Those that wish to contribute bug fixes, new features, refactorings and clean-up to Emogrifier are more than welcome.
When you contribute, please take the following things into account:
To install the development dependencies (PHPUnit and PHP_CodeSniffer), run the following command:
composer install
Please cover all changes with unit tests and make sure that your code does not break any existing tests.
To run the existing PHPUnit tests, run this command:
vendor/bin/phpunit Tests/
Please use the same coding style (PSR-2) as the rest of the code. Indentation is four spaces.
Please check your code with the provided PHP_CodeSniffer standard:
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=Configuration/PhpCodeSniffer/Standards/Emogrifier/ Classes/ Tests/
Please make your code clean, well-readable and easy to understand.
If you add new methods or fields, please add proper PHPDoc for the new methods/fields. Please use grammatically correct, complete sentences in the code documentation.
Git commits should have a <= 50 character summary, optionally followed by a blank line and a more in depth description of 79 characters per line.
Please squash related commits together.
Please use grammatically correct, complete sentences in the commit messages.