diff --git a/flask/src/main.py b/flask/src/main.py
index e736679c..4d5b14e8 100644
--- a/flask/src/main.py
+++ b/flask/src/main.py
@@ -121,14 +121,40 @@ def checkout():
     print("> /checkout inventory", inventory)
     print("> validate_inventory", validate_inventory)
+    # Check for empty cart or inventory
+    if len(inventory) == 0 or len(quantities) == 0:
+        sentry_sdk.metrics.incr(key="checkout.failed")
+        response = make_response(json.dumps({
+            "error": "Invalid cart state - no items found"
+        }), 400)
+        return response
     with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="process_order", description="function"):
-        quantities = cart['quantities']
-        for cartItem in quantities:
-            for inventoryItem in inventory:
-                print("> inventoryItem.count", inventoryItem['count'])
-                if (validate_inventory and (inventoryItem.count < quantities[cartItem] or quantities[cartItem] >= inventoryItem.count)):
+        # Create inventory map for O(1) lookups
+        inventory_map = {item['id']: item['count'] for item in inventory}
+        # Validate each item in cart
+        for product_id, requested_quantity in quantities.items():
+            # Check if product exists in inventory
+            if product_id not in inventory_map:
+                sentry_sdk.metrics.incr(key="checkout.failed")
+                response = make_response(json.dumps({
+                    "error": f"Product {product_id} not found in inventory",
+                    "product_id": product_id
+                }), 404)
+                return response
+            if validate_inventory:
+                available_quantity = inventory_map[product_id]
+                if requested_quantity > available_quantity:
-                    raise Exception("Not enough inventory for product")
+                    response = make_response(json.dumps({
+                        "error": "Insufficient inventory",
+                        "product_id": product_id,
+                        "requested": requested_quantity,
+                        "available": available_quantity
+                    }), 400)
+                    return response
         if len(inventory) == 0 or len(quantities) == 0:
             raise Exception("Not enough inventory for product")
diff --git a/vue/src/views/CheckoutView.vue b/vue/src/views/CheckoutView.vue
index d5a702b1..14b45bc4 100644
--- a/vue/src/views/CheckoutView.vue
+++ b/vue/src/views/CheckoutView.vue
@@ -148,23 +148,42 @@ import { useCounterStore } from "../stores/cart";
           var requestOptions = {
             method: "POST",
             headers: {
-              "Content-Type": "text/plain",
+              "Content-Type": "application/json",
             body: JSON.stringify(payload),
             redirect: "follow",
           try {
-            success = await this.makeCheckoutRequest(requestOptions);
+            checkoutResult = await this.makeCheckoutRequest(requestOptions);
           } catch (error) {
             Sentry.withActiveSpan(span, async () => {
+              Sentry.setContext("checkout_attempt", {
+                cartItems: this.cartItems.length,
+                error_details: error.details || {},
+                status: error.status
+              });
-            this.$router.push("/error");
+            // Handle specific error cases
+            if (error.details?.error === "Insufficient inventory") {
+              const productId = error.details.product_id;
+              const item = this.cartItems.find(i => i.id === productId);
+              this.$store.dispatch('showError', {
+                message: `Sorry, only ${error.details.available} units available for ${item?.name || 'this item'}`,
+                type: 'inventory'
+              });
+            } else {
+              this.$store.dispatch('showError', {
+                message: error.message || 'An error occurred during checkout',
+                type: 'general'
+              });
+            }
+            return false;
-          return success;
+          return checkoutResult;