- SSH into the vps along with agent forwarding:
ssh -A username@ipadress
- Remove any irrelevant folder named Quizio-Backend-V2:
rm -rf Quizio-Backend-V2
- Clone the repo and cd into it
git clone [email protected]:sdslabs/Quizio-Backend-V2.git && cd Quizio-Backend-V2
- Edit the env file and add all the keys:
cp .env.example .env && nano .env
- Build the docker image:
docker-compose build
- Spin up the docker container:
docker-compose up -d
At this stage, you should have your api working on localhost:5050. Now the task is to write a proxy to forward this local API to a public IP adress (or a domain name). We will use Nginx to do this.
- Copy the nginx conf to the nginx directory:
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/quizio-backend && cp ./nginx/quizio-backend /etc/nginx/sites-available/quizio-backend
- Create a sym-link from sites available to sites enabled:
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/quizio-backend /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/quizio-backend
- Restart nginx service:
systemctl restart nginx
- Now Quizio Backend API should be accesible on the ip adress / domain name specified in the nginx config