pcb-s08 (pdk-continuity-tester)
(for 8-pin PFS154, PFS173, PMS150C, PMS15A, PMS152, PMS154C, PMS171B)
This PCB design was created with KiCad, and has been shared on OSHPARK. There are also gerber files available in the output/gerber/ directory, or gerber.zip.
Attach a ~12mm Piezo Buzzer to the end. PMS150C, PMS15A, and PMS171B require an Active (on/off) buzzer. PFS154, PFS173, PMS152, and PMS154C use a Passive (PWM) buzzer.
Attach a CR1225 (or CR1220, CR1025, CR927, etc...) to the bottom after soldering a wire to hold it (and act as the positive contact).