Here you must create 4 json files:
- app.json
- linkSource.json
- parser.json
- result.json
"id" : "facebook app id",
"secret" : "facebook app password",
"token" : "facebook app token",
"graph" : "facebook app version: v2.4"
In the application source directory there is a file named .env.example
Create a file named .env and paste the content of the .env.example file in it.
After that, open the .env file and change the following lines:
- DB_HOST=localhost to mysql server ip
- DB_DATABASE=DB_NAME to database name
- DB_USERNAME=user to an existing user
- DB_PASSWORD=pass to a valid passoword
When it is done, run these three commands in the application source directory:
First : php artisan migrate
In the console the following messages will appear:
Migration table created successfully.
Second: php artisan db:seed --class=CountriesTableSeeder
Third: php artisan db:seed --class=FBStatusTableSeeder
4th: php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionsTableSeeder
5th: php artisan db:seed --class=UserTypeTableSeeder
To start the facebook crawler service run the following command in the application source directory:
php artisan queue:work --queue=crawler --tries=2
To start the facebook parser service run the following command in the application source directory:
php artisan queue:work --queue=parser --tries=2