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File metadata and controls

391 lines (347 loc) · 16.3 KB

Basic usage

string connectionString = "User ID=serilog;Password=serilog;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=Serilog;";

string tableName = "logs";

IDictionary<string, ColumnWriterBase> columnWriters = new Dictionary<string, ColumnWriterBase>
    { "message", new RenderedMessageColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text) },
    { "message_template", new MessageTemplateColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text) },
    { "level", new LevelColumnWriter(true, NpgsqlDbType.Varchar) },
    { "raise_date", new TimestampColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.TimestampTz) },
    { "exception", new ExceptionColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text) },
    { "properties", new LogEventSerializedColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb) },
    { "props_test", new PropertiesColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb) },
    { "machine_name", new SinglePropertyColumnWriter("MachineName", PropertyWriteMethod.ToString, NpgsqlDbType.Text, "l") }

var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
	.WriteTo.PostgreSQL(connectionString, tableName, columnWriters)

The project can be found on nuget.


  • Since the sink uses PeriodicBatching, which queues the log events and uses a timer to dequeue and finally log the events, you need to call Log.CloseAndFlush(); sometimes to create the table if it should be auto-created. Check out #50 for an example.
  • The database is not created by the program itself as most of the people don't want to use a root kind of user or logging, e.g. the logging user doesn't have the privileges to CREATE DATABASE xy. Therefore, you need to create the database on your own before running the sink.
  • The database user does need the privilege to create a schema if you don't create it manually.
  • The database user does need the privilege to create a table if you don't create it manually.
  • If you use onCreateTableCallback, you need to specify the creation code by yourself, e.g. no automation is used in this case.
  • If you use onCreateSchemaCallback, you need to specify the creation code by yourself, e.g. no automation is used in this case.
  • If you want to auto-create a table without a schema (Or with a schema that is already created), just set needAutoCreateTable to true.
  • If you want to auto-create a table and a schema, set needAutoCreateTable to true and needAutoCreateSchema to true.

Configuration options

Parameter Meaning Example Default value
connectionString The connection string to connect to the PostgreSQL database. "User ID=serilog;Password=serilog;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=Serilog;" None, is mandatory.
tableName The table name to write the data to. Is case-sensitive! "logs" None, is mandatory.
columnOptions The column options to use. See the examples under the Full example section below. null
restrictedToMinimumLevel The minimum log event level required in order to write an event to the sink. LogEventLevel.Information LogEventLevel.Verbose
period The time to wait between checking for event batches. period: new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20) 00:00:05
formatProvider The IFormatProvider to use. Supplies culture-specific formatting information. Check new CultureInfo("de-DE") null
batchSizeLimit The maximum number of events to include in a single batch. batchSizeLimit: 40 30
queueLimit Maximum number of events in the queue. queueLimit: 3000 int.MaxValue or 2147483647
levelSwitch Maximum number of events in the queue. levelSwitch: new LoggingLevelSwitch() null
useCopy Enables the copy command to allow batch inserting instead of multiple INSERT commands. useCopy: true true
schemaName The schema in which the table should be created. schemaName: "Logs" string.Empty which defaults to the PostgreSQL public schema.
needAutoCreateTable Specifies whether the table should be auto-created if it does not already exist or not. needAutoCreateTable: true false
needAutoCreateSchema Specifies whether the schema should be auto-created if it does not already exist or not. needAutoCreateSchema: true false
failureCallback Adds an option to add a failure callback action. failureCallback: e => Console.WriteLine($"Sink error: {e.Message}") null
appConfiguration The app configuration section. Required if the connection string is a name. - null
onCreateTableCallback Adds an option to add a create table callback action. Setting this disables the table creation and allows you to add a custom behaviour. onCreateTableCallback: e => Console.WriteLine($"Create table called: {e.ToString()}") null
onCreateSchemaCallback Adds an option to add a create schema callback action. Setting this disables the schema creation and allows you to add a custom behaviour. onCreateSchemaCallback: e => Console.WriteLine($"Create schema called: {e.ToString()}") null
retentionTime The retention time of the log entries in the database, null means unlimited, negative values are not allowed. retentionTime: TimeSpan.FromDays(30) null

Configuration via JSON file

The configuration via a JSON file allows the following loggerColumnOptions:

  • Level: Stores the log level as Integer.
  • LevelAsText: Stores the log level as Text.
  • Timestamp: Stores the timestamp as TimestampTz.
  • LogEvent: Stores the log event as Jsonb.
  • Properties: Stores the properties as Jsonb.
  • Message: Stores the message template as Text.
  • RenderedMessage: Stores the rendered message as Text.
  • Exception: Stores the exception as Text.
  • IdAutoIncrement: Stores the identifier as Bigint with auto increment.
    "Serilog": {
        "LevelSwitches": {
            "$controlSwitch": "Verbose"
        "MinimumLevel": {
            "ControlledBy": "$controlSwitch"
        "WriteTo": [
                "Name": "PostgreSQL",
                "Args": {
                    "connectionString": "User ID=postgres;Password=postgres;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=Serilog;",
                    "tableName": "TestLogs",
                    "schemaName": null,
                    "needAutoCreateTable": true,
                    "loggerColumnOptions": {
                        "Id": {
                            "Name": "IdAutoIncrement"
                        "TimeStamp": {
                            "Name": "Timestamp"
                        "LogEvent": {
                            "Name": "LogEvent"
                    "loggerPropertyColumnOptions": {
                        "TestColumnName": {
                            "Name": "TestProperty",
                            "Format": "{0}",
                            "WriteMethod": "Raw",
                            "DbType": "Text"
                    "period": "0.00:00:30",
                    "batchSizeLimit": 50

Configuration via JSON file to use ordered columns

    "Serilog": {
        "LevelSwitches": { "$controlSwitch": "Verbose" },
        "MinimumLevel": { "ControlledBy": "$controlSwitch" },
        "WriteTo": [
                "Name": "PostgreSQL",
                "Args": {
                    "connectionString": "User ID=postgres;Password=postgres;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=Serilog;",
                    "tableName": "ConfigLogs3",
                    "schemaName": null,
                    "needAutoCreateTable": true,
                    "loggerColumnOptions": {
                        "Id": {
                            "Name": "IdAutoIncrement",
                            "Order": 0
                        "TimeStamp": {
                            "Name": "Timestamp",
                            "Order": 2
                        "LogEvent": {
                            "Name": "LogEvent",
                            "Order": 3
                    "loggerPropertyColumnOptions": {
                        "TestColumnName": {
                            "Format": "{0}",
                            "Name": "TestProperty",
                            "WriteMethod": "Raw",
                            "DbType": "Text",
                            "Order": 1
                    "period": "0.00:00:30",
                    "batchSizeLimit": 50

Configuration via JSON file to use named connection strings

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DevTest": "User ID=postgres;Password=postgres;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=Serilog;"
    "Serilog": {
        "LevelSwitches": {
            "$controlSwitch": "Verbose"
        "MinimumLevel": {
            "ControlledBy": "$controlSwitch"
        "WriteTo": [
                "Name": "PostgreSQL",
                "Args": {
                    "connectionString": "DevTest",
                    "tableName": "TestLogs",
                    "schemaName": null,
                    "needAutoCreateTable": true,
                    "loggerColumnOptions": {
                        "Id": {
                            "Name": "IdAutoIncrement"
                        "TimeStamp": {
                            "Name": "Timestamp"
                        "LogEvent": {
                            "Name": "Properties"
                    "loggerPropertyColumnOptions": {
                        "TestColumnName": {
                            "Format": "{0}",
                            "Name": "TestProperty",
                            "WriteMethod": "Raw",
                            "DbType": "Text"
                    "period": "0.00:00:30",
                    "batchSizeLimit": 50

The option to use named connection strings can be used like this:

 var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile(".\\MyConfiguration.json", false, true)

var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

Example for usage via JSON file

var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile(".\\YourJsonConfiguration.json", false, true)

var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

    "{@LogEvent} {TestProperty}",

Full example

string connectionString = "User ID=serilog;Password=serilog;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=Serilog;";

string tableName = "logs";

IDictionary<string, ColumnWriterBase> columnOptions = new Dictionary<string, ColumnWriterBase>
    { "message", new RenderedMessageColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text) },
    { "message_template", new MessageTemplateColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text) },
    { "level", new LevelColumnWriter(true, NpgsqlDbType.Varchar) },
    { "raise_date", new TimestampColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.TimestampTz) },
    { "exception", new ExceptionColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text) },
    { "properties", new LogEventSerializedColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb) },
    { "props_test", new PropertiesColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Jsonb) },
    { "machine_name", new SinglePropertyColumnWriter("MachineName", PropertyWriteMethod.ToString, NpgsqlDbType.Text, "l") }

var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
	.WriteTo.PostgreSQL(connectionString, tableName, columnOptions, needAutoCreateTable: true, schemaName: "LoggingSchema", useCopy: true, queueLimit: 3000, batchSizeLimit: 40, period: new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), formatProvider: null)

Note that when using SinglePropertyColumnWriter, the "l" format specifier switches off quoting of strings.

Using the sink with NodaTime in .Net Core 2.2+

For the use with NodaTime in .Net Core 2.2, you need to add a new column writer class for the DateTimeOffset values. Check the issue #10, too.

public class OffsetDateTimeColumnWriterBase : ColumnWriterBase
    public OffsetDateTimeColumnWriterBase(NpgsqlDbType dbType = NpgsqlDbType.TimestampTz): base(dbType)
        this.DbType = NpgsqlDbType.TimestampTz;

    public override object GetValue(LogEvent logEvent, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)
        return OffsetDateTime.FromDateTimeOffset(logEvent.Timestamp);

Adjusting column sizes

You can change column sizes by setting the values in the SqlTypeHelper class:

// Sets size of all BIT and BIT VARYING columns to 20
TableCreator.DefaultBitColumnsLength = 20;

// Sets size of all CHAR columns to 30
TableCreator.DefaultCharColumnsLength = 30;

// Sets size of all VARCHAR columns to 50
TableCreator.DefaultVarcharColumnsLength = 50;

Upper or lower case table or column names

Table or column names are always case-sensitive!

Order of columns

With version 3.3.10+, column names can be ordered according to a custom oder. This can be achieved as follows. Default is alphabetic sorting / C# default sorting (Order is set to null per default). Sorting will only work if all order values are set to an integer value other than null.

var columnProps = new Dictionary<string, ColumnWriterBase>
    { "Message", new RenderedMessageColumnWriter(order: 8) },
    { "MessageTemplate", new MessageTemplateColumnWriter(order: 1) },
    { "Level", new LevelColumnWriter(true, NpgsqlDbType.Varchar, 2) },
    { "RaiseDate", new TimestampColumnWriter(order: 3) },
    { "Exception", new ExceptionColumnWriter(order: 4) },
    { "Properties", new LogEventSerializedColumnWriter(order: 5) },
    { "PropertyTest", new PropertiesColumnWriter(NpgsqlDbType.Text, order: 6) },
        new SinglePropertyColumnWriter("testNo", PropertyWriteMethod.Raw, NpgsqlDbType.Integer, order: 7)
    { "MachineName", new SinglePropertyColumnWriter("MachineName", format: "l", order: 0) }

Notes on column writers

One difference between Serilog.Sinks.PostgreSQL.ColumnWriters.LogEventSerializedColumnWriter and PropertiesColumnWriter is that LogEventSerializedColumnWriter contains metadata while PropertiesColumnWriter only contains properties.

Example of LogEventSerializedColumnWriter:

   "Level": "Information",
   "Timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:42:29.5201398+07:00",
   "Properties": {
      "Elapsed": 289.4962,
      "ActionId": "67d1f404-0ec4-40a2-8ea6-b7cdea75597a",
      "RequestId": "0HMFTL8J7NNHJ:00000001",
      "ActionName": "/Index",
      "StatusCode": 200,
      "RequestPath": "/",
      "ConnectionId": "0HMFTL8J7NNHJ",
      "RequestMethod": "GET",
      "SourceContext": "Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware"
   "Renderings": {
      "Elapsed": [
            "Format": "0.0000",
            "Rendering": "289.4962"
   "MessageTemplate": "HTTP {RequestMethod} {RequestPath} responded {StatusCode} in {Elapsed:0.0000} ms"

And PropertiesColumnWriter for the same event:

   "Elapsed": 289.4962,
   "ActionId": "67d1f404-0ec4-40a2-8ea6-b7cdea75597a",
   "RequestId": "0HMFTL8J7NNHJ:00000001",
   "ActionName": "/Index",
   "StatusCode": 200,
   "RequestPath": "/",
   "ConnectionId": "0HMFTL8J7NNHJ",
   "RequestMethod": "GET",
   "SourceContext": "Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware"

If there is an exception, LogEventSerializedColumnWriter will have a property called Exception containing the stack trace, the same stack trace inside ExceptionColumnWriter.