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TMF wrapper for SEPAL

License: MIT Black badge

About the module

This module provides an interface to clip and download the TMF product (Source: EC JRC) inside SEPAL


  • start year
  • end year
  • AOI


  • annual degradation
  • annual deforestation
  • annual change

About TMF

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre developed this new dataset on forest cover change in tropical moist forests (TMF) using 38 years of Landsat time series.
The wall-to-wall maps at 0.09 ha resolution (30m) depict the TMF extent and the related disturbances (deforestation and degradation), and post-deforestation recovery (or forest regrowth) through two complementary thematic layers: a transition map and an annual change collection over the period 1990-2019.
Each disturbance (deforestation or degradation) is characterized by its timing and intensity. Deforestation refers to a change in land cover (from forest to non-forested land) when degradation refers to a temporary disturbance in a forest remaining forested such as selective logging, fires and unusual weather events (hurricanes, droughts, blowdown).


All data here are produced under studies funded by the Directorate-General for Climate Action of the European Commission through the Roadless-For pilot project and the Lot 2 (Tropical moist Forest Monitoring) of the ForMonPol project (Forest Monitoring for Policies). All data are provided free of charge, without restriction of use. For the full license information see the Copernicus Regulation of the European Commission.


Publications, models and data products that make use of these datasets must include proper acknowledgement, including citing datasets and the journal article as in the following citation.

For any use, please cite the source dataset:

C. Vancutsem, F. Achard, J.-F. Pekel, G. Vieilledent, S. Carboni, D. Simonetti, J. Gallego, L.E.O.C. Aragão, R. Nasi. Long-term (1990-2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics. Science Advances

TMF Explorer

The Tropical Moist Forest Explorer is a web-mapping tool that shows the dataset and allows users to navigate the tropics visualizing the main layers of the Tropical Moist Forest dataset without installing any software.
We recommend its use to explore the TMF product

Data Users Guide

For a description of the TMF datasets and details on how to use the data, you can download the Data USers Guide