- azure_rm_aksupgrade_info: Add new module to get available upgrade versions for an AKS cluster (#405)
- azure_rm_backuppolicy: Add new module to manage backup policies (#373)
- azure_rm_backuppolicy_info: Add new module to manage backup policies (#373)
- azure_rm_managementgroup_info: New module azure_rm_managementgroup_info (#428)
- azure_rm_datalakestore: Add new module azure_rm_datalakestore (#352)
- azure_rm_datalakestore_info: Add new module azure_rm_datalakestore (#352)
- azure_rm_aks: add creation and deletion of nodepools (#440)
- azure_rm_loganalyticsworkspace: Add tags for azure_rm_loganalyticsworkspace (#434)
- sanity-requirements-azure: Bump cryptography from 3.2 to 3.3.2 (#424)
- azure_rm_keyvaultsecret: Conditionally call MSI auth when interacting with keyvault (#356)
- azure_rm_keyvaultsecret_info: Conditionally call MSI auth when interacting with keyvault (#356)
- azure_rm_keyvaultkey: Conditionally call MSI auth when interacting with keyvault (#356)
- azure_rm_keyvaultkey_info: Conditionally call MSI auth when interacting with keyvault (#356)
- azure_rm_keyvault: Set the default value of enable_soft_delete to true (#463)
- azure_rm_keyvault_info: Set the default value of enable_soft_delete to true (#463)
- azure_tags: Improve the documentation of tags (#415)
- azure_rm_registrationassignment: fixed SyntaxWarning (#427)
- azure_rm_adserviceprincipal: Update azure_rm_adserviceprincipal examples (#414)
- azure_rm_keyvault_info: change description for access policies return value (#426)
- azure_rm_*: modules: remove ANSIBLE_METADATA (#436)
- azure_rm_backuppolicy: Update azure_rm_backupolicy add version (#449)
- azure_rm_backuppolicy_info: Update azure_rm_backupolicy add version (#449)
- azure_rm_image: Revert images API version (#432)
- azure_rm_image_info: Revert images API version (#432)
- azure_rm_openshiftmanagedcluster: resolve issue (#268) (#307)
- azure_rm_virtualnetwork: Unrestrict the virtual network of multiple DNS servers when I(purge_a… (#462)
- azure_rm_storageaccount: Correct doc for storageaccount network_acls options (#456)
- azure_rm_storageaccount: Update azure_rm_storageaccount.py (#458)
- azure_rm_datalakestore: Transfer azure_rm_datalakestore test group 10 (#465)
- azure_rm_datalakestore: Delete datalake resource group after pipeline test (#466)
- azure_rm_route_info: add azure_rm_route_info module (#334)
- azure_rm_postgresqlserver: add storage_autogrow option to postgresqlserver (#387)
- azure_rm_keyvaultsecret: add content type parameter to azure_rm_keyvaultsecret (#317)
- azure_rm_keyvaultsecret_info: add content type parameter to azure_rm_keyvaultsecret (#317)
- azure_rm_mysqlserver: add missing Mysql version 8.0 (#319)
- Test_unit: add resource group for datalake store testing in ado pipeline (#375)
- README.md: update README to include a link to documentation (#376)
- azure_rm_deployment: update azure_rm_deployment document (#384)
- azure_rm_azurefirewall: add support for tags in exec_module (#360)
- Test_unit: disable generate VM using password for regression testing purpose (#393)
- azure_rm_keyvaultsecret_info: Fix doc on returned field name (#389)
- azure_rm_virtualnetworkpeering: azure_rm_virtualnetworkpeering: Fix unable to remove non-existing pee…(#400)
- azure_rm_loadbalancer: check mode for loadbalancer (#316)
- azure_rm_backupazurevm: Add function that azure_rm_backupazurevm resource in different resour… (#404)
- CHANGELOG: Some corrections needed in links to get them to work (#366)
- azure_rm: Retrieve computer_name using dictionary get method (#368)
- azure_rm_vmbackuppolicy: Azure Recovery Services VM Backup Policy (#271)
- azure_rm_vmbackuppolicy_info: Azure Recovery Services VM Backup Policy Info (#271)
- azure_rm_subscription_info: Azure rm subscription info (#280)
- azure_rm_privatednsrecordset: add new module for supporting DNS recordset operations in Private DNS zone (#286)
- azure_rm_registrationassignment: Registration Assignment for Azure Lighthouse (#359)
- azure_rm_registrationassignment_info: Registraion Assignment Info for Azure Lightouse (#359)
- azure_rm_registrationdefinition: Registration Definition for Azure Lighthouse (#359)
- azure_rm_registrationdefinition_info: Registration Definition Info for Azure Lighthouse (#359)
- azure_rm_subnet: add delegations compatibility to azure_rm_subnet (#264)
- azure_rm_loganalyticsworkspace: add force deletion capability to log analytics module (#273)
- azure_rm_sqldatabase: add sku option for sqldatabase (#291)
- azure_rm_aks: update azure_rm_aks document (#294)
- azure_rm_manageddisk_info: add new parameter managed_by (#302)
- Bump cryptography version from 3.0 to 3.2 (#306)
- azure_rm_subnet: add example of service_endpoints configuration (#309)
- azure_rm: add computer_name parameter to available variables (#312)
- azure_rm_webapp: add support for multi-container apps to azure_rm_webapp (#257)
- azure_rm_virtualmachineextension: add no_log to protected_settings variable (#278)
- azure_rm_keyvault: fix azure_rm_keyvault idempotency (#295)
- azure_rm_roleassignment: fix azure_rm_roleassignment idempotence error (#296)
- azure_rm_roleassignment: fix azure_rm_roleassignment related bugs (#301)
- azure_rm_autoscale: fix typo (#314)
- Fix sanity fail in python3.8 environment (#355)
- azure_rm: extend doc fragment from base constructed class to fix error (#364)
- azure_rm_backupazurevm: (#248)
- azure_rm_backupazurevm_info: (#248)
- azure_rm_recoveryservicesvault: (#254)
- azure_rm_openshiftmanagedcluster: (#276)
- add python 3.8 support (#246)
- azure_rm_publicipaddress: support public Ipv6 address (#125)
- azure_rm_subnet: add private-endpoint-network-policies (#256)
- azure_rm: fetch availability zone info into hostvars (#243)
- azure_rm: make inventory_hostname configurable with hostvar_expressions (#105)
- azure_rm_storageaccount: allow blob public access parameter (#219)
- azure_rm_virtualmachine: update boot diganostics config (#208)
- azure_rm_aks: add load_balancer_sku option (#199)
- azure_rm: improve OS detection when VM has no osProfile (#197)
- azure_rm_subnet: support IPv6 address (#240)
- azure_rm_networkinterface: add new module parameter address_prefixes (#239)
- azure_rm_common: support azure-cli credentials with multiple subscriptions (#195)
- azure_rm_mariadbserver: support version 10.3 (#244)
- azure_rm_manageddisk: fix increments LUN on disks already attached error (#237)
- azure_rm_appgateway: fix rule type reference error (#99)
- azure_rm_appgateway: support version 2 SKUS (#198)
- azure_rm_storageaccount: support minimum tls version (#207)
- azure_rm_roledefinition: fails when
is set (#214) - azure_rm_virtualmachine: boot diagnostics related error (#200)
- azure_rm_storageblob: add batch upload feature (#203)
- azure_rm_deployment_info: getting the template_link when it does not exist (#180)
- azure_rm_virtualmachine: protect against no diskSizeGB (#185)
- azure_rm_deployment: misleading status code in module failure message (#204)
- azure_rm_adserviceprincipal: invalid update check logic (#205)
- azure_rm_privatezone module (#122)
- azure_rm_adserviceprincipal module (#179)
- azure_rm_adserviceprincipal_info module (#179)
- azure_rm_adpassword module (#179)
- azure_rm_adpassword_info module (#179)
- add ability to remove all subnet service endpoints (#148)
- update network client api version (#157)
- add ephemeral os disk support for azure_rm_virualmachinescaleset (#128)
- add ephemeral os disk support for azure_rm_virtualmachine (#124)
- add FileEndpoint to azure_rm_storageaccount_info (#102)
- add support for managing the 'Firewall and virtual networks' settings in azure_rm_storageaccount (#108)
- add new parameter in azure_rm_aks
- fix retrun value docs in azure_rm_finctionapp and auzre_rm_functionapp_info
- change README.md and update CHANGELOG.md
- fix example in azure_rm_roledefinition_info
- add Icmp rule support in azure_rm_securitygroup
- add public_ip_per_vm parameter in azure_rm_virutalmachinescaleset
- add tags in azure_rm_galleryimageversion
- add sku type in azure_rm_virtualnetworkgateway
- add tags in azure_rm_containerregistry_info
- format azure_rm_managementgroup
- add new parameter in azure_rm_storageaccount
- fixes accesss policy update in azure_rm_keyvault
- migrate exisiting azure modules from ansible core
- add module azure_rm_managementgroup
- Add inventory plugin
- Remove deprecated content
- Fix galaxy.yml
- Init release