Sequence reads tar.gz file from input and returns JSON containing basic information about archived files along with unpacked data.
❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.
Open two terminals and run the following commands:
# go to 'read-targz-stats' directory
cd typescript/read-targz-stats
# install dependencies
npm install
# transpile TS->JS and copy node_modules and package.json to dist/
npm run build
# deploy the Sequence from the dist/ directory, which contains transpiled code, package.json and node_modules
si seq deploy dist
# copy instance _id - you'll use this in 2nd terminal window
# see the Instance output
si inst output -
# create test.tar.gz file from testFiles directory
tar -czvf testTar.tar.gz testFiles
# replace INSTANCE_ID with actual instance ID and pipe packed tar.gz file as binary to instance input
si inst input <INSTANCE_ID> testTar.tar.gz -t application/octet-stream