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Codata and corecursion: cleaning before whistling

By using codata and corecursion, we can decompose lazy-mrsc into two stages

    lazy-mrsc ≗ prune-cograph ∘ build-cograph

where build-cograph constructs a (potentially) infinite tree, while prune-cograph traverses this tree and turns it into a lazy graph (which is finite).

Lazy cographs of configurations

A LazyCograph C represents a (potentially) infinite set of graphs of configurations whose type is Graph C (see Cographs.agda).

data LazyCograph (C : Set) : Set where
  Ø     : LazyCograph C
  stop  : (c : C)  LazyCograph C
  build : (c : C) (lss : ∞(List (List (LazyCograph C))))  LazyCograph C

Note that LazyCograph C differs from LazyGraph C the evaluation of lss in build-nodes is delayed.

Building lazy cographs

Lazy cographs are produced by the function build-cograph

build-cograph : (c : Conf)  LazyCograph Conf

which can be derived from the function lazy-mrsc by removing the machinery related to whistles.

build-cograph is defined in terms of a more general function build-cographs′.

build-cograph′ : (h : History) (c : Conf)  LazyCograph Conf
build-cograph c = build-cograph′ [] c

The definition of build-cograph′ uses auxiliary functions build-cograph⇉ and build-cograph*, while the definition of lazy-mrsc just calls map at corresponding places. This is necessary in order for build-cograph′ to pass Agda's "productivity" check.

build-cograph⇉ : (h : History) (c : Conf) (css : List (List Conf)) 
  List (List (LazyCograph Conf))

build-cograph* : (h : History) (cs : List Conf)  List (LazyCograph Conf)

build-cograph′ h c with foldable? h c
... | yes f = stop c
... | no ¬f =
  build c (♯ build-cograph⇉ h c (c ⇉))

build-cograph⇉ h c [] = []
build-cograph⇉ h c (cs ∷ css) =
  build-cograph* (c ∷ h) cs ∷ build-cograph⇉ h c css

build-cograph* h [] = []
build-cograph* h (c ∷ cs) =
  build-cograph′ h c ∷ build-cograph* h cs

Pruning lazy cographs

A lazy cograph can be pruned by means of the function prune-cograph to obtain a finite lazy graph.

prune-cograph : (l : LazyCograph Conf)  LazyGraph Conf

which can be derived from the function lazy-mrsc by removing the machinery related to generation of nodes (since it only consumes nodes that have been generated by build-cograph).

prune-cograph is defined in terms of a more general function prune-cograph′:

prune-cograph l = prune-cograph′ [] bar[] l

The definition of prune-cograph′ uses the auxiliary function prune-cograph*.

prune-cograph* : (h : History) (b : Bar ↯ h)
  (ls : List (LazyCograph Conf))  List (LazyGraph Conf)

prune-cograph′ h b Ø = Ø
prune-cograph′ h b (stop c) = stop c
prune-cograph′ h b (build c lss) with  ↯? h
... | yes w = Ø
... | no ¬w with b
... | now bz with ¬w bz
... | ()
prune-cograph′ h b (build c lss) | no ¬w | later bs =
  build c (map (prune-cograph* (c ∷ h) (bs c)) (♭ lss))

prune-cograph* h b [] = []
prune-cograph* h b (l ∷ ls) =
  prune-cograph′ h b l ∷ (prune-cograph* h b ls)

Note that, when processing a node build c lss, the evaluation of lss has to be explicitly forced by .

prune-cograph and build-cograph are correct with respect to lazy-mrsc:

prune∘build-correct : prune-cograph ∘ build-cograph ≗ lazy-mrsc

A proof of this theorem can be found in Cographs.agda.

Promoting some cleaners over the whistle

Suppose clean∞ is a cograph cleaner such that

    clean ∘ prune-cograph ≗ prune-cograph ∘ clean∞


    clean ∘ lazy-mrsc ≗
        clean ∘ prune-cograph ∘ build-cograph ≗
        prune-cograph ∘ clean∞ ∘ build-cograph

The good thing about build-cograph and clean∞ is that they work in a lazy way, generating subtrees by demand. Hence, evaluating

    ⟪ prune-cograph ∘ (clean∞ (build-cograph c))  ⟫

may be less time and space consuming than evaluating

    ⟪ clean (lazy-mrsc c) ⟫

In Cographs.agda there is defined a cograph cleaner cl-bad-conf∞ that takes a lazy cograph and prunes subrees containing bad configurations, returning a lazy subgraph (which can be infinite):

cl-bad-conf∞ : {C : Set} (bad : C  Bool) (l : LazyCograph C) 
  LazyCograph C

cl-bad-conf∞ is correct with respect to cl-bad-conf:

cl-bad-conf∞-correct : (bad : Conf  Bool) 
  cl-bad-conf bad ∘ prune-cograph ≗ prune-cograph ∘ cl-bad-conf∞ bad

A proof of this theorem can be found in Cographs.agda.