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File metadata and controls

937 lines (788 loc) · 33.4 KB

2021 census metadata in Cantabular

The scripts in this repository convert census metadata in CSV format to JSON files which serve as the input to the Cantabular metadata service, cantabular-metadata.

The metadata schema has changed slightly between different versions of Cantabular. This document covers the current version of Cantabular (10.0.0). The scripts also provide support for generating JSON files that are compatible with some legacy versions.

cantabular-metadata allows metadata for one or more datasets in a companion cantabular-server service to be loaded and made available to query by cantabular-ui and other software accessing its API directly.

cantabular-metadata uses GraphQL for its API, which allows cantabular-ui and any other API consumers to request only the fields of metadata that are needed for their purpose.

The schema of the metadata loaded into the service can be customised at runtime by supplying a GraphQL schema file along with the metadata content, allowing for a wide variety of metadata to be loaded.

The software allows metadata to be attached to:

  • a service (which serves a collection of datasets)
  • the datasets associated with the service (from which tables can be built using queries)
  • the variables which exist in each dataset
  • pre-defined tables within the service

Metadata can be loaded in multiple languages by specifying a language parameter on input metadata JSON. This allows other software that makes use of the metadata service to be supplied with localised reference metadata, where relevant, for all metadata types.

Processing 2021 census metadata

CSV metadata files

The raw metadata are provided as a set of CSV files, the format and arrangement of which has been specified by the ONS.

The CSV files contain metadata for:

  • databases which correspond to Cantabular datasets
  • datasets which correspond to Cantabular tables
  • variables and classifications
    • Classifications can be thought of as concrete implementations of abstract variables. Each classification has a set of associated categories.
    • Classifications are equivalent to Cantabular variables.

Data from the CSV files are mapped to values in built-in cantabular-metadata objects and to user defined objects. The names of user-defined objects have been chosen to reflect the names of the source file names wherever possible. The field names within the user defined objects have also been chosen to reflect the column names in the source files.

The source files contain some fields that are Welsh equivalents of other fields. The metadata service has separate objects for English and Welsh versions of the high level metadata objects.

If an optional Welsh field is not populated, then the English version will typically be used in its place.

The source files can have English and Welsh category labels. Only Welsh labels are included in the output JSON because the English labels can be obtained from the codebook.

The Codebook_Mnemonic for each classification is extracted from Category_Mapping.csv but the other fields are ignored.

The data in Specification.csv and Specification_Type.csv are not processed.

Geography lookup file

The main set of CSV files does not contain category information for geographic variables. A separate geography lookup file contains this information. These Python scripts extract the Welsh category labels for geographic variables from this file.

cantabular-metadata schema

This section describes the cantabular-metadata schema and how fields in the output are derived from the source files. A table is provided for each object which details the field name, the GraphQL type and the sources for the English and Welsh versions of the metadata.

Where the "Source (en)" or "Source (cy)" columns have a value such as Dataset.Dataset_Mnemonic this means that the source is the Dataset_Mnemonic field in the appropriate row of the Dataset.csv file.


The Service object is a built-in type in cantabular-metadata. It contains information that is relevant to all the datasets that are hosted by an instance of cantabular-server.

It consists of a ServiceMetadata object which contains user defined fields, and a list of Table objects where each entry corresponds to a table specified in Dataset.csv.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
meta ServiceMetadata!
tables [Table!] Tables read from Dataset.csv


All the fields in ServiceMetadata are user defined. The census metadata consists of data that is relevant on a per dataset basis, so this object only has a description field containing a preset message.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
description String! "Census 2021 metadata" "Census 2021 metadata in Welsh"
build Build! Build and version information from various sources


The data in Build is intended for debug purposes. It provides some information about the build process, where the CSV files were converted to JSON.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
created String! Time in ISO 8601 format that the Python CSV to JSON script was executed
best_effort String! "TRUE" if the --best-effort flag was used when running the script, else "FALSE"
dataset_filter String Contains the values specified with the --dataset-filter command line parameter, if it was used when running the script
geography_file String Comma-separated list of the names of geography files used to source category labels for geographic variables if supplied on the command line
versions Versions! Version information relating to build


The data in Versions is intended for debug purposes. It provides the versions of the various components used to build the JSON files. The data value is the Metadata_Version_Number taken from the last line of the Metadata_Version.csv file, but all other fields in that file are ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
data String! Metadata_Version.Metadata_Version_Number
script String! Version of the script used to build the metadata
schema String! Version of the ONS metadata schema


A Cantabular table is equivalent to an ONS dataset.

The Table object is a built-in type in cantabular-metadata. The name, label and description fields are sourced from Dataset.csv. The other fields in the file are contained in the TableMetadata object.

Only tables with a value of PUB (i.e. public) in Dataset.Security_Mnemonic are included in the Cantabular metadata.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
name String! Dataset.Dataset_Mnemonic
label String Dataset.Dataset_Title Dataset.Dataset_Title_Welsh
description String Dataset.Dataset_Description Dataset.Dataset_Description_Welsh
datasetName String Dataset.Destination_Pre_Built_Database_Mnemonic if set, else Dataset_Variable.Database_Mnemonic
meta TableMetadata! Additional data from Dataset.csv
vars [String!]! Table variable names sourced from Dataset_Variable.csv (see note below)

vars is sourced from Dataset_Variable.csv and is a list of names of Cantabular variables that are used to construct the table. The variable names are sorted using the Processing_Priority value in Dataset_Variable. Zero or more geographic variables can be specified for a single table in Dataset_Variable.csv. vars will contain at most one geographic variable. This will be the first element on the list and will be the geographic variable in Dataset_Variable.csv which has Lowest_Geog_Variable_Flag set to Y. All other geographic variables are listed in TableMetadata.Alternate_Geographic_Variables.


All the fields in TableMetadata are user defined. It contains information from Dataset.csv that is not included in the Table object.

The object also contains data from Related_Datasets.csv, Publication_Dataset.csv, Release_Dataset.csv and Observation_Type.csv.

The Signed_Off_Flag and Id field in Classification.csv are ignored.

The Minimum_Threshold_Person and Minimum_Threshold_HH fields in Dataset_Variable.csv are ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Dataset_Mnemonic_2011 String Dataset.Dataset_Mnemonic_2011
Geographic_Coverage String! Dataset.Geographic_Coverage Dataset.Geographic_Coverage_Welsh
Dataset_Population String! Dataset.Dataset_Population Dataset.Population_Welsh
Last_Updated String Dataset.Last_Updated
Contact Contact Keyed on Dataset.Contact_Id
Version String! Dataset.Version
Related_Datasets [String]! List of Related_Datasets.Related_Dataset_Mnemonic values keyed on Related_Datasets.Dataset_Mnemonic
Publications [Publication]! List of Publication values keyed on Publication_Dataset.Dataset_Mnemonic
Census_Releases [Census_Release]! List of Census_Release values keyed on Release_Dataset.Dataset_Mnemonic/Census_Release_Number
Statistical_Unit Statistical_Unit! Keyed on Dataset.Statistical_Unit
Alternate_Geographic_Variables [String!] List of alternate geographic variable names which are available for this table sourced from Dataset_Variable.csv keyed on Dataset_Variable.Dataset_Mnemonic
Observation_Type Observation_Type! Object of type Observation_Type keyed on Dataset.Observation_Type_Code
Keywords [String]! List of keywords from Dataset_Keyword keyed on Dataset_Keyword.Dataset_Mnemonic


The Dataset object is a built-in type in cantabular-metadata. The name, label and description fields are sourced from Database.csv. The other fields in the file are contained in the DatasetMetadata object.

All the variables in the metadata have been added to a base dataset, which all other datasets include. This significantly reduces the size of the JSON file containing the dataset information.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
name String! Database.Database_Mnemonic
label String Database.Database_Title Database.Database_Title_Welsh
description String Database.Description Database.Database_Description_Welsh
meta DatasetMetadata! Additional fields from Database.csv
vars [Variable]! List of Variable objects read from Classification.csv


All the fields in DatasetMetadata are user defined. It contains information from Database.csv that is not included in the Dataset object.

The Lowest_Geog_Variable value is identified from the relevant entries in Database_Variable.csv.

The Id field in Database.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Cantabular_DB_Flag String Database.Cantabular_DB_Flag
Source Source! Keyed on Database.Source_Mnemonic
Version String! Database.Version
Lowest_Geog_Variable String Database_Variable.Variable_Mnemonic for entry in Database_Variable.csv with a Database_Variable.Lowest_Geog_Variable_Flag value of Y
Database_Type Database_Type! Object of type Database_Type keyed on Database.Database_Type


A Cantabular variable is equivalent to a census classification. Each census classification has an associated census variable. The source CSV files do not define classifications for geographic variables. The scripts in this repository therefore automatically create classifications for geographic variables.

The Variable object is a built-in type in cantabular-metadata. The name, label and description are populated from appropriate values in Classification.csv or Variable.csv.

Only variables with a value of PUB (i.e. public) in Classification.Security_Mnemonic are included in the Cantabular metadata.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
name String! See note below
label String Classification.External_Classification_Label_English or Variable.Variable_Title for geographic variables Classification.External_Classification_Label_Welsh or Variable.Variable_Title_Welsh for geographic variables
description String Variable.Variable_Description Variable.Variable_Description_Welsh.
meta VariableMetadata! User specific metadata from Classification.csv
catLabels LabelsMap Map of Category.Code to Category.External_Category_Label_English or (Category.Internal_Category_Label_English if external value not populated) values Map of Category.Code to Category.External_Category_Label_Welsh values
digest String! Automatically populated hash of values in metadata for the variable

It is essential that the variable name matches the name of the variable in the Cantabular codebook. For non-geographic variables this will be Category_Mapping.Codebook_Mnemonic if the field is populated for the classification or else Classification.Classification_Mnemonic. For base classifications the Codebook_Mnemonic and Classification_Mnemonic are likely to be different, whereas for higher level classifications they will be the same. The name will be Variable.Variable_Mnemonic for geographic variables.


All the fields in VariableMetadata are user defined. It contains information from Classification.csv that is not included in the Variable object. As noted above, classifications for geographic variables are automatically created and this is reflected in the values in this object.

The Parent_Classification_Mnemonic, Signed_Off_Flag, Flat_Classification_Flag and Id field in Classification.csv are ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Mnemonic_2011 String Classification.Mnemonic_2011 or null for geographic variables
Default_Classification_Flag String Classification.Default_Classification_Flag or null for geographic variables
Version String! Classification.Version or Variable.Version for geographic variables
ONS_Variable ONS_Variable! Keyed on Classification.Variable_Mnemonic or Variable.Variable_Mnemonic for geographic variables
Topics [Topic]! List of Topic values keyed on Topic_Classification.Classification_Mnemonic/Topic_Mnemonic or [] for geographic variables
Cantabular_Public_Flag String! Database_Variable.Cantabular_Public_Flag- will be Y or N.
Not_Applicable_Category_Description String! Classification.Not_Applicable_Category_Description Classification.Not_Applicable_Category_Description_Welsh


ONS_Variable is a user defined object.

The data is sourced from Variable.csv.

The Id, Signed_Off_Flag and Number_Of_Classifications fields in Variable.csv are ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Variable_Mnemonic String! Variable.Variable_Mnemonic
Variable_Title String! Variable.Variable_Title Variable.Variable_Title_Welsh
Variable_Mnemonic_2011 String Variable.Variable_Mnemonic_2011
Comparability_Comments String Variable.Comparability_Comments Variable.Comparability_Comments_Welsh
Uk_Comparison_Comments String Variable.Uk_Comparison_Comments Variable.Uk_Comparison_Comments_Welsh
Geographic_Theme String Variable.Geographic_Theme Variable.Geographic_Theme_Welsh
Geographic_Coverage String Variable.Geographic_Coverage Variable.Geographic_Coverage_Welsh
Version String! Variable.Version
Statistical_Unit Statistical_Unit Keyed on Variable.Statistical_Unit
Topic Topic Keyed on Variable.Topic_Mnemonic
Questions [Question]! List of Question keyed on Variable.Source_Question.Variable_Mnemonic/Source_Question_Code
Variable_Type Variable_Type! Variable.Variable_Type_Code
Quality_Statement_Text String Variable.Quality_Statement_Text Variable.Quality_Statement_Text_Welsh
Quality_Summary_URL String Variable.Quality_Summary_URL
Geography_Hierarchy_Order String Variable.Geography_Hierarchy_Order
Variable_Short_Description String Variable.Variable_Short_Description Variable.Variable_Short_Description_Welsh
Keywords [String]! List of keywords from Variable_Keyword keyed on Variable_Keyword.Variable_Mnemonic


The data is sourced from Variable_Type.csv. The Id field in Variable_Type.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Variable_Type_Code String! Variable_Type.Variable_Type_Code
Variable_Type_Description String! Variable_Type.Variable_Type_Description Variable_Type.Variable_Type_Description_Welsh


The data is sourced from Topic.csv. The Id field in Topic.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Topic_Mnemonic String! Topic.Topic_Mnemonic
Topic_Description String! Topic.Topic_Description Topic.Topic_Description_Welsh
Topic_Title String! Topic.Topic_Title Topic.Topic_Title_Welsh


The data is sourced from Question.csv. The Id field in Question.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Question_Code String! Question.Question_Code
Question_Label String! Question.Question_Label Question.Question_Label_Welsh
Reason_For_Asking_Question String Question.Reason_For_Asking_Question Question.Reason_For_Asking_Question_Welsh
Question_First_Asked_In_Year String Question.Question_First_Asked_In_Year
Version String! Question.Version


The data is sourced from Source.csv. The Id field in Source.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Source_Mnemonic String! Source.Source_Mnemonic
Source_Description String! Source.Source_Description Source.Source_Description_Welsh
Copyright_Statement String Source.Copyright_Statement
Licence String Source.Licence
Nationals_Statistic_Certified String Source.Nationals_Statistic_Certified
Methodology_Link String Source.Methodology_Link
Methodology_Statement String Source.Methodology_Statement Source.Methodology_Statement_Welsh
SDC_Link String Source.SDC_Link
SDC_Statement String Source.SDC_Statement Source.SDC_Statement_Welsh
Version String! Source.Version
Contact Contact Keyed on Source.Contact_Id


The data is sourced from Contact.csv.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Contact_Id String! Contact.Contact_Id
Contact_Name String! Contact.Contact_Name
Contact_Email String! Contact.Contact_Email
Contact_Phone String Contact.Contact_Phone
Contact_Website String Contact.Contact_Website


The data is sourced from Publication_Dataset.csv. The Dataset_Mnemonic field in Publication_Dataset.csv is used to identify publications associated with each table.

The Id field in Publication_Dataset.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Publication_Mnemonic String! Publication_Dataset.Publication_Mnemonic
Publication_Title String Publication_Dataset.Publication_Title
Publisher_Name String Publication_Dataset.Publisher_Name
Publisher_Website String Publication_Dataset.Publisher_Website


The data is sourced from Census_Release.csv. The Id field in Census_Release.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Census_Release_Number String! Census_Release.Census_Release_Number
Census_Release_Description String! Census_Release.Census_Release_Description
Release_Date String! Census_Release.Release_Date


The data is sourced from Statistical_Unit.csv. The Id field in Statistical_Unit.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Statistical_Unit String! Statistical_Unit.Statistical_Unit
Statistical_Unit_Label String Statistical_Unit.Statistical_Unit_Label Statistical_Unit_Label_Welsh
Statistical_Unit_Description String! Statistical_Unit.Statistical_Unit_Description Statistical_Unit.Statistical_Unit_Description_Welsh


The data is sourced from Observation_Type.csv. The Id field in Observation_Type.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Observation_Type_Code String! Observation_Type.Observation_Type_Code
Observation_Type_Label String! Observation_Type.Observation_Type_Label
Observation_Type_Description String Observation_Type.Observation_Type_Description
Decimal_Places String Observation_Type.Decimal_Places
Prefix String Observation_Type.Prefix
Suffix String Observation_Type.Suffix
FillTrailingSpaces String Observation_Type.FillTrailingSpaces
Negative_Sign String Observation_Type.Negative_Sign


The data is sourced from Database_Type.csv. The Id field in Database_Type.csv is ignored.

Field GraphQL Type Source (en) Source (cy)
Database_Type_Code String! Database_Type.Database_Type_Code
Database_Type_Description String! Database_Type.Database_Type_Description

Sample queries

This section contains some examples of GraphQL queries that can be used to query metadata for the dataset named Teaching-Dataset from cantabular-metadata and cantabular-api-ext. Sample responses have also been provided.

cantabular-metadata queries

Get version information

This query gets the version information from the service metadata.


  service {
    meta {
      build {
        versions {


  "data": {
    "service": {
      "meta": {
        "build": {
          "best_effort": "False",
          "created": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
          "dataset_filter": null,
          "geography_file": "geography.csv",
          "versions": {
            "data": "1",
            "schema": "1.4",
            "script": "1.4.0"

Get all tables

This query gets the name value for every table in the metadata.


  service {
    tables {


  "data": {
    "service": {
      "tables": [
          "name": "LC1117EW"
          "name": "LC2101EW"
          "name": "LC2107EW"
          "name": "LC6107EW"
          "name": "LC6112EW"

Get metadata for one table

This query gets additional metadata for a single table named LC1117EW.


  service {
    tables(names: ["LC1117EW"]) {
      meta {
        Statistical_Unit {


  "data": {
    "service": {
      "tables": [
          "datasetName": "Teaching-Dataset",
          "description": "This dataset provides 2011 Census estimates that classify usual residents by sex, and by age (ages 0 to 15 grouped together, 10 year age groups up to 74 then 75 years and over grouped together). The estimates are as at census day, 27 March 2011.",
          "label": "Sex by age",
          "meta": {
            "Alternate_Geographic_Variables": [
            "Statistical_Unit": {
              "Statistical_Unit_Description": "People living in England and Wales"
          "name": "LC1117EW",
          "vars": [

Get metadata for a dataset and its variables

This query gets some metadata for a specific dataset named Teaching-Dataset along with metadata for the Region and Sex variables.


  dataset(name: "Teaching-Dataset") {
    meta {
    vars(names: ["Region", "Sex"]){
      meta {
        Topics {


  "data": {
    "dataset": {
      "description": "An anonymised random sample of 1% of people from the 2011 Census for England and Wales, including both usual residents and short-term residents.",
      "meta": {
        "Lowest_Geog_Variable": "Region"
      "name": "Teaching-Dataset",
      "vars": [
          "catLabels": {
            "E12000001": "North East",
            "E12000002": "North West",
            "E12000003": "Yorkshire and the Humber",
            "E12000004": "East Midlands",
            "E12000005": "West Midlands",
            "E12000006": "East of England",
            "E12000007": "London",
            "E12000008": "South East",
            "E12000009": "South West",
            "W92000004": "Wales"
          "description": "The geographic region in which a person lives, derived from the address of their household or communal establishment.",
          "meta": {
            "Topics": []
          "catLabels": {
            "1": "Male",
            "2": "Female"
          "description": "The classification of a person as either male or female.",
          "meta": {
            "Topics": [
                "Topic_Description": "Data and analysis on migration patterns, age structure and families.",
                "Topic_Mnemonic": "MAD"

Get metadata for a dataset and its variables in Welsh

This query requests the same information as requested in the previous query but in Welsh.


  dataset(name: "Teaching-Dataset" lang: "cy") {
    meta {
    vars(names: ["Region", "Sex"]){
      meta {
        Topics {


  "data": {
    "dataset": {
      "description": "Sampl ddienw ar hap o 1% o bobl o Gyfrifiad 2011 ar gyfer Cymru a Lloegr, gan gynnwys preswylwyr arferol a thrigolion tymor byr.",
      "meta": {
        "Lowest_Geog_Variable": "Region"
      "name": "Teaching-Dataset",
      "vars": [
          "catLabels": {
            "E12000001": "Gogledd Ddwyrain",
            "E12000002": "Gogledd Orllewin",
            "E12000003": "Swydd Efrog a'r Humber",
            "E12000004": "Dwyrain Canolbarth Lloegr",
            "E12000005": "Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr",
            "E12000006": "Dwyrain Lloegr",
            "E12000007": "Llundain",
            "E12000008": "De Ddwyrain",
            "E12000009": "De Orllewin",
            "W92000004": "Cymru"
          "description": "Y rhanbarth daearyddol y mae person yn byw ynddo, yn deillio o gyfeiriad eu cartref neu sefydliad cymunedol.",
          "meta": {
            "Topics": []
          "catLabels": {
            "1": "Gwryw",
            "2": "Benyw"
          "description": "Dosbarthiad person naill ai'n wryw neu'n fenyw.",
          "meta": {
            "Topics": [
                "Topic_Description": "Data a dadansoddiad ar batrymau mudo, strwythur oedran a theuluoedd.",
                "Topic_Mnemonic": "MAD"

cantabular-api-ext queries

cantabular-api-ext combines information from cantabular-server and cantabular-metadata.

Perform tabulation and get metadata

This query requests a tabulation of the country and sex variables in the Teaching-Dataset. It also requests some metadata for the dataset, variables and LC1117EW table, along with version information from the service metadata.


  service {
    meta {
      build {
        versions {
    tables(names: "LC1117EW") {
  dataset(name: "Teaching-Dataset") {
    meta {
    table(variables: ["country", "sex"]) {
      dimensions {
        categories {


  "data": {
    "dataset": {
      "description": "An anonymised random sample of 1% of people from the 2011 Census for England and Wales, including both usual residents and short-term residents.",
      "meta": {
        "Lowest_Geog_Variable": "Region"
      "name": "Teaching-Dataset",
      "table": {
        "dimensions": [
            "categories": [
                "code": "E",
                "label": "England"
                "code": "W",
                "label": "Wales"
            "categories": [
                "code": "1",
                "label": "Male"
                "code": "2",
                "label": "Female"
        "values": [
    "service": {
      "meta": {
        "build": {
          "best_effort": "False",
          "created": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
          "dataset_filter": null,
          "geography_file": "geography.csv",
          "versions": {
            "data": "1",
            "schema": "1.4",
            "script": "1.4.0"
      "tables": [
          "description": "This dataset provides 2011 Census estimates that classify usual residents by sex, and by age (ages 0 to 15 grouped together, 10 year age groups up to 74 then 75 years and over grouped together). The estimates are as at census day, 27 March 2011."

Perform query and get metadata in Welsh

This query asks for the same information as the previous query but in Welsh.


  service(lang: "cy") {
    tables(names: "LC1117EW") {
  dataset(name: "Teaching-Dataset", lang: "cy") {
    meta {
    table(variables: ["country", "sex"]) {
      dimensions {
        categories {


  "data": {
    "dataset": {
      "description": "Sampl ddienw ar hap o 1% o bobl o Gyfrifiad 2011 ar gyfer Cymru a Lloegr, gan gynnwys preswylwyr arferol a thrigolion tymor byr.",
      "meta": {
        "Lowest_Geog_Variable": "Region"
      "name": "Teaching-Dataset",
      "table": {
        "dimensions": [
            "categories": [
                "code": "E",
                "label": "Lloegr"
                "code": "W",
                "label": "Cymru"
            "categories": [
                "code": "1",
                "label": "Gwryw"
                "code": "2",
                "label": "Benyw"
        "values": [
    "service": {
      "tables": [
          "description": "Mae'r set ddata hon yn darparu amcangyfrifon Cyfrifiad 2011 sy'n dosbarthu preswylwyr arferol yn ôl rhyw, ac yn ôl oedran (oedran 0 i 15 wedi'u grwpio gyda'i gilydd, grwpiau oedran 10 oed hyd at 74 oed ac yna 75 oed a throsodd grwpio gyda'i gilydd). Mae'r amcangyfrifon fel yn y Diwrnod Cyfrifiad, 27 Mawrth 2011."