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Counting without generation

The main idea of staged supercompilation consists in replacing the analysis of residual graphs with the analysis of the program that generates the graphs.

Gathering statistics about graphs is just a special case of such analysis. For example, it is possible to count the number of residual graphs that would be produced without actually generating the graphs.

Counting residual graphs

Technically, we can define a function #⟪_⟫ that analyses lazy graphs such that

#⟪⟫-correct :  {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C) 
    #⟪ l ⟫ ≡ length ⟪ l ⟫

Here is the definition of #⟪_⟫ (see Statistics.agda).


  -- #⟪_⟫

  #⟪_⟫ :  {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C)  ℕ

  #⟪ Ø ⟫ = 0
  #⟪ stop c ⟫ = 1
  #⟪ build c lss ⟫ = #⟪ lss ⟫⇉

  -- #⟪_⟫⇉

  #⟪_⟫⇉ :  {C : Set} (lss : List (List (LazyGraph C)))  ℕ

  #⟪ [] ⟫⇉ = 0
  #⟪ ls ∷ lss ⟫⇉ = #⟪ ls ⟫* + #⟪ lss ⟫⇉

  -- #⟪_⟫*

  #⟪_⟫* :  {C : Set} (ls : List (LazyGraph C))  ℕ

  #⟪ [] ⟫* = 1
  #⟪ l ∷ ls ⟫* = #⟪ l ⟫ * #⟪ ls ⟫*

The proof of #⟪⟫-correct is based on the following lemma:

length∘cartesian2 :  {A : Set} 
  (xs : List A)  (yss : List (List A)) 
  length (cartesian2 xs yss) ≡ length xs * length yss

Counting nodes in collections of residual graphs

We can define a function %⟪_⟫, such that

%⟪⟫-correct : {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C) 
    %⟪ l ⟫ ≡ #⟪ l ⟫ , sum (map graph-size ⟪ l ⟫)

%⟪⟫ computes the number of graphs represented by l and the total number of nodes in the graphs represented by l. It does so to avoid calling #⟪_⟫ (which would lead to the same values being calculated several times).

Here is the definition of %⟪_⟫ (see Statistics.agda).


  -- %⟪_⟫

  %⟪_⟫ : {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C)  ℕ × ℕ

  %⟪ Ø ⟫ = 0 , 0
  %⟪ stop c ⟫ = 1 , 1
  %⟪ build c lss ⟫ = %⟪ lss ⟫⇉

  -- %⟪_⟫⇉

  %⟪_⟫⇉ : {C : Set} (lss : List (List (LazyGraph C)))  ℕ × ℕ

  %⟪ [] ⟫⇉ = 0 , 0
  %⟪ ls ∷ lss ⟫⇉ with %⟪ ls ⟫* | %⟪ lss ⟫⇉
  ... | k′ , n′ | k , n = k′ + k , k′ + n′ + n

  -- %⟪_⟫*

  %⟪_⟫* : {C : Set} (ls : List (LazyGraph C))  ℕ × ℕ

  %⟪ [] ⟫* = 1 , 0
  %⟪ l ∷ ls ⟫* with %⟪ l ⟫ | %⟪ ls ⟫*
  ... | k′ , n′ | k , n = k′ * k , k′ * n + k * n′

The proof of %⟪⟫-correct is rather tedious...