The main idea of staged supercompilation consists in replacing the analysis of residual graphs with the analysis of the program that generates the graphs.
Gathering statistics about graphs is just a special case of such analysis. For example, it is possible to count the number of residual graphs that would be produced without actually generating the graphs.
Technically, we can define a function #⟪_⟫
that analyses
lazy graphs such that
#⟪⟫-correct : ∀ {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C) →
#⟪ l ⟫ ≡ length ⟪ l ⟫
Here is the definition of #⟪_⟫
(see Statistics.agda
-- #⟪_⟫
#⟪_⟫ : ∀ {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C) → ℕ
#⟪ Ø ⟫ = 0
#⟪ stop c ⟫ = 1
#⟪ build c lss ⟫ = #⟪ lss ⟫⇉
-- #⟪_⟫⇉
#⟪_⟫⇉ : ∀ {C : Set} (lss : List (List (LazyGraph C))) → ℕ
#⟪ [] ⟫⇉ = 0
#⟪ ls ∷ lss ⟫⇉ = #⟪ ls ⟫* + #⟪ lss ⟫⇉
-- #⟪_⟫*
#⟪_⟫* : ∀ {C : Set} (ls : List (LazyGraph C)) → ℕ
#⟪ [] ⟫* = 1
#⟪ l ∷ ls ⟫* = #⟪ l ⟫ * #⟪ ls ⟫*
The proof of #⟪⟫-correct
is based on the following lemma:
length∘cartesian2 : ∀ {A : Set} →
(xs : List A) → (yss : List (List A)) →
length (cartesian2 xs yss) ≡ length xs * length yss
We can define a function %⟪_⟫
, such that
%⟪⟫-correct : {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C) →
%⟪ l ⟫ ≡ #⟪ l ⟫ , sum (map graph-size ⟪ l ⟫)
computes the number of graphs represented by l
the total number of nodes in the graphs represented by l
It does so to avoid calling #⟪_⟫
(which would lead to
the same values being calculated several times).
Here is the definition of %⟪_⟫
(see Statistics.agda
-- %⟪_⟫
%⟪_⟫ : {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C) → ℕ × ℕ
%⟪ Ø ⟫ = 0 , 0
%⟪ stop c ⟫ = 1 , 1
%⟪ build c lss ⟫ = %⟪ lss ⟫⇉
-- %⟪_⟫⇉
%⟪_⟫⇉ : {C : Set} (lss : List (List (LazyGraph C))) → ℕ × ℕ
%⟪ [] ⟫⇉ = 0 , 0
%⟪ ls ∷ lss ⟫⇉ with %⟪ ls ⟫* | %⟪ lss ⟫⇉
... | k′ , n′ | k , n = k′ + k , k′ + n′ + n
-- %⟪_⟫*
%⟪_⟫* : {C : Set} (ls : List (LazyGraph C)) → ℕ × ℕ
%⟪ [] ⟫* = 1 , 0
%⟪ l ∷ ls ⟫* with %⟪ l ⟫ | %⟪ ls ⟫*
... | k′ , n′ | k , n = k′ * k , k′ * n + k * n′
The proof of %⟪⟫-correct
is rather tedious...