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Saleor App Twilio Segment
+## Local development setup
+### Prerequisites
+- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) v22+
+- [PNPM](https://pnpm.io/) v9+
+- An account on [Twilio Segment](https://segment.com/) with configured [source](https://segment.com/docs/partners/sources/).
+### Running app in development mode
+1. Install the dependencies by running the following command in the shell:
+pnpm install
+2. Create a file named `.env` and use the contents of the [`.env.example`](./.env.example) file as a reference.
+3. Start the development server by running the following command in the shell:
+pnpm dev
+4. App will be available under `http://localhost:3000`
+> [!NOTE]
+> To install app in Saleor Cloud, you need to expose your local server to the internet (tunnel). You can use Saleor CLI to do that. See this [guide](https://docs.saleor.io/docs/3.x/developer/extending/apps/developing-with-tunnels) for more details.
+6. Install app on the Saleor dashboard.
+7. After installation, configure the app as follows:
+ - Paste [`writeKey`](https://segment.com/docs/connections/find-writekey/) into app configuration form
+### Webhook migration scripts
+> [!NOTE]
+> This section refers to apps hosted by Saleor or using REST APL. If you self host AvaTax app you need to write your own logic for updating migration scripts.
+> See [How to update app webhooks](https://docs.saleor.io/docs/3.x/developer/extending/apps/updating-app-webhooks) for more info.
+You need to set `REST_APL_TOKEN` & `REST_APL_ENDPOINT` in our `.env` file first.
+Test migration with dry run, operation will not modify any data:
+pnpm migrate:dry-run
+To start the migration run command:
+pnpm migrate
diff --git a/apps/segment/public/logo.png b/apps/segment/public/logo.png
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Binary files a/apps/segment/public/logo.png and b/apps/segment/public/logo.png differ