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Pinterest Image Downloader (pinterest-dl)

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License Downloads

Buy Me A Coffee

This library facilitates the scraping and downloading of images from Pinterest. Using Selenium and reverse engineered Pinterest API for automation, it enables users to extract images from a specified Pinterest URL and save them to a chosen directory.

It includes a CLI for direct usage and a Python API for programmatic access. The tool supports scraping images from public and private boards and pins using browser cookies. It also allows users to save scraped URLs to a JSON file for future access.


If you are looking for a GUI version of this tool, check out pinterest-dl-gui. It provides a user-friendly interface for scraping and downloading images from Pinterest using the same underlying library. It could also serve as a reference for integrating the library into your own GUI application.


This project is independent and not affiliated with Pinterest. It's designed solely for educational purposes. Please be aware that automating the scraping of websites might conflict with their Terms of Service. The repository owner disclaims any liability for misuse of this tool. Use it responsibly and at your own legal risk.


This project draws inspiration from pinterest-image-scraper.

Table of Contents

🌟 Features

  • βœ… Scrape images directly from a Pinterest URL.
  • βœ… Asynchronously download images from a list of URLs. (#1)
  • βœ… Save scraped URLs to a JSON file for future access.
  • βœ… Incognito mode to keep your scraping discrete.
  • βœ… Access detailed output for effective debugging.
  • βœ… Support for the Firefox browser.
  • βœ… Insert alt text for images as metadata comment in the downloaded image for searchability.
  • βœ… Scrape private boards and pins with browser cookies. (#20)
  • βœ… Scrape images using reversed engineered Pinterest API. (This will be default behaviour. You can use webdriver by specifying --client chrome or --client firefox) (#21)
  • βœ… Search for images on Pinterest using a query. (#23)

🚩 Known Issues

  • πŸ”² Not yet implement testing.
  • πŸ”² Not sorely tested on Linux and Mac. Please create an Issue to report any bugs.

πŸ“‹ Requirements

  • Python 3.10 or newer
  • Chrome or Firefox browser

πŸ“₯ Installation

Using pip (Recommended)

pip install pinterest-dl

Cloning from GitHub

git clone
cd pinterest-dl
pip install .

πŸš€ CLI-Usage

General Command Structure

pinterest-dl [command] [options]
Command Description
login Login to Pinterest to obtain browser cookies for scraping private boards and pins.
scrape Scrape images from a Pinterest URL.
search Search for images on Pinterest using a query.
download Download images from a list of URLs provided in a JSON file.


Scraping Images in anonymous mode:

Scrape images in anonymous mode, without login, to the ./images/art directory from the Pinterest URL with a limit of 30 images and a minimum resolution of 512x512. Save scraped URLs to a JSON file.

pinterest-dl scrape "" "images/art" -l 30 -r 512x512 --json

Get Browser Cookies:

Get browser cookies for Pinterest login and save them to the cookies.json file in headful mode (with browser window).

pinterest-dl login -o cookies.json --headful


You will be prompted to enter your Pinterest email and password. The tool will save the browser cookies to the specified file for future use.

Scraping Private Boards:

Scrape images from a private Pinterest board using the cookies saved in the cookies.json file.

pinterest-dl scrape "" "images/art" -l 30 -c cookies.json


You can use the --client option to use chrome or firefox Webdriver for scraping. This is slower but more reliable. It will open a browser in headless mode to scrape images. You can also use the --headful flag to run the browser in windowed mode.

Downloading Images:

Download images from the art.json file to the ./downloaded_imgs directory with a minimum resolution of 1024x1024.

pinterest-dl download art.json -o downloaded_imgs -r 1024x1024


1. Login

Login to Pinterest using your credentials to obtain browser cookies for scraping private boards and pins.


pinterest-dl login [options]



  • -o, --output [file]: File to save browser cookies for future use. (default: cookies.json)
  • --client: Choose the scraping client (chrome / firefox). (default: chrome)
  • --headful: Run in headful mode with browser window.
  • --verbose: Enable detailed output for debugging.
  • --incognito: Activate incognito mode for scraping.


After entering login command, you will be prompted to enter your Pinterest email and password. The tool will then save the browser cookies to the specified file for future use. (if not specified, it will save to ./cookies.json)

2. Scrape

Extract images from a specified Pinterest URL.


pinterest-dl scrape [url] [output_dir] [options]



  • -c, --cookies [file]: File containing browser cookies for private boards/pins. Run login command to obtain cookies.
  • -l, --limit [number]: Max number of image to download (default: 100).
  • -r, --resolution [width]x[height]: Minimum image resolution for download (e.g., 512x512).
  • --timeout [second]: Timeout in seconds for requests (default: 3).
  • --json: Save scraped URLs to a JSON file.
  • --dry-run: Execute scrape without downloading images.
  • --verbose: Enable detailed output for debugging.
  • --client: Choose the scraping client (api / chrome / firefox). (default: api)
  • --incognito: Activate incognito mode for scraping. (chrome / firefox only)
  • --headful: Run in headful mode with browser window. (chrome / firefox only)

3. Search

Search for images on Pinterest using a query. (Experimental, currently only available in API mode)


pinterest-dl search [query] [output_dir] [options]



  • -c, --cookies [file]: File containing browser cookies for private boards/pins. Run login command to obtain cookies.
  • -l, --limit [number]: Max number of image to download (default: 100).
  • -r, --resolution [width]x[height]: Minimum image resolution for download (e.g., 512x512).
  • --timeout [second]: Timeout in seconds for requests (default: 3).
  • --json: Save scraped URLs to a JSON file.
  • --dry-run: Execute scrape without downloading images.
  • --verbose: Enable detailed output for debugging.

4. Download

Download images from a list of URLs provided in a file.


pinterest-dl download [url_list] [options]



  • -o, --output [directory]: Output directory (default: ./<json_filename>).
  • -r, --resolution [width]x[height]: minimum resolution to download (e.g. 512x512).
  • --verbose: Enable verbose output.

πŸ› οΈ Python API

You can also use the PinterestDL class directly in your Python code to scrape and download images programmatically.

1. Quick Scrape and Download

This example shows how to scrape and download images from a Pinterest URL in one step.

from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# Initialize and run the Pinterest image downloader with specified settings
images = PinterestDL.with_api(
    timeout=3,  # Timeout in seconds for each request (default: 3)
    verbose=False,  # Enable detailed logging for debugging (default: False)
    url="",  # Pinterest URL to scrape
    output_dir="images/art",  # Directory to save downloaded images
    limit=30,  # Max number of images to download 
    min_resolution=(512, 512),  # Minimum resolution for images (width, height) (default: None)
    json_output="art.json",  # File to save URLs of scraped images (default: None)
    dry_run=False,  # If True, performs a scrape without downloading images (default: False)
    add_captions=True,  # Adds image `alt` text as metadata to images (default: False)

This example shows how to search with query and download images from a Pinterest URL in one step.

from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# Initialize and run the Pinterest image downloader with specified settings
# `search_and_download` is only available in API mode
images = PinterestDL.with_api( 
    timeout=3,  # Timeout in seconds for each request (default: 3)
    verbose=False,  # Enable detailed logging for debugging (default: False)
    query="art",  # Pinterest search query
    output_dir="images/art",  # Directory to save downloaded images
    limit=30,  # Max number of images to download 
    min_resolution=(512, 512),  # Minimum resolution for images (width, height) (default: None)
    json_output="art.json",  # File to save URLs of scraped images (default: None)
    dry_run=False,  # If True, performs a scrape without downloading images (default: False)
    add_captions=True,  # Adds image `alt` text as metadata to images (default: False)

2. Scrape with Cookies for Private Boards

2a. Obtain cookies You need to first log in to Pinterest to obtain browser cookies for scraping private boards and pins.

import os
import json

from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# Make sure you don't expose your password in the code.
email = input("Enter Pinterest email: ")
password = os.getenv("PINTEREST_PASSWORD")

# Initialize browser and login to Pinterest
cookies = PinterestDL.with_browser(
).login(email, password).get_cookies(
    after_sec=7,  # Time to wait before capturing cookies. Login may take time.

# Save cookies to a file
with open("cookies.json", "w") as f:
    json.dump(cookies, f, indent=4)

2b. Scrape with cookies After obtaining cookies, you can use them to scrape private boards and pins.

import json
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# Load cookies from a file
with open("cookies.json", "r") as f:
    cookies = json.load(f)

# Initialize and run the Pinterest image downloader with specified settings
images = (
        cookies,  # cookies in selenium format
        url="",  # Assume this is a private board URL
        output_dir="images/art",  # Directory to save downloaded images
        limit=30,  # Max number of images to download

3. Detailed Scraping with Lower-Level Control

Use this example if you need more granular control over scraping and downloading images.

3a. With API

Scrape Images
import json

from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# 1. Initialize PinterestDL with API.
scraped_images = PinterestDL.with_api().scrape(
    url="",  # URL of the Pinterest page
    limit=30,  # Maximum number of images to scrape
    min_resolution=(512, 512),  # <- Only available to set in the API. Browser mode will have to pruned after download.

# 2. Save Scraped Data to JSON
# Convert scraped data into a dictionary and save it to a JSON file for future access
images_data = [img.to_dict() for img in scraped_images]
with open("art.json", "w") as f:
    json.dump(images_data, f, indent=4)

# 3. Download Images
# Download images to a specified directory
downloaded_imgs = PinterestDL.download_images(images=scraped_images, output_dir="images/art")

valid_indices = list(range(len(downloaded_imgs)))  # All images are valid to add captions

# 4. Add Alt Text as Metadata
# Extract `alt` text from images and set it as metadata in the downloaded files
PinterestDL.add_captions(images=downloaded_imgs, indices=valid_indices)
Search Images
import json
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# 1. Initialize PinterestDL with API.
scraped_images = PinterestDL.with_api().search(
    query="art",  # Search query for Pinterest
    limit=30,  # Maximum number of images to scrape
    min_resolution=(512, 512),  # Minimum resolution for images
    delay=0.4, # Delay between requests (default: 0.2)
# ... (Same as above)

3b. With Browser

import json

from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL

# 1. Initialize PinterestDL with API.
scraped_images = PinterestDL.with_browser(
    browser_type="chrome",  # Browser type to use ('chrome' or 'firefox')
    headless=True,  # Run browser in headless mode
    url="",  # URL of the Pinterest page
    limit=30,  # Maximum number of images to scrape

# 2. Save Scraped Data to JSON
# Convert scraped data into a dictionary and save it to a JSON file for future access
images_data = [img.to_dict() for img in scraped_images]
with open("art.json", "w") as f:
    json.dump(images_data, f, indent=4)

# 3. Download Images
# Download images to a specified directory
downloaded_imgs = PinterestDL.download_images(images=scraped_images, output_dir="images/art")

# 4. Prune Images by Resolution
# Remove images that do not meet the minimum resolution criteria
valid_indices = PinterestDL.prune_images(images=downloaded_imgs, min_resolution=(200, 200))

# 5. Add Alt Text as Metadata
# Extract `alt` text from images and set it as metadata in the downloaded files
PinterestDL.add_captions(images=downloaded_imgs, indices=valid_indices)

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please check the Contribution Guidelines before submitting a pull request.

πŸ“œ License

Apache License 2.0