getVariable : 'a t -> string -> 'a option
- val activate : 'a t -> 'a frame -> 'a t
- val push : 'a t -> 'a frame -> 'a t option
- val merge : 'a frame -> 'a frame -> 'a frame
- val allValues : 'a frame -> 'a list
- val deactivate : 'a t -> ('a list * 'a t) option
- val concat : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
- val pp_t : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
-module Env : Env = struct
- module S = Map.Make (String)
- type 'a t = 'a S.t list
- type 'a frame = 'a S.t
- let empty = []
- let emptyFrame = S.empty
- let singleton = S.singleton
- (* let rec varsOf (env : 'a t) : string=
- match env with
- [] -> ""
- | fr::env ->
- "["^(String.concat "," (List.map fst (S.bindings fr)))^"]"^
- (varsOf env) *)
- let pp_pair (pf : Format.formatter) ((x, v) : string * 'a) : unit =
- Format.fprintf pf "(%s:%a)" x V.pp_t v *)
- let pp_frame (pp_a :Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) (pf : Format.formatter) (fr : 'a frame) : unit =
- Format.fprintf pf "[%a]" (Format.pp_print_list (pp_print_pair Format.pp_print_string pp_a)) (S.bindings fr)
- let pp_t (pp_a :Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) (pf : Format.formatter) (env : 'a t) : unit =
- Format.fprintf pf "%a" (Format.pp_print_list (pp_frame pp_a)) env
- let top env = match env with [] -> None | h ::t -> Some (h,t)
- (* [record env (x,a)] : augment env with a mapping from a with x *)
- (* it is undefined if x is already defined in env or if env is empty *)
- let record (env : 'a t) ((x,a) : string * 'a) : 'a t option =
- match env with
- | [] -> None
- | h :: t ->
- if S.exists (fun y _ -> x = y) h then None
- else Some (S.add x a h :: t)
- (** [fetchLoc env x] : returns the memory H.address associated with a variable *)
- (* it returns the value mapped by the first element of env defining x *)
- let getVariable (env : 'a t) (x : string) : 'a option =
- let rec aux (env : 'a t) =
- match env with
- | [] -> None
- | blockvar :: env -> (
- match S.find_opt x blockvar with None -> aux env | _ as x -> x)
- in aux env
- let allValues (e : 'a frame) : 'a list =
- S.fold (fun _ x y -> x::y) e []
- let activate (e : 'a t) (fr : 'a frame) =
- fr :: e
-let merge (fr1 : 'a frame) (fr2 : 'a frame) : 'a frame =
- S.union (fun _ _ y -> Some y) fr1 fr2
- let push (e : 'a t) (fr : 'a frame) :'a t option =
- match e with
- | [] -> None
- | fr'::e' -> Some (S.union (fun _ _ y -> Some y) fr fr' :: e')
- let deactivate (e :'t) : ('a list * 'a t) option =
- match e with
- [] -> None
- | h::t -> Some (S.fold (fun _ x y -> x::y) h [], t)
- let concat l1 l2 = l1 @ l2
diff --git a/src/evaluator/evaluator_.ml b/src/evaluator/evaluator_.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index b3bf927..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/evaluator_.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* SAIL *)
-(* *)
-(* Frédéric Dabrowski, LMV, Orléans University *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2022 Frédéric Dabrowski *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program. If not, see . *)
-open Common.Monad
-open Common.MonadOption
-open Heap
-open PpEvaluator
-open ErrorOfOption
-open Common.TypesCommon
-open SailParser.AstParser
-open Intermediate
-open Domain
-open MonadOperator(Result)
-let evalunop (u : unOp) (v : value) : value Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- match u, v with
- | Neg, VInt x -> return (VInt (-x))
- | Neg, VFloat x -> return (VFloat (-.x))
- | Not, VBool x -> return (VBool (not x))
- | _ -> throwError TypingError
-let evalBinop (b : binOp) (v1 : value) (v2 : value) : value Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- match b, v1, v2 with
- | Plus, VInt x, VInt y -> return (VInt (x + y))
- | Plus, VFloat x, VFloat y -> return (VFloat (x -. y))
- | Minus, VInt x, VInt y -> return (VInt (x - y))
- | Minus, VFloat x, VFloat y -> return (VFloat (x -. y))
- | Mul, VInt x, VInt y -> return (VInt (x * y))
- | Mul, VFloat x, VFloat y -> return (VFloat (x *. y))
- | Div, VInt x, VInt y -> (
- try return (VInt (x / y))
- with Division_by_zero -> throwError Division_by_zero)
- | Div, VFloat x, VFloat y -> (
- try return (VFloat (x /. y))
- with Division_by_zero -> throwError Division_by_zero)
- | Rem, VInt x, VInt y -> return (VInt (x mod y))
- | Lt, x, y -> return (VBool (x < y))
- | Le, x, y -> return (VBool (x <= y))
- | Gt, x, y -> return (VBool (x > y))
- | Ge, x, y -> return (VBool (x >= y))
- | Eq, x, y -> return (VBool (x = y))
- | NEq, x, y -> return (VBool (x <> y))
- | And, VBool x, VBool y -> return (VBool (x && y))
- | Or, VBool x, VBool y -> return (VBool (x || y))
- | _ -> throwError TypingError
-(* let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let* v = getLocation h a in
- match v with
- | Some (Either.Left v) -> getOffset v o
- | _ -> throwError NotAValue
-let getValueAt (h : heap) ((a,o) : Heap.address * offset) : (value option) Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let* content = getLocation h a in
- (match content with
- None -> return None
- | Some (Either.Left v) ->
- let* v = getOffset v o in return (Some v)
- | Some _ -> throwError TypingError)
-let setValueAt (h: heap) ((a,o) : Heap.address * offset) (w : value) : heap Result.t =
-let open Result in
-let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
-let* v = getLocation h a in
-let* v' = match v with
- Some (Either.Left v) -> setOffset v o w
- | None -> return w
- | _ -> throwError NotAValue
-in setLocation h (a, Either.Left v')
-let getSignalAt (h : heap) (a : Heap.address) : bool Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let* content = getLocation h a in
- (match content with
- None -> throwError InvalidSignal
- | Some (Either.Right b) -> return b
- | Some _ -> throwError TypingError)
-let setSignalAt (h : heap) (a : Heap.address) (b : bool): heap Result.t =
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- setLocation h (a, Either.Right b)
-let addressOfValue (v : value option) : (Heap.address * offset) Result.t=
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- match v with
- Some (VLoc (l, Owned)) -> return (l,[])
- | Some (VLoc (l, Borrowed (o,_b))) -> return (l,o)
- | None -> throwError NotAValue
- | _ -> throwError TypingError
-let boolOfValue (v:value) : bool Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- match v with
- VBool b -> return b
- | _ -> throwError TypingError
-let rec evalL (env : env) (h :heap) (p : Intermediate.path) : (Heap.address * offset) Result.t =
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- Logs.debug (fun m ->
- m "evaluate left path < %a >" Intermediate.pp_print_path p);
- match p with
- | Intermediate.Variable x ->
- getVariable env x >>= fun a -> return (a, [])
- | Intermediate.Deref p ->
- evalL env h p >>= getValueAt h >>= addressOfValue
- | Intermediate.StructField (e, f) ->
- let* (a, o) = evalL env h e in
- return (a, o @ [ Field f ])
-let isMovable (v : value) : bool =
- match v with
- | VLoc (_, Owned) -> true
- | VLoc (_, Borrowed (_, true)) -> true
- | VStruct (_,_) -> true
- | VEnum (_, _) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let move (h : heap) ((a,o) : Heap.address * offset) : heap Result.t =
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let* v = getValueAt h (a,o) in
- match v with
- Some v' when isMovable v' -> setValueAt h (a,o) v'
- | _ -> return h
-let eval (env : env) (h : heap) (e : Intermediate.expression) : (value * heap) Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- let rec aux e h : (value * heap) Result.t =
- Logs.debug (fun m ->
- m "evaluate expression < %a >" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e);
- Logs.debug (fun m ->
- m "current environment: %a" (EvalEnv.Env.pp_t Heap.pp_address) env);
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "current heap: %a" (Heap.pp_t pp_print_heapValue) h);
- match e with
- | Intermediate.Path p ->
- let* (a,o) = evalL env h p in
- let* v = getValueAt h (a, o) in
- let* h' = move h (a, o) in
- (match v with Some v ->
- return (v,h') | None -> throwError NotAValue)
- | Literal c -> return (valueOfLiteral c, h)
- | UnOp (u, e) -> aux e h >>= fun (x, h') -> evalunop u x >>= fun y -> return (y,h')
- | BinOp (b, e1, e2) ->
- let* (x, h') = aux e1 h in
- let* (y, h'') = aux e2 h' in
- evalBinop b x y >>= fun y -> return (y, h'')
- | StructAlloc (id, es) ->
- let* (vs, h') = foldM (fun (x, h0) (str,e) -> aux e h0 >>= fun (v,h') -> return (FieldMap.add str v x, h')) (FieldMap.empty, h) es in
- return (VStruct (id, vs), h')
- | EnumAlloc (c, es) ->
- let* (l,h) = ListM.fold_left (fun (x, h0) e -> aux e h0 >>= fun (v, h') -> return (v::x, h') ) ([], h) es in
- return (VEnum (c, l), h)
- | Ref (b, p) ->
- let* (a, o) = evalL env h p in
- return (VLoc (a, Borrowed (o,b)), h)
- | Box (e) ->
- let* (v,h1) = aux e h in
- let (a', h2) = Heap.fresh h1 in
- let* h3 = setLocation h2 (a', Either.Left v) in
- return (VLoc(a', Owned), h3)
- in
- aux e h
-let rec ownedLocations (v : value) : Heap.address list =
- match v with
- | VLoc (a, Owned) -> [ a ]
- | VStruct (_, m) ->
- List.concat_map ownedLocations (List.map snd (FieldMap.bindings m))
- | VEnum (_, vl) -> List.concat_map ownedLocations vl
- | _ -> []
-let rec deepFree (h : heap) (a : Heap.address) : heap Result.t =
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- let* v = getLocation h a in
- let* h' = free h a in
- match v with
- Some (Either.Left v) -> dropReferencesFromValue h' v
- | _ -> return h'
-and dropReferencesFromValue (h : heap) (v : value) : heap Result.t =
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- ListM.fold_left deepFree h (ownedLocations v)
-let rec filter ((v, p) : value * pattern) : (string * value) list option =
- let open MonadFunctions (M) in
- let open MonadOperator(Common.MonadOption.M) in
- match (v, p) with
- | _, PVar x -> Some [ (x, v) ]
- | VEnum (x, l), PCons (y, m) when x = y ->
- ListM.map filter (List.combine l m) >>= fun l -> Some (List.concat l)
- | _ -> None
-let rec freshn (h : heap) n : Heap.address list * heap =
- if n > 0 then
- let a, h' = Heap.fresh h in
- let l, h'' = freshn h' (n - 1) in
- (a :: l, h'')
- else ([], h)
-let reduce (p : Intermediate.statement method_defn list) (c : command) (env : env)
- (h : heap) : (command status * frame * heap) Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- let rec aux c (env : env) h : (command status * frame * heap) Result.t =
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "evaluate command < %a> " pp_command_short c);
- Logs.debug (fun m ->
- m "current environment: %a" (EvalEnv.Env.pp_t Heap.pp_address) env);
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "current heap: %a" (Heap.pp_t pp_print_heapValue) h);
- match c with
- | DeclVar (_, x, _, None) ->
- let a, h0 = Heap.fresh h in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.singleton x a, h0)
- | DeclVar (_, x, _, Some e) ->
- let* (v, h0) = eval env h e in
- let freshAddres, heap1 = Heap.fresh h0 in
- let* h2 = setLocation heap1 (freshAddres, Either.Left v) in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.singleton x freshAddres, h2)
- | DeclSignal s ->
- let freshAddress, h0 = Heap.fresh h in
- let* h1 = setLocation h0 (freshAddress, Either.Right false) in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.singleton s freshAddress, h1)
- | Skip -> return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h)
- | Assign (p, e) -> (
- let* (targetAddress, targetOffset) = evalL env h p in
- let* (v, h0) = eval env h e in
- let* v0 = getValueAt h0 (targetAddress, targetOffset) in
- let* h' = match v0 with Some v0 -> dropReferencesFromValue h0 v0 | None -> return h0 in
- let* h'' = setValueAt h' (targetAddress, targetOffset) v in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h''))
- | Seq (c1, c2) -> (
- let* k1, bindings1, h1 = aux c1 env h in
- match k1 with
- | Continue ->
- let* env' = push env bindings1 in
- let* k2, bindings2, h2 = aux c2 env' h1 in
- return (k2, EvalEnv.Env.merge bindings1 bindings2, h2)
- | Suspend c1' -> return (Suspend (Seq (c1', c2)), bindings1, h1)
- | Ret -> return (Ret,bindings1, h1))
- | Block (c, w) -> (
- let* k, w', h' = aux c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) h in
- match k with
- | Suspend c' ->
- return (Suspend (Block (c', EvalEnv.Env.merge w w')), EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h')
- | _ ->
- let l = EvalEnv.Env.allValues (EvalEnv.Env.merge w w') in
- let* cleanHeap = ListM.fold_left (fun h a -> deepFree h a) h' l in
- return (k, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, cleanHeap)
- )
- | If (e, c1, c2) ->
- let* (v, h0) = eval env h e in
- let* b = boolOfValue v in
- if b then aux (Block (c1, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame)) env h0
- else aux (Block (c2, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame)) env h0
- | While (e, c) ->
- let* (v, h0) = eval env h e in
- let* b = boolOfValue v in
- if b then aux (Seq (Block (c, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame), While (e, c))) env h0
- else return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h0)
- | Case (e, []) ->
- let* (v, _) = eval env h e in
- throwError (IncompletePatternMatching v)
- | Case (e, (p, c) :: pl) -> (
- let* (v, h0) = eval env h e in
- match filter (v, p) with
- | Some s ->
- let l, h' = freshn h0 (List.length s) in
- let vars = List.map fst s in
- let vals = List.map (fun x -> Either.Left (snd x)) s in
- let varmap =
- List.map (fun (x, y) -> EvalEnv.Env.singleton x y) (List.combine vars l)
- in
- let w = List.fold_left EvalEnv.Env.merge EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame varmap in
- let locmap = List.combine l vals in
- let* h'' = ListM.fold_left setLocation h' locmap in
- aux (Block (c, w)) env h''
- | None -> aux (Case (e, pl)) env h)
- | Invoke (x, el) -> (
- let* (real_params,h0) =
- ListM.fold_left (fun (vl,h0) e -> let* (v,h1) = eval env h0 e in return (v::vl, h1)) ([], h) el in
- match List.find_opt (fun m -> m.m_proto.name = x) p with
- | None ->
- let* h' = ExternalsImplementation.extern h0 x real_params in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h')
- | Some callee -> (
- let formal_params = List.map (fun {id;_} -> id) callee.m_proto.params in
- let l, h' = freshn h0 (List.length real_params) in
- let varmap =
- List.map
- (fun (x, y) -> EvalEnv.Env.singleton x y)
- (List.combine formal_params l)
- in
- let* h'' =
- let values = List.map (fun x -> Either.Left x) real_params in
- ListM.fold_left setLocation h' (List.combine l values)
- in
- let w = List.fold_left EvalEnv.Env.merge EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame varmap in
- (
- match callee.m_body with
- | Either.Left _ -> failwith "impossible"
- | Either.Right b ->
- let c = Domain.initCommand b in
- let* r, w, h = aux (Block (c, w)) EvalEnv.Env.empty h'' in
- match r with
- | Ret -> return (Continue, w, h)
- | _ -> throwError MissingReturnStatement)
- )
- )
- | Return ->
- return (Ret, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h)
- | Emit s ->
- let* a = getVariable env s in
- let* h' = setSignalAt h a true in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h')
- | When (s, c, w) -> (
- let* b = getVariable env s >>= getSignalAt h in
- if b then
- let* k, w', h' = aux c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) h in
- match k with
- | Suspend c' -> return (Suspend (When (s, c', EvalEnv.Env.merge w w')), EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h')
- | _ ->
- let l = EvalEnv.Env.allValues (EvalEnv.Env.merge w w') in
- let* cleanHeap = ListM.fold_left (fun h a -> deepFree h a) h' l in
- return (k, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, cleanHeap)
- else return (Suspend (When (s, c, w)), EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h))
- | Watching (s, c, w) -> (
- let* k, w', h' = aux c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) h in
- match k with
- | Suspend c' ->
- return
- (Suspend (Watching (s, c', EvalEnv.Env.merge w w')), EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, h')
- | _ ->
- let l = EvalEnv.Env.allValues (EvalEnv.Env.merge w w') in
- let* cleanHeap = ListM.fold_left (fun h a -> deepFree h a) h' l in
- return (k, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, cleanHeap))
- | Par (c1, w1, c2, w2) -> (
- let* k1, w1', h' = aux c1 (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w1) h in
- let* k2, w2', h'' = aux c2 (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w2) h' in
- match (k1, k2) with
- | Continue, Continue ->
- let l = EvalEnv.Env.allValues (EvalEnv.Env.merge w1 (EvalEnv.Env.merge w2 (EvalEnv.Env.merge w1' w2'))) in
- let* cleanHeap = ListM.fold_left (fun h a -> deepFree h a) h'' l in
- return (Continue, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame, cleanHeap)
- | Continue, Suspend c ->
- return
- ( Suspend (Par (Skip, EvalEnv.Env.merge w1 w1', c, EvalEnv.Env.merge w2 w2')),
- EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame,
- h'' )
- | Suspend c, Continue ->
- return
- ( Suspend (Par (c, EvalEnv.Env.merge w1 w1', Skip, EvalEnv.Env.merge w2 w2')),
- EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame,
- h'' )
- | Suspend c1', Suspend c2' ->
- return
- ( Suspend (Par (c1', EvalEnv.Env.merge w1 w1', c2', EvalEnv.Env.merge w2 w2')),
- EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame,
- h'' )
- | _ -> throwError ReturnStatementInProcess)
- in
- aux c env h
-let reset (h : heap) : heap =
- Heap.map
- (fun x -> match x with Either.Right _ -> Either.Right false | _ -> x)
- h
-let suspended (c : command) (h : heap) : bool Result.t =
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "todo %a" PpEvaluator.pp_print_command c);
- let rec aux c env =
- match c with
- | Block (c, w) -> aux c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w)
- | Seq (c1, _) -> aux c1 env
- | When (s, c, w) -> (
- let* l = getVariable env s in
- let* b = getSignalAt h l in
- if b then aux c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) else return true)
- | Watching (_, c, w) -> aux c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w)
- | Par (c1, w1, c2, w2) ->
- let* b1 = aux c1 (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w1) in
- let* b2 = aux c2 (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w2) in
- return (b1 && b2)
- | _ -> return false
- in aux c EvalEnv.Env.empty
-let rec resume (c : command) (env : env) (h : heap) : command Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- match c with
- | Block (c, w) ->
- let* c' = resume c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) h in
- return (Block (c', w))
- | Seq (c1, c2) ->
- let* c1' = resume c1 env h in
- return (Seq (c1', c2))
- | When (s, c, w) ->
- let* c' = resume c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) h in
- return (When (s, c', w))
- | Watching (s, c, w) -> (
- let* a = getVariable env s in
- let* v = getLocation h a in
- match v with
- | Some (Either.Right b) ->
- if b then return Skip
- else
- let* c' = resume c (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w) h in
- return (Watching (s, c', w))
-| _ -> throwError NotASignalState)
- | Par (c1, w1, c2, w2) ->
- let* c1' = resume c1 (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w1) h
- and* c2' = resume c2 (EvalEnv.Env.activate env w2) h in
- return (Par (c1', w1, c2', w2))
- | _ -> return c
- (* Separate the global loop from the computation of instants *)
-let run (m : Intermediate.statement method_defn list) c : unit Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- let rec aux c h =
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "start of a microstep");
- let* kont, _, heapAfterReduce = reduce m c EvalEnv.Env.empty h in
- match kont with
- | Ret -> throwError ReturnStatementInProcess
- | Continue -> return ()
- | Suspend suspendedCommand ->
- let* b = suspended suspendedCommand heapAfterReduce in
- if b then
- let _ = Logs.debug (fun m -> m "new instant") in
- let* nextCommand = resume suspendedCommand EvalEnv.Env.empty heapAfterReduce in
- let* b = suspended nextCommand (reset heapAfterReduce) in
- if b then aux nextCommand (reset heapAfterReduce)
- else
- (* The machine should freeze, waiting for external events *)
- let _ = Logs.debug (fun m -> m "no further progress") in
- return ()
- else
- aux suspendedCommand heapAfterReduce
- in
- aux (Block (c, EvalEnv.Env.emptyFrame)) Heap.empty
-let start (m : Intermediate.statement method_defn list) (c : Intermediate.statement)
- : unit =
- match run m (Domain.initCommand c) with
- | Either.Left e ->
- Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "ERROR : %a\n" pp_print_error e
- | Either.Right () -> ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/evaluator/externalsImplementation.ml b/src/evaluator/externalsImplementation.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index e054d5a..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/externalsImplementation.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-open Common.Monad
-open Domain
-open ErrorOfOption
-let _print_string =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- ("print_string",
- fun h vl -> match vl with [VString str] -> print_string str; return h | _ -> throwError TypingError
- )
-let _print_int =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- ("print_int",
- fun h vl -> match vl with [VInt i] ->
- let _ = print_int i in return h | _ -> throwError TypingError
- )
-let _print_newline =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- ("print_newline",
- fun h vl -> match vl with [] -> print_newline () ; return h | _ -> throwError TypingError
- )
-let _drop =
- let open Result in
- ("drop",
- fun h vl ->
- match vl with
- [VLoc (a, Owned)] -> free h a
- | [VLoc (a, Borrowed _)] -> throwError (CantDropNotOwned a)
- | _ -> throwError TypingError
- )
-let externals = [_drop; (*_box;*) _print_string; _print_int; _print_newline]
-let extern h x vl : heap Result.t =
- let open Result in
- let open MonadSyntax (Result) in
- let open MonadFunctions (Result) in
- match List.assoc_opt x externals with
- Some f -> f h vl
- | None -> throwError (UnknownMethod x)
diff --git a/src/evaluator/externalsInterfaces.ml b/src/evaluator/externalsInterfaces.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd9b18..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/externalsInterfaces.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-open Common.TypesCommon
-open Common.SailModule
-let e_print_string = {pos= dummy_pos;name="print_string"; generics=[];params=[{id="x";mut=false;ty=String; loc=dummy_pos}];variadic=false;rtype=None}
-let e_print_int = {pos= dummy_pos;name="print_int"; generics=[];params=[{id="x";mut=false;ty=(Int 32); loc=dummy_pos}];variadic=false;rtype=None}
-let e_print_new_line = {pos= dummy_pos;name="print_newline"; generics=[];params=[];variadic=false;rtype=None}
-let drop = {pos=dummy_pos;name="drop"; generics=["A"]; params=[{id="x";mut=false;ty=Box (GenericType "A"); loc=dummy_pos}];variadic=false;rtype=None}
-let exSig = {
- declEnv = DeclEnv.empty;
- methods = [];
- processes = [];
- builtins=[];
- imports=ImportSet.empty;
- md = {name="_External"; hash= ""; libs=FieldSet.empty; version=Common.Constants.sailor_version}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/evaluator/heap.ml b/src/evaluator/heap.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index cba0419..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/heap.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* SAIL *)
-(* *)
-(* Frédéric Dabrowski, LMV, Orléans University *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2022 Frédéric Dabrowski *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program. If not, see . *)
-open Common.PpUtil
-module type Heap = sig
- (* the type of addresses *)
- type address
- (* the type of heaps *)
- type 'a t
- (* fetch the value at some address *)
- val empty : 'a t
- val getLocation : 'a t -> address -> 'a option option
- (* update the value at some address *)
- val update : 'a t -> (address * 'a ) -> 'a t option
- (* allocate fresh address *)
- val fresh : 'a t -> address * 'a t
- (* *)
- val free : 'a t -> address -> 'a t option
- val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
- val pp_address : Format.formatter -> address -> unit
- val pp_t : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
-module Heap : Heap = struct
- module M = Map.Make(Int64)
- type address = M.key
- type 'a t = {
- map : 'a option M.t;
- freelist : address list;
- next : address;
- }
- let pp_address pf a = Format.fprintf pf "%Ld" a
- let empty = {map = M.empty; freelist=[];next=Int64.zero}
- let pp_t (pp_a : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) (pf : Format.formatter) (h : 'a t) : unit =
- Format.fprintf pf "{%a}"
- (Format.pp_print_list (pp_print_pair pp_address (pp_print_option pp_a))) (M.bindings h.map)
- let getLocation (h : 'a t) (l : address) : 'a option option =
- M.find_opt l h.map
- let update (h : 'a t) ((l,v) : address * 'a) : 'a t option =
- Some
- { map = M.update l (fun _ -> Some (Some v)) h.map;
- freelist = h.freelist;
- next = h.next;}
- let fresh (h : 'a t) : address * 'a t =
- match h.freelist with
- | [] ->
- ( h.next,
- { map = M.add h.next None h.map;
- freelist = [];
- next = Int64.succ h.next;
- } )
- | l :: t ->
- (l, { map = M.add l None h.map; freelist = t; next = h.next })
- let map f h =
- {map = M.map (fun x -> match x with None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)) h.map ; freelist = h.freelist; next=h.next}
- (* let free (h : t) (l : address) : t option =
- if M.mem l h.map then
- Some {map = M.remove l h.map; freelist = l::h.freelist; next = h.next}
- else None *)
- let free (h : 'a t) (l: address) : 'a t option =
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "free %a\n" pp_address l);
- if M.mem l h.map then
- Some {map = M.remove l h.map; freelist = l::h.freelist; next = h.next}
- else None
- (* Logs.warn (fun m-> m "Free not implemented yet");Some h *)
diff --git a/src/evaluator/intermediate.ml b/src/evaluator/intermediate.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de8287..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/intermediate.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* SAIL *)
-(* *)
-(* Frédéric Dabrowski, LMV, Orléans University *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2022 Frédéric Dabrowski *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program. If not, see . *)
-open Common.TypesCommon
-open Common.PpCommon
-open SailParser.AstParser
-type expression =
- Path of path
-| Literal of literal
-| UnOp of unOp * expression
-| BinOp of binOp * expression * expression
-| StructAlloc of string * expression FieldMap.t
-| EnumAlloc of string * expression list
-| Ref of bool * path
-| Box of expression
-and syntacticTag = SymbField of string | SymbIndice of expression
-and path =
- Variable of string
- | Deref of path
- | StructField of path * string
-type statement =
-| DeclVar of bool * string * sailtype * expression option
-| DeclSignal of string
-| Skip
-| Assign of path * expression
-| Seq of statement * statement
-| Block of statement
-| If of expression * statement * statement
-| While of expression * statement
-| Case of expression * (pattern * statement) list
-| Invoke of string * expression list
-| Return
-| Emit of string
-| When of string * statement
-| Watching of string * statement
-| Par of statement * statement
-let rec pp_print_expression pf e : unit =
- let rec aux pf e =
- match e with
- Path p -> pp_print_path pf p
- | Literal c -> Format.fprintf pf "%a" pp_literal c
- | UnOp (op, e) -> Format.fprintf pf "%a%a" pp_unop op aux e
- | BinOp (op, e1, e2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "(%a %a %a)" aux e1 pp_binop op aux e2
- (* | ArrayAlloc el ->
- Format.fprintf pf "[%a]"
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Pp_pp_comma aux)
- el*)
- | StructAlloc (x, m) ->
- let pp_field pf (x, y) = Format.fprintf pf "%s:%a" x aux y in
- Format.fprintf pf "%s{%a}" x
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_field)
- (FieldMap.bindings m)
- | EnumAlloc (c, el) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s(%a)" c
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma aux)
- el
- | Ref (b, e) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "&mut %a" pp_print_path e
- else Format.fprintf pf "& %a" pp_print_path e
- | Box e -> Format.fprintf pf "box(%a)" pp_print_expression e
- in
- aux pf e
- and pp_print_path pf (p : path) : unit =
- let rec aux pf p =
- match p with
- | Variable x -> Format.pp_print_string pf x
- (* | ArrayRead (p, e2) -> Format.fprintf pf "%a[%a]" aux p pp_print_expression e2*)
- | StructField (p, f) -> Format.fprintf pf "%a.%s" aux p f
- | Deref p -> Format.fprintf pf "* %a" aux p
- in aux pf p
- let pp_commaline (pf : Format.formatter) (() : unit) : unit = Format.fprintf pf ",\n"
- let rec pp_pattern pf p =
- match p with
- | PVar x -> Format.pp_print_string pf x
- | PCons (c, pl) -> Format.fprintf pf "%s(%a)" c (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_pattern) pl
-let rec pp_print_command (n : int) (pf : Format.formatter) (c : statement) : unit =
- match c with
- | DeclVar (b, x, t, None) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "%svar mut %s : %a;" (String.make n '\t') x pp_type t
- else Format.fprintf pf "%svar %s : %a;" (String.make n '\t') x pp_type t
- | DeclVar (b, x, t, Some e) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "%svar mut %s : %a = %a;" (String.make n '\t') x pp_type t pp_print_expression e
- else Format.fprintf pf "%svar %s : %a = %a;" (String.make n '\t') x pp_type t pp_print_expression e
- | DeclSignal x -> Format.fprintf pf "%ssignal %s;"(String.make n '\t') x
- | Skip -> Format.fprintf pf "%sskip;" (String.make n '\t')
- | Assign (e1, e2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s%a = %a;" (String.make n '\t') pp_print_path e1 pp_print_expression e2
- | Seq (c1, c2) -> Format.fprintf pf "%a\n%a " (pp_print_command n) c1 (pp_print_command n) c2
- | Block c -> Format.fprintf pf "%s{\n%a\n%s}" (String.make n '\t') (pp_print_command (n+1)) c (String.make n '\t')
- | If (e, c1, c2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "if (%a) \n%a \n%a" pp_print_expression e (pp_print_command (n+1)) c1
- (pp_print_command (n+1)) c2
- | While (e, c) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%swhile (%a)\n%a" (String.make n '\t') pp_print_expression e (pp_print_command (n+1)) c
- | Case (e, pl) ->
- let pp_case (pf : Format.formatter) ((p, c) : pattern * statement) =
- Format.fprintf pf "%s%a:\n%a\n%s" (String.make (n +1) '\t') pp_pattern p (pp_print_command (n + 2)) c (String.make (n +1) '\t')
- in
- Format.fprintf pf "%scase (%a) {\n%a\n%s}" (String.make n '\t') pp_print_expression e
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_commaline pp_case)
- pl (String.make n '\t')
- | Invoke (m, el) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s%s (%a);" (String.make n '\t') m
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_print_expression)
- el
- | Return -> Format.fprintf pf "%sreturn;" (String.make n '\t')
- | Emit s -> Format.fprintf pf "%semit %s;" (String.make n '\t') s
- | When (s, c) -> Format.fprintf pf "%swhen %s \n%a" (String.make n '\t')s (pp_print_command (n+1)) c
- | Watching (s, c) -> Format.fprintf pf "%swatch %s \n%a" (String.make n '\t') s (pp_print_command (n +1)) c
- | Par (c1, c2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%a || %a" (pp_print_command (n+1)) c1 (pp_print_command (n+1))c2
-let pp_print_method (n : int) (pf : Format.formatter) (c : (string * string list,statement) Either.t) : unit =
- match Either.find_right c with
- | Some c -> pp_print_command n pf c
- | None -> ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/evaluator/ppEvaluator.ml b/src/evaluator/ppEvaluator.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8daafb5..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/ppEvaluator.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-open Common
-open PpCommon
-open PpUtil
-open TypesCommon
-open Heap
-open Domain
-open Format
-open SailParser
-let rec pp_pattern pf p =
- match p with
- | AstParser.PVar x -> Format.pp_print_string pf x
- | AstParser.PCons (c, pl) -> Format.fprintf pf "%s(%a)" c (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_pattern) pl
-let pp_print_tag (pf : Format.formatter) (t : Domain.tag) : unit =
- match t with
- | Field s -> Format.fprintf pf ".%s" s
- | Indice n -> Format.fprintf pf "[%d]" n
-let pp_print_offset (pf : Format.formatter) (o : Domain.offset) : unit =
- Format.fprintf pf "ε%a" (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_print_tag) o
-let pp_print_kind pf (k : kind) =
- match k with
- | Owned -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Ow"
- | Borrowed (o,b) -> Format.fprintf pf "B%a,%b" pp_print_offset o b
-let pp_print_location pf (a, k) =
- Format.fprintf pf "(%a,%a)" Heap.pp_address a pp_print_kind k
-let rec pp_print_value (pf : Format.formatter) (v : Domain.value) =
- match v with
- | VBool b -> Format.pp_print_bool pf b
- | VInt i -> Format.pp_print_int pf i
- | VFloat f -> Format.pp_print_float pf f
- | VChar c -> Format.pp_print_char pf c
- | VString s -> Format.pp_print_string pf s
- | VStruct (id, a) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s{%a}" id
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma
- (pp_print_pair pp_print_string (pp_print_value )))
- (FieldMap.bindings a)
- | VEnum (c, l) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s(%a)" c
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_print_value)
- l
- | VLoc l -> Format.fprintf pf "0x%a" pp_print_location l
- | Moved -> Format.fprintf pf "Moved"
-let pp_print_heapValue pf v =
- match v with Either.Left v -> pp_print_value pf v | Either.Right b -> Format.pp_print_bool pf b
-let rec pp_print_command (pf : Format.formatter) (c : command) : unit =
- match c with
- | DeclVar (b, x, t, None) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "var mut %s : %a;" x pp_type t
- else Format.fprintf pf "var %s : %a;" x pp_type t
- | DeclVar (b, x, t, Some e) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "var mut %s : %a = %a;" x pp_type t Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- else Format.fprintf pf "var %s : %a = %a;" x pp_type t Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- | DeclSignal x -> Format.fprintf pf "signal %s;" x
- | Skip -> Format.fprintf pf "skip;"
- | Assign (e1, e2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%a = %a;" Intermediate.pp_print_path e1 Intermediate.pp_print_expression e2
- | Seq (c1, c2) -> Format.fprintf pf "%a; %a " pp_print_command c1 pp_print_command c2
- | Block (c, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "{%a}" pp_print_command c
- | If (e, c1, c2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "if (%a) %a %a" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e pp_print_command c1 pp_print_command
- c2
- | While (e, c) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "while (%a) %a" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e pp_print_command c
- | Case (e, pl) ->
- let pp_case (pf : Format.formatter) ((p, c) : AstParser.pattern * command) =
- Format.fprintf pf "%a:%a" pp_pattern p pp_print_command c
- in
- Format.fprintf pf "case (%a) {%a}" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_case)
- pl
- | Invoke (m, el) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s (%a);" m
- (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma Intermediate.pp_print_expression)
- el
- | Return -> Format.fprintf pf "return;"
- | Emit s -> Format.fprintf pf "emit %s;" s
- | When (s, c, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "when %s {%a}" s pp_print_command c
- | Watching (s, c, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "watch %s {%a}" s pp_print_command c
- | Par (c1, _, c2, _) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%a || %a" pp_print_command c1 pp_print_command c2
- let rec pp_command_short (pf : Format.formatter) (c : command) : unit =
- let open Format in
- match c with
- | DeclVar (b, x, t, None) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "var mut %s : %a" x pp_type t
- else Format.fprintf pf "var %s : %a" x pp_type t
- | DeclVar (b, x, t, Some e) ->
- if b then Format.fprintf pf "var mut %s : %a = %a" x pp_type t Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- else Format.fprintf pf "var %s : %a = %a" x pp_type t Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- | DeclSignal x -> Format.fprintf pf "signal %s" x
- | Skip -> Format.fprintf pf "skip"
- | Assign (e1, e2) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%a := %a" Intermediate.pp_print_path e1 Intermediate.pp_print_expression e2
- | Seq (c1, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "%a; ... " pp_command_short c1
- | Block (_, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "{...}"
- | If (e, _, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "if %a {...} {...}" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- | While (e, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "while %a {...}" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- | Case (e, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "case %a" Intermediate.pp_print_expression e
- | Invoke (m, el) ->
- Format.fprintf pf "%s (%a)" m
- (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma Intermediate.pp_print_expression)
- el
- | Return -> Format.fprintf pf "return"
- | Emit s -> Format.fprintf pf "emit %s" s
- | When (s, _, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "when %s {...}" s
- | Watching (s, _, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "watch %s {...}" s
- | Par (_, _, _, _) -> Format.fprintf pf "_ || _"
-(* let pp_print_result (pf : Format.formatter) (r : command status) : unit =
- match r with
- | Ret -> Format.fprintf pf "ret"
- | Continue -> Format.fprintf pf "continue"
- | Suspend c -> pp_print_command pf c*)
- let pp_print_error (pf : Format.formatter) (e : Domain.error) : unit =
- match e with
- | TypingError -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Type error"
- | UnknownMethod (m) -> Format.fprintf pf "Unknown method %s" m
- | UnknownVariable (x) -> Format.fprintf pf "Unknown variable %s" x
- | UnknownField (f) -> Format.fprintf pf "Unknown field %s" f
- | UnknownSignal (s) -> Format.fprintf pf "Unknown signal %s" s
- | UndefinedOffset (v, o) -> Format.fprintf pf "Unknown field %a in %a" pp_print_offset o pp_print_value v
- | UndefinedAddress (a) -> Format.fprintf pf "Undefined address %a" Heap.pp_address a
- | UnitializedAddress (a) -> Format.fprintf pf "Uninitialized address %a" Heap.pp_address a
- | OutOfBounds (n) -> Format.fprintf pf "Out of bound index %d" n
- | IncompletePatternMatching (v) -> Format.fprintf pf "Incomplete pattern matching %a" pp_print_value v
- | MissingReturnStatement -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Missing return statement in method"
- | ReturnStatementInProcess -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Forbidden return statement in process"
- | NotASignalState -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Not a signal state"
- | InvalidStack -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Invalid Stack"
- | NotALeftValue -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Not A left value"
- | NotAValue -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Not a value"
- | UnMutableLocation a -> Format.fprintf pf "Unmutable address %a" Heap.pp_address a
- | CantDropNotOwned a -> Format.fprintf pf "Not Owned address %a" Heap.pp_address a
- | Division_by_zero -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Division by zero"
- | MovedPointer l -> Format.fprintf pf "Moved Location %a" Heap.pp_address l
- | NonLinearPointer -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Non Linear Pointer"
- | InvalidSignal -> Format.pp_print_string pf "Invalid Signal"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/evaluator/translator.ml b/src/evaluator/translator.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ae99a0..0000000
--- a/src/evaluator/translator.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* SAIL *)
-(* *)
-(* Frédéric Dabrowski, LMV, Orléans University *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2022 Frédéric Dabrowski *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program. If not, see . *)
-open SailParser.AstParser
-open Common
-open Monad
-open TypesCommon
-exception NotSupportedInCoreSail of string
-(* module M : Writer.Writer with type 'a t = 'a * (string * string * Intermediate.expression list) list
- and type elt = (string * string * Intermediate.expression list) list =
- Writer.Make(MonoidList(struct type t = (string * string * Intermediate.expression list) end)) *)
-module M : MonadWriter.Writer with type 'a t = 'a * Intermediate.statement list
-and type elt = Intermediate.statement list =
-MonadWriter.Make(MonoidList(struct type t = Intermediate.statement end))
-let cpt = ref 0
-let freshVar () =
- let x = !cpt in
- let _ = cpt := !cpt +1 in
- "_x"^(string_of_int x)
-let pathOfExpression ( e :Intermediate.expression) : Intermediate.path * Intermediate.statement list =
- match e with
- Path p -> (p, [])
- | _ ->
- let x = freshVar () in (Intermediate.Variable x, [Assign (Intermediate.Variable x, e) ])
-let fetch_rtype (p : SailModule.moduleSignature list) (id : string) : sailtype option =
- let open SailModule in
- let open MonadSyntax(MonadOption.M) in
- let l = List.concat_map (fun m -> m.methods) p in
- let* m = List.find_opt (fun m -> m.m_proto.name = id) l in
- m.m_proto.rtype
-let removeCalls (p : SailModule.moduleSignature list) (e : expression) : Intermediate.expression * Intermediate.statement list =
- let open M in
- let open MonadSyntax(M) in
- let open MonadFunctions(M) in
- let rec aux e =
- match snd e with
- | Variable x -> return (Intermediate.Path (Intermediate.Variable x))
- | Literal c -> return (Intermediate.Literal c)
- | UnOp(o, e) ->
- let* x = aux e in return (Intermediate.UnOp(o,x))
- | BinOp(o, e1, e2) ->
- let* e1 = aux e1 and* e2 = aux e2 in
- return (Intermediate.BinOp(o,e1,e2))
- | Ref(b,e) ->
- let* e = aux e in
- let (p,c) = pathOfExpression e in
- let _ = write c in
- return (Intermediate.Ref(b, p))
- | Deref e ->
- let* e = aux e in
- let (p0, c) = pathOfExpression e in
- let _ = write c in
- return (Intermediate.Path (Intermediate.Deref(p0)))
- | ArrayRead _ -> raise (NotSupportedInCoreSail "arrays")
- | ArrayStatic _ -> raise (NotSupportedInCoreSail "arrays")
- (* | Ast.ArrayRead (e1, e2) ->
- let* e1 = aux e1 and* e2 = aux e2 in
- let (p0, c) = pathOfExpression e1 in
- let _ = write c in
- return (Intermediate.Path (Intermediate.ArrayRead (p0, e2)))
- | Ast.ArrayStatic (el) ->
- let* el = ListM.map aux el in
- return (Intermediate.ArrayAlloc el)*)
- | StructRead (e,f) ->
- let* e = aux e in
- let (p0, c) = pathOfExpression e in
- let _ = write c in
- return (Intermediate.Path (Intermediate.StructField(p0,snd f)))
- | StructAlloc (_,(_,x), fel) ->
- let* l = ListM.map (pairMap2 aux) fel in
- let m = List.fold_left (fun x (y,e) -> FieldMap.add y e x) FieldMap.empty l in
- return (Intermediate.StructAlloc(x,m))
- | EnumAlloc ((_,x),el) ->
- let* el = ListM.map aux el in
- return (Intermediate.EnumAlloc(x, el))
- | MethodCall (_, (_,id), el) ->
- if (id = "box") then
- match el with
- [e] -> let* e = aux e in return (Intermediate.Box e)
- | _ -> raise (NotSupportedInCoreSail "overloading box")
- else
- let x = freshVar () in
- let* el = ListM.map aux el in
- match fetch_rtype p id with
- Some t -> let* _ = write [
- Intermediate.DeclVar (true, x, t, None);
- Intermediate.Invoke(id, el@[Intermediate.Ref (true, Intermediate.Variable x)])
- ] in
- return (Intermediate.Path(Intermediate.Variable x))
- | None -> failwith ("Error in fetching return type in method : "^id)
- in aux e
-let mkCall (p : SailModule.moduleSignature list) ((x,m,el) : string * string * Intermediate.expression list) =
- match fetch_rtype p m with
- Some t ->
- [
- Intermediate.DeclVar (true, x, t, None);
- Intermediate.Invoke(m, el@[Intermediate.Ref (true, Intermediate.Variable x)])
- ]
- | None -> failwith ("Error in fetching return type in method : "^m)
-let seq_oflist (l : Intermediate.statement list) : Intermediate.statement =
- match l with
- [] -> Skip
- | h::t -> List.fold_left (fun x y -> Intermediate.Seq (x,y)) h t
-let resvar = "_res"
-let rec normalize (c : Intermediate.statement) : Intermediate.statement =
- match c with
- | Intermediate.Seq(Intermediate.Seq(c1, c2), c3) -> normalize (Intermediate.Seq (c1, Seq (c2, c3)))
- | _ -> c
-let translate (p : SailModule.moduleSignature list) (t : statement) : Intermediate.statement =
- let rec aux t : Intermediate.statement =
- match (snd t) with
- | DeclVar (b,x,t,e) ->
- begin match t,e with
- | (Some t, None) -> Intermediate.DeclVar(b,x,t,None)
- | (Some t, Some e) ->
- let (e,l) = removeCalls p e in
- seq_oflist (l@[Intermediate.DeclVar(b,x,t,Some e)])
- | (None, _) -> raise (NotSupportedInCoreSail "type inference")
- end
- | DeclSignal (s) -> Intermediate.DeclSignal(s)
- | Skip -> Intermediate.Skip
- | Assign (e1, e2) ->
- let (e1, l1) = removeCalls p e1 in
- let (p0, l3) = pathOfExpression e1 in
- let (e2, l2) = removeCalls p e2 in
- seq_oflist (l1@l2@l3@[Intermediate.Assign(p0,e2)])
- | Seq (c1, c2) -> Intermediate.Seq(aux c1, aux c2)
- | If(e, t1, t2) ->
- let t1 = aux t1 in
- let t2 = begin match t2 with None -> Intermediate.Skip | Some t2 -> aux t2 end in
- let (e, l) = removeCalls p e in
- seq_oflist (l @ [Intermediate.If(e, t1, t2)])
- | While (e, t) ->
- let t = aux t in
- let (e, l) = removeCalls p e in
- seq_oflist (l @ [Intermediate.While(e, t)])
- | Case(e, pl) ->
- let (e,l) = removeCalls p e in
- let pl = (List.map (fun (x,y) -> (x, aux y) ) pl) in
- seq_oflist (l @ [Intermediate.Case(e, pl)])
- | Invoke(_, (_,m), el) ->
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Here 0");
- let l = List.map (removeCalls p) el in
- let l1 = List.map fst l in
- let l2 = List.concat (List.map snd l) in
- begin match fetch_rtype p m with
- Some t ->
- let backup = Intermediate.DeclVar (true, "_tmp", t, None) in
- let backup_param =[]
- in
- let auxiliary = Intermediate.Ref(true, Intermediate.Variable "_tmp") in
- Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Here 1"); (* si x = récupérer résultat *)
- seq_oflist (l2 @ [backup; Intermediate.Invoke (m, l1@[auxiliary])] @ backup_param )
- | None ->
- seq_oflist (l2 @ [Intermediate.Invoke (m, l1)])
- end
- | Return None -> Intermediate.Return
- | Return Some e ->
- let (e,l) = removeCalls p e in
- seq_oflist (l @ [Intermediate.Assign(Intermediate.Deref(Intermediate.Variable resvar), e);Intermediate.Return])
- | Loop (c) ->
- Intermediate.While (Literal (LBool true), aux c)
- | Run _ -> failwith "processes not supported yet"
- | Emit s -> Intermediate.Emit(s)
- | When (s, c) -> Intermediate.When(s, aux c)
- | Watching (s, c) -> Intermediate.Watching(s, aux c)
- | Await s -> Intermediate.When(s, Skip)
- | Par (c1, c2) -> Intermediate.Par (aux c1, aux c2)
- | Block c -> Intermediate.Block(aux c)
- | Break _ -> raise (NotSupportedInCoreSail "break")
- | For _ -> raise (NotSupportedInCoreSail "for")
- in aux t
-(* If the return type is non void, we add a parameter to hold the result *)
-let method_translator (prg : SailModule.moduleSignature list) (m : statement method_defn) : Intermediate.statement method_defn =
- let params =
- match m.m_proto.rtype with
- None -> m.m_proto.params
- | Some t -> m.m_proto.params@[{id=resvar; mut=false; ty=RefType(t,true); loc=dummy_pos}]
- in
- let open MonadSyntax(MonadEither.Make((struct type t = string * string list end))) in
- {
- m_proto = {m.m_proto with params};
- m_body = let+ b = m.m_body in translate prg b
- }
-let process_translator (prg : SailModule.moduleSignature list) (p : statement process_defn) : Intermediate.statement process_defn =
- {p with p_body = translate prg p.p_body}
-let program_translate (prg : SailModule.moduleSignature list) (p : statement SailModule.t) : Intermediate.statement SailModule.t =
- {
- p with methods = List.map (method_translator prg) p.methods;
- processes = List.map (process_translator prg) p.processes;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/dune b/test/blackbox-tests/dune
index 5c8ba85..ac604a6 100644
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/dune
+++ b/test/blackbox-tests/dune
@@ -2,8 +2,3 @@
(applies_to sailor)
- (applies_to saili)
- (deps
- %{bin:saili}))
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/regenerate_tests.sh b/test/blackbox-tests/regenerate_tests.sh
index f6f9bb7..eb208d0 100755
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/regenerate_tests.sh
+++ b/test/blackbox-tests/regenerate_tests.sh
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#! /bin/bash
-cd saili.t
-echo "" > run.t
-for f in *.sl ; do echo " $ saili ${f}" >> run.t; done
-cd ../sailor.t
+cd sailor.t
echo "" > run.t
#echo " $ sailor print_utils.sl -m lib" >> run.t
for f in *.sl ; do if [ "$f" != "print_utils.sl" ]; then echo " $ sailor ${f} && ./${f%.*}" >> run.t; fi; done
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/arithmetic.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/arithmetic.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index d1b961f..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/arithmetic.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 120000
index 3652329..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/bettercallsaul.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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index 2b7c700..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/cooperate1.sl
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 120000
index ba0a386..0000000
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deleted file mode 120000
index 76d1cba..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/cooperate4.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 120000
index b36c335..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/counter.sl
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 120000
index 71c76fa..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/counter2.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 120000
index a0884e7..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/decl1.sl
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 120000
index 57c8377..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/decl2.sl
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 120000
index 9368922..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/drop3.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/dropassign1.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/dropassign1.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index dc735a9..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/dropassign1.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/dropblock1.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/dropblock1.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index ab2c567..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/dropblock1.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/emptypar.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/emptypar.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index e96ae04..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/emptypar.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/factorial.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/factorial.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 559989c..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/factorial.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/generics2.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/generics2.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 121e20f..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/generics2.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/helloworld.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/helloworld.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index ebd456f..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/helloworld.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/lr_values.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/lr_values.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index ba2d427..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/lr_values.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/min.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/min.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index a1dce5e..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/min.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/min2.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/min2.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 64a6bf6..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/min2.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/mutable1.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/mutable1.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index aa25e06..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/mutable1.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/mutual_rec.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/mutual_rec.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 04cbd74..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/mutual_rec.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/parallel1.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/parallel1.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 1336f7c..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/parallel1.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/point.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/point.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 62190e4..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/point.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/run.t b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/run.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f0a5a..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/run.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- $ saili arithmetic.sl
- 6
- $ saili bettercallsaul.sl
- 15 15 15
- $ saili cooperate1.sl
- P1a
- P2a
- P1b
- P2b
- $ saili cooperate3.sl
- B
- $ saili cooperate4.sl
- $ saili counter.sl
- 0
- $ saili counter2.sl
- P1 : 0
- P2 : 0
- $ saili decl1.sl
- 3
- $ saili decl2.sl
- $ saili drop3.sl
- $ saili dropassign1.sl
- done
- $ saili dropblock1.sl
- done
- done
- $ saili emptypar.sl
- $ saili factorial.sl
- 120
- $ saili generics2.sl
- 5
- $ saili helloworld.sl
- Hello World
- $ saili lr_values.sl
- $ saili min.sl
- 3
- $ saili min2.sl
- 3
- $ saili mutable1.sl
- 3
- $ saili mutual_rec.sl
- 45
- $ saili parallel1.sl
- $ saili point.sl
- $ saili sum.sl
- 45
- $ saili testBox.sl
- 3
- $ saili testFieldAssign.sl
- 12
- $ saili testInnerGenericity.sl
- $ saili testInnerGenericity2.sl
- 3
- $ saili testMove1.sl
- $ saili testReturnVal.sl
- 1
- $ saili while1.sl
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- Hello
- 10 Worlds
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/sum.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/sum.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index ccf3040..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/sum.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testBox.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testBox.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 4f13342..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testBox.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testFieldAssign.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testFieldAssign.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 10ac7a3..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testFieldAssign.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testInnerGenericity.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testInnerGenericity.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index 0b7b5f6..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testInnerGenericity.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testInnerGenericity2.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testInnerGenericity2.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index ce9e75a..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testInnerGenericity2.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testMove1.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testMove1.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index f0fd715..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testMove1.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testReturnVal.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testReturnVal.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index cf7d98b..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/testReturnVal.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/while1.sl b/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/while1.sl
deleted file mode 120000
index dbb0d34..0000000
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/saili.t/while1.sl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/blackbox-tests/sailor.t/run.t b/test/blackbox-tests/sailor.t/run.t
index 0f244fa..08baa2e 100644
--- a/test/blackbox-tests/sailor.t/run.t
+++ b/test/blackbox-tests/sailor.t/run.t
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
$ sailor helloworld.sl && ./helloworld
Hello World
- $ sailor min.sl && ./min
- 3
$ sailor minArray.sl && ./minArray
+ $ sailor min.sl && ./min
+ 3
$ sailor mutual_rec.sl && ./mutual_rec
- $ sailor sum.sl && ./sum
- 45
$ sailor sumArray.sl && ./sumArray
Hello World
+ $ sailor sum.sl && ./sum
+ 45
$ sailor testReturnVal.sl && ./testReturnVal
$ sailor while1.sl && ./while1