The K8s header designation has the following format:
target:: k8s [direction]
- direction: defines the direction, valid inputs are INGRESS and EGRESS (default:INGRESS)
- action:: The action to take when matched. See Actions section for valid options.
- comment:: A text comment enclosed in double-quotes. The comment can extend over multiple lines if desired, until a closing quote is encountered.
- destination-address:: One or more destination address tokens
- destination-exclude:: Exclude one or more address tokens from the specified destination-address
- destination-port:: One or more service definition tokens
- expiration:: stop rendering this term after specified date. YYYY-MM-DD
- name:: Name of the term.
- owner:: Owner of the term, used for organizational purposes.
- protocol:: the network protocols this term will match, such as tcp, udp, or sctp.
- source-address:: one or more source address tokens.
- source-exclude:: exclude one or more address tokens from the specified source-address.
- accept
- deny: Only permitted for a default deny