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Staging big-step multi-result supercompilation

We can decompose the process of supercompilation into two stages

    naive-mrsc ≗ ⟪_⟫ ∘ lazy-mrsc

where ⟪_⟫ is a unary function, and f ≗ g means that f x = g y for all x.

At the first stage, lazy-mrsc generates a "lazy graph", which, essentially, is a "program" to be "executed" by ⟪_⟫.

Lazy graphs of configuration

A LazyGraph C represents a finite set of graphs of configurations (whose type is Graph C).

data LazyGraph (C : Set) : Set where
  Ø     : LazyGraph C
  stop  : (c : C)  LazyGraph C
  build : (c : C) (lss : List (List (LazyGraph C)))  LazyGraph C

A lazy graph is a tree whose nodes are "commands" to be executed by the interpreter ⟪_⟫.

The exact semantics of lazy graphs is given by the function ⟪_⟫, which calls auxiliary functions ⟪_⟫* and ⟪_⟫ (see Graphs.agda).

⟪_⟫ : {C : Set} (l : LazyGraph C)  List (Graph C)
⟪_⟫* : {C : Set} (ls : List (LazyGraph C))  List (List (Graph C))
⟪_⟫⇉ : {C : Set} (lss : List (List (LazyGraph C)))  List (List (Graph C))

Here is the definition of the main function ⟪_⟫:

⟪ Ø ⟫ = []
⟪ stop c ⟫ = [ back c ]
⟪ build c lss ⟫ = map (forth c) ⟪ lss ⟫⇉

It can be seen that Ø means "generate no graphs", stop means "generate a back-node and stop".

The most interesting case is a build-node build c lss, where c is a configuration and lss a list of lists of lazy graphs. Recall that, in general, a configuration can be decomposed into a list of configurations in several different ways. Thus, each ls ∈ lss corresponds to a decomposition of c into a number of configurations c[1], ... c[k]. By supercompiling each c[i] we get a collection of graphs that can be represnted by a lazy graph `ls[i].

The function ⟪_⟫* considers each lazy graph in a list of lazy graphs ls, and turns it into a list of graphs:

⟪ [] ⟫* = []
⟪ l ∷ ls ⟫* = ⟪ l ⟫ ∷ ⟪ ls ⟫*

The function ⟪_⟫⇉ considers all possible decompositions of a configuration, and for each decomposition computes all possible combinations of subgraphs:

⟪ [] ⟫⇉ = []
⟪ ls ∷ lss ⟫⇉ = cartesian ⟪ ls ⟫* ++ ⟪ lss ⟫⇉

There arises a natural question: why ⟪_⟫* is defined by explicit recursion, while it does exactly the same job as would do map ⟪_⟫? The answer is that Agda's termination checker does not accept map ⟪_⟫, because it cannot see that the argument in the recursive calls to ⟪_⟫ becomes structurally smaller. For the same reason ⟪_⟫⇉ is also defined by explicit recursion.

A functional specification of lazy multi-result supercompilation

Given a configuration c, the function lazy-mrsc produces a lazy graph.

lazy-mrsc : (c : Conf)  LazyGraph Conf

lazy-mrsc is defined in terms of a more general function lazy-mrsc′

lazy-mrsc′ :  (h : History) (b : Bar ↯ h) (c : Conf)  LazyGraph Conf
lazy-mrsc c = lazy-mrsc′ [] bar[] c

The general structure of lazy-mrsc′ is very similar to that of naive-mrsc′, but, unlike naive-mrsc, it does not build Cartesian products immediately.

lazy-mrsc′ h b c with foldable? h c
... | yes f = stop c
... | no ¬f with ↯? h
... | yes w = Ø
... | no ¬w with b
... | now bz with ¬w bz
... | ()
lazy-mrsc′ h b c | no ¬f | no ¬w | later bs =
  build c (map (map (lazy-mrsc′ (c ∷ h) (bs c))) (c ⇉))

Let us compare the most interesting parts of naive-mrsc and lazy-mrsc:

    map (forth c)
        (concat (map (cartesian ∘ map (naive-mrsc′ (c ∷ h) (bs c))) (c ⇉)))
    build c (map (map (lazy-mrsc′ (c ∷ h) (bs c))) (c ⇉))

Note that cartesian disappears from lazy-mrsc.

Correctness of lazy-mrsc and ⟪_⟫

lazy-mrsc and ⟪_⟫ are correct with respect to naive-mrsc. In Agda this is formulated as follows:

naive≡lazy : (c : Conf)  naive-mrsc c ≡ ⟪ lazy-mrsc c ⟫

In other words, for any initial configuraion c, ⟪ lazy-mrsc c ⟫ returns the same list of graphs (the same configurations in the same order!) as would return naive-mrsc c.

A formal proof of naive≡lazy can be found in BigStepScTheorems.agda.