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php-ext-css stand alone MPZ stand alone php-ext-css MPZ edition
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php-ext-css MPZ edition

php-ext-css is a fast PHP7 extension for the handling of CSS3 strings (see W3C Candidate Recommendation). It supports preprocessing, tokenizing and minifying. Furthermore, php-ext-css implements an API that can be used to analyse, augment or correct the style sheet while it is being processed.

The MPZ edition uses the Memory-Pool-Z to increase the real processing speed of php-ext-css to over 30 % while reducing the system time to over 45 %.

Library Features

  • Written in pure C99.
  • Doesn't require any external libraries.
  • Implements an intervention API.
  • PHP 7, PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2 ready.

Minifying Features

  • Removes unnecessary whitespace, comments and semicolons.
  • Removes invalid or empty declarations and qualified rules.
  • Color name transformations (e.g. MediumSpringGreen to #00FA9A).
  • Hexadecimal color transformations (e.g. #FF0000 to red).
  • Function transformations (e.g. rgb(255, 255, 255) to #FFF).
  • Minifying of numeric values (e.g. 005 to 5 or 0.1em to .1em).
  • Optional: Removal of vendor-prefixed declarations.

Current Limitations

  • The CSS string must be UTF-8 encoded.
  • String and URL tokens are returned to the registered callbacks with quotes ("xxx" or 'xxx') as given in the original CSS string.
  • The code compiles and runs on Linux systems. Other platforms have not been tested.

PHP Class (CSS3Processor)


public CSS3Processor::__construct(void) : CSS3Processor
  • Constructs a new CSS3Processor object.
  • Throws exceptions on errors.


public CSS3Processor::setNotifier(int $type, callable $callback) : bool
  • Registers a callback for the given token $type that will be called during tokenisation. The callback gets an info array of the current token and context.
  • All return values from the callback are discarded.
  • The parameter $type can be set to any of the php-ext-css Type Constants listed below.
  • If a Modifier is registered for the same token type, the Notifier is allways called bevore the Modifier.
  • Multiple notifier callbacks per token type are possible.
  • Returns true on success.
  • Throws exceptions on errors.


public CSS3Processor::setModifier(int $type, callable $callback) : bool
  • Registers a callback for the given token $type that will be called during tokenisation. The callback gets an info array of the current token and context.
  • The callback should return a string with a (new) value that replaces the given token in the result string. If the return value is not a string, the original value is left unmodified.
  • The parameter $type can be set to any of the php-ext-css Type Constants listed below that are marked as modifiable.
  • If a Notifier is registered for the same token type, the Notifier is allways called bevore the Modifier.
  • Only one modifier callback per token type is possible. Any subsequent call to ::setModifier() replaces previously set callbacks for the same type.
  • Returns true on success.
  • Throws exceptions on errors.


public CSS3Processor::dump(string $css) : string
  • Applies preprocessing and the registered modifiers to $css and returns the resulting string.
  • Throws exceptions on errors.


public CSS3Processor::minify(string $css [, array $vendors ]) : string
  • Returns the minimized result string considering the registered modifiers and the blacklist of vendor prefixes given in the $vendors array.
  • Throws exceptions on errors.

PHP Class Constants

Type Constants

`CSS3Processor::TYPE_IDENT`               1
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_FUNCTION`            2
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_AT_KEYWORD`          3
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_HASH`                4
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_STRING`              5 (modifiable)
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BAD_STRING`          6 (modifiable)
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_URL`                 7 (modifiable)
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BAD_URL`             8 (modifiable)
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_DELIM`               9
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_NUMBER`             10
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_PERCENTAGE`         11
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_DIMENSION`          12
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_UNICODE_RANGE`      13
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_INCLUDE_MATCH`      14
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_DASH_MATCH`         15
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_PREFIX_MATCH`       16
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_SUFFIX_MATCH`       17
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_SUBSTR_MATCH`       18
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_COLUMN`             19
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_WS`                 20
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_CDO`                21
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_CDC`                22
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_COLON`              23
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_SEMICOLON`          24
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_COMMA`              25
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BR_RO`              26
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BR_RC`              27
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BR_SO`              28
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BR_SC`              29
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BR_CO`              30
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_BR_CC`              31
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_COMMENT`            32 (modifiable)
`CSS3Processor::TYPE_EOF`                33

Flag Constants

`CSS3Processor::FLAG_ID`                  1
`CSS3Processor::FLAG_UNRESTRICTED`        2
`CSS3Processor::FLAG_INTEGER`             3
`CSS3Processor::FLAG_NUMBER`              4
`CSS3Processor::FLAG_STRING`              5
`CSS3Processor::FLAG_AT_URL_STRING`       6

Exception Code Constants

`CSS3Processor::ERR_MEMORY`               1
`CSS3Processor::ERR_NULL_PTR`             3
`CSS3Processor::ERR_INV_PARAM`            4
`CSS3Processor::ERR_INV_VALUE`            5


$css = file_get_contents('style.css');

try {
    $proc = new \CSS3Processor();

    $min = $proc->minify($css, ['-ms', '-moz', '-o']);
} catch (Exception $e) {

See the tests for more examples.