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This programmer modeled his code after wooden nesting dolls. What happens next will amaze you.

↓ Twitter slide number ↓




So, what are these wooden nesting dolls, and how do they relate to programming?

recursion schemes



Before I start, I want to mention some people who have done real work in this area. Most of what I have to say is just learned through imitation and asking these people tons of questions. And, in the heat of a talk, I always forget to give credit where it’s due.

a simple AST

sealed abstract class Expr
final case class Num(v: Int)           extends Expr
final case class Mul(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr

val eval: Expr => Int = {
  case Num(v)    => v
  case Mul(a, b) => eval(a) * eval(b)

Add a type parameter! (Stephen Compall)

sealed abstract class Expr[A]
final case class Num[A](v: Int)     extends Expr[A]
final case class Mul[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]

def eval: Expr[Int] => Int = {
  case Num(v)    => v
  case Mul(a, b) => a * b
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could actually define eval that way? It just assumes the branches are already handled – all we have to do is multiply the numbers that are held in the multiply node. We’ll come back to that …

re-introducing recursion

So, we have an Expr[A], and to make it recursive like it was before, we need to turn that A into a recursive structure again.
sealed abstract class Expr[A]

type ExprR0 = Expr[Expr] // 🚫

type ExprR1 = Expr[Expr[Expr[Expr[Expr[Unit]]]]] //


Who has heard of the Y combinator? (Not the Paul Graham one, but the one he named his company after.) We’re basically going to do that, but at the type level.
sealed abstract class Expr[A]

final case class Fix[F[_]](unFix: F[Fix[F]])

type ExprR = Fix[Expr]

beyond Fix

I’m not going to get into the details too much, but in addition to Fix, there are a couple other fixed-point operators: Mu and Nu. They externally look exactly the same, but have different implementations. Basically, Mu is for finite structures and Nu is for potentially-infinite structures (like streams).
  • Fix[F]: simple to implement, not (yet) stack-stafe
  • Mu[F]: inductive (finite) structures
  • Nu[F]: coinductive (maybe-infinite) structures


Since we have three of these at hand, it makes sense to see how we can abstract over them.
@typeclass trait Recursive[T] {
  type Base[A]
  def project(t: T)(implicit BF: Functor[Base])
      : Base[T]

implicit def fixRec[F[_]]: Recursive.Aux[Fix[F], F] =
  new Recursive[Fix[F]] {
    type Base[A] = F[A]
    def project(t: Fix[F])(implicit BF: Functor[F])
        : F[Fix[F]] =
Looking at fixed-point types, the structure of recursion seems obvious – there is some fixed-point operator, and a functor that is made recursive with it.

And then we notice that this extends to other recursive structures as well, like Free and Cofree.

replicating common structures

But we can re-create those problematic structures using our fixed-point operators.
sealed abstract class ListF[A, B]
final case class NilF[A, B]()
    extends ListF[A, B]
final case class ConsF[A, B](head: A, tail: B)
    extends ListF[A, B]

type List[A]   = Mu[ListF[A, ?]]
type Colist[A] = Nu[ListF[A, ?]] // a.k.a. “Stream”
our two isomorphic structures now behave differently. Not to mention that for the latter behavior, you first have the overhead of converting the structure to a different one.

without replicating

implicit def listRec[A]: Recursive[List[A]] =
  new Recursive[List[A]] {
    type Base[B] = ListF[A, B]
    def project(t: T)(implicit BF: Functor[Base])
        : ListF[A, List[A]] =
      t match {
        case Nil    => NilF()
        case h :: t => ConsF(h, t)

some common ones

List[A]ListF[A, ?]
Colist[A]ListF[A, ?]
Stream[A](A, ?)
Cofree[F, A]EnvT[A, F, ?]
Free[F, A]CoEnv[A, F, ?]
AConst[A, ?]
  • arbitrary AST isn’t Foldable, but it is Recursive – so now you have generalized folds over any AST

… and its dual (Corecursive)

very briefly …
@typeclass trait Corecursive[T] {
  type Base[A]
  def embed(ft: Base[T])(implicit BF: Functor[Base])
      : T

implicit def fixCo[F[_]]: Corecursive[Fix[F]] =
  new Corecursive[Fix[F]] {
    type Base[A] = F[A]
    def embed(ft: F[Fix[F]])(implicit BF: Functor[F])
        : Fix[F] =

so, what can we do with this?

What the type class shows us, is that there is a simple relationship between various types and a functor. Clearly, at this point, anything this type class offers us is widely applicable. But what does it offer us? The simplest thing is cata.
def cata(t: T)(φ: Base[A] => A): A =
  φ(t.project  (cata(_)(φ)))

def eval: Expr[Int] => Int = {
  case Num(v)    => v
  case Mul(a, b) => a * b


def ana(a: A)(ψ: A => Base[A]): T = // dual
  (ψ(a)  (ana(_)(ψ))).embed


val eval: Expr[Int]  Int = {
  case Num(v)     v
  case Mul(a, b)  a * b

val expr =
    Mul(Num(2), Mul(Num(2), Mul(Num(2), Num(3)))))

expr.cata(eval) // 48


   Mul(2, 24)
      /     \
Num(2)       Mul(2, 12)
                /     \
          Num(2)       Mul(2, 6)
                          /    \
                    Num(2)      Mul(2, 3)
                                   /    \
                             Num(2)      Num(3)

generalized fold

def foldRight[A, B]
  (list: List[A], z: B)
  (f: (A, B) => B)
    : B =
  list.cata {
    case NilF()           => z
    case ConsF(elem, acc) => f(elem, acc)
So, this is a generalization of folds. Now, you may think “isn’t Foldable a generalization of folds?” It kind of is … but it’s actually just for folding lists … to make an arbitrary structure Foldable, you have to throw away all of the non-list-like information. This actually abstracts from having Nil/Cons cases to having cases for any set of nodes in your data type.

even more generalized

You might be looking at this and saying something like “sure, it works for simple cases, but I sometimes want to have a recursive function that depends on the partial result of another recursive function” or, “I need to look at the original structure as I go – it’s not enough to simply have the results thus far”

Well, have I got news for you!

These recursion schemes generalize in a number of ways. The “simplest” way is that they can all be Kleislied – Rob will touch on a bit of that tomorrow. But, very quickly,

(F[A] => M[A]) => Fix[F] => M[A]
(A => M[F[A]]) => A      => M[Fix[F]]
But, there are a bunch of other generalizations. I’ll just give one example:
F[(Fix[F], A)] => A       A => F[Fix[F] \/ A]
more generally …
F[W[A]] => A       A => F[M[A]]
So, you can turn that tuple into (almost) any arbitrary comonad – e.g., perhaps you want an non-empty-list of possible results from the previous nodes, and choose the best way to combine them for the next step.

You can also turn that disjunction into an arbitrary monad – each one has its own behaviors. A few of the most useful comonads and monads have been given particular names.

and there’s another family, like

W[F[A]] => A       A => M[F[A]]
Note that the second case looks Kleisli, but isn’t. The algebra is the same, but when you use it in an unfold, Kleisli gives you A => M[Fix[F]], whereas an elgot unfold gives you A => Fix[F].

Scott Maher (1:40) and Rob Norris (2:10) and both have talks scheduled tomorrow that go into some other neat things you can do with these, so I won’t try to cover all of it.

cheat sheet



“Meijer et. al go so far as to condemn functional programming without recursion schemes as morally equivalent to imperative programming with goto.” —Patrick Thomson in An Introduction to Recursion Schemes

  • annotate arbitrary structures (Rob Norris)


def eval:   Expr[Int]    => Int
def pprint: Expr[String] => String

pprint zip eval: Expr[(String, Int)] => (String, Int)


A ↘                 ↗ Fix[F] ↘                 ↗ B
    ↘             ↗            ↘             ↗
      ↘         ↗                ↘         ↗
     ψ  ↘     ↗ Fix()        unFix ↘     ↗  φ
          ↘_↗                        ↘_↗

💥 fusion 💥

a.hylo(φ, ψ)
A ↘                 ↗ B
    ↘             ↗
      ↘   hylo  ↗
     ψ  ↘     ↗  φ

mutual recursion (multi-sorted ASTs)

before, we saw how we could add a type parameter to our AST to be able to separate the “concerns” of recursion from our model. But this only works with mono-sorted structures. I.e., where you have te same structure at every level. However, it’s very common to have a more complicated model – where you have, say, expressions and statements, and you need to indicate which parts of the structure can occur where.

We do this by … adding another type parameter!

Previously, we had a proper type that we could extract a functor from. Now we’re going to have a functor thet we can extract a … higher-order functor from.

In our case, we had a functor, where we could have the fixed-point of the same functor as the A parameter. But now we need to carry some extra information around – the “sort” of data that’s allowed at any point. Here’s an example from comp-data:

(maybe merge this into one datatype, depending on whether we cover Coproduct before this)

sealed abstract class Sig[A[_], I]
case class Pair[A[_], I, J](fst: A[I], snd: A[J])
    extends Sig[A, (I, J)]
case class Const[A[_]](v: Int) extends Sig[A, Int]
case class Add[A[_]](a: A[Int], b: A[Int])
    extends Sig[A, Int]
case class Fst[A[_], I, J](p: A[(I, J)])
    extends Sig[A, I]
case class Snd[A[_], I, J](p: A[(I, J)])
    extends Sig[A, J]
You can see that A is now a functor that is parameterized by the type of the value that will be evaluated to. But this technique is more general than that. You could easily usee final case object `Integer instead of the Scala ~Int type. In this case, that might make it harder to interpret the program completely, but the index or “sort” doesn’t necessaryly map to the type of the expression. At SlamData, we use sorts to differentiate between literal values, mapping operations, and dimuntsional transforms.

and its type class

Rather than thinking of it as a higher-order fixed-point + a higher-order functor, think of it as a functor from which we can extract a higher-order functor:
@typeclass trait HRecursive[T[_]] {
  type Base[G[_], A]

  def hproject(implicit BF: HFunctor[Base])
      : T ~> Base[T, ?]

“It’s just a monoid functor in the category of endofunctors.”

This is until Miles gets us kind-polymorphism in Typelevel Scala, and these become a single type class.

migrating existing code

If you’re interested in trying this approach, but are unlikely to get support at work to rewrite all of your data structures as functors (or higher-order functors), there is an incremental approach. One caveat: it does require a bit of duplication.

First, you need to have both the directly-recusive and functorized structures. Similiar to the `ListF` case. Now, you can implement Recursive and Corecursive instances on your directly recursive type, with the functorized version as Base. Ok, you’re done – start writing algebras using the functor, and all of the folds exist on your directly-recursive type.

sealed abstract class ExprF[A]
final case class NumF[A](v: Int)     extends ExprF[A]
final case class MulF[A](a: A, b: A) extends ExprF[A]

implicit def exprRec: Recursive.Aux[Expr, ExprF] =
  new Recursive[Expr] {
    type Base[A] = ExprF[A]
    def project(t: Expr)(implicit BF: Functor[ExprF])
        : ExprF[Expr] =
      t match {
        case Num(v)    => NumF(v)
        case Mul(a, b) => MulF(a, b)

future work

Adjoint Folds

Adjunctions (which exist in Scalaz, and @stew is working on a Typelevel library with them) are basically a pair of functors that obey certain properties. One is that if you compose them one way, you get a monad, and if you compose them the other way, you get a comonad.
// F ⊣ G
abstract class Adjunction[F[_], G[_]] {
  def monad(implicit G: Functor[G]): Monad[(G  F)#λ]
  def comonad(implicit F: Functor[F])
      : Comonad[(F  G)#λ]
And that pair of monad and comonad are duals. In fact, every monad (and its dual) can be broken down into a pair of functors that form an adjunction. And so this makes explicit the duals in the generalized algebras of recursion schemes – from a single Adjunction, we can extract the dual constructions.

Also, this gives us folds and unfolds that aren’t possible with the direct comonadic that Matryoshka currently uses. E.g., the “mutumorphism”, which is a generalization of the zygomorphism that allows both algebras to refer to the results of the other – giving us mutual recursion in recursion schemes. We do have mutu, but it’s implemented outside of the nice generalized model we have.

Abstract Binding Trees

ABTs are like ASTs, but if you’ve ever created an AST that has variable bindings, you may have noticed that they’re a pain to deal with. There are a few different approaches with tradeoffs, and one of those is ABTs. Like with recursion schemes, ABTs attempt to separate variable binding from your code.

SlamData has an ABT library, but it requires writing things in a style that is distinct from both direct recursion and recursion schemes. I think we could approach it in a way that takes advantage of recursion schemes.

sealed abstract class ABT[F[_], A]
final case class Var[F[_], A](v: String)
    extends ABT[F, A]
final case class Abs[F[_], A](v: String, term: A)
    extends ABT[F, A]
final case class Term[F[_], A](tm: F[A])
    extends ABT[F, A]


  • I’m happy to talk to anyone about any of this stuff. There is a lot here that I glossed over or didn’t even mention.

Again, not my ideas – look to Phil Wadler, Ed Kmett, Erik Meijer, etc. But it’s been fun to explore them in Scala.

GitHub (and Gitter) – slamdata/matryoshka

Greg Pfeil[email protected]