We use scalafix to apply some rules that are configured in .scalafix.conf.
Make sure to run sbt scalafixAll
to apply those rules before opening a pull request.
Be sure to run scalafmt (available in bin/
folder) to ensure code formatting.
bin/scalafmt --diff-branch main
formats only the files that have changed from the main
First, kickstart a CI release to Sonatype by pushing a git tag that correspond to the desired commit
git fetch && git log origin/main --pretty=oneline # choose the commit hash you want to tag
COMMIT_HASH=70e06a8755dc3ca07e270fb1b1982cb45a863024 # change this variable
VERSION=0.1.0 # change this variable
git tag -af "v$VERSION" $COMMIT_HASH -m "v$VERSION" && git push -f origin v$VERSION
While the CI is running, update the release notes at https://github.com/scalacenter/scala3-migrate/releases
After the CI completes, confirm that the release has successfully finished
./bin/test-release.sh $VERSION
When scala3-migrate has completed the release, edit the release draft in the GitHub web UI to point to the tag that you pushed and then click on "Publish release".