Thermostat for Heatpump using ESP 8266
- Several modes: Frost, Eco, Comfort, Forced (choose your temperature with thermostat) and Auto
- Mode Auto uses Calendar
- Stop Heatpump if temperature over a given threshold
- Start Heatpump if temperature below a given threshold
- Uses PIR : if detection of someone (at least 3 times during 3min) and mode Eco selected -> triggers the Mode comfort for 30 minutes. Stay in Mode Confort if continuous detections, or go back to Mode Eco after 30 minutes.
- Connects to Ntp server to get correct date and time
- Setup through a Web interface
- Firmware update OTA
- Broadcast info (mode, temperature, PIR) to Domoticz
ESP8266 with the folowwing devices: PIR(optional), DHT22 (temperature and humidity, optional), IR (with HeatPumpIR plugin)
Compile with ArduinoIDE and flash your ESP card
First connection on a Wifi network SSID "ESP8266" followed by the last digit of the card MAC adress
Initial passwords (Wifi+App): esppwd