An in-progress version being developed on the master
- Add Feature's name / loading spinners to map, plots, summary panes while fetching
- Add loading spinners / count totals next to Feature's name on edit pane
- Add reload button to Status bar when fetching fails
- Add Distance (and direction from mainshock) in map popups
- Add title tips to list tables: "View earthquake on map", "Sort by (field)"
- Add (2d) plots to aftershocks, historical sections of Summary RTF
- Tweak formatting / typography / style on Summary RTF
- Disable RTF download button while features are refreshing
- Remember focused field on edit pane when switching between panes
- Don't show cumulative plots with only a single event
- Don't alter map extent when tweaking Feature params (after viewing map for 1st time)
- Bug fix: set correct layer visibility/map extent when selecting a new event
- Bug fix: properly throttle repeated requests when tweaking params
- Bug fix: round eq mag to tenths when calculating radius to size consistently
- Bug fix: properly track showLayer prop for which Features to display on map
- Clean up jankiness
- Feature refreshes happen as you type/more reliable - no more "phantom" map layers
- Stop "scroll jump" when switching between panes
- Status bar: fixes for animations/rendering plots; show immediately when tweaking params
- Zoom to initial map extent smoother when loading a new event
- Code cleanup/optimization
- Add option to create / download an Event Summary RTF file
- Add "Population Exposure" table and tweak the layout of Mainshock products
- Add map popups to FM, MT beachball layers
- Create new Feeds / Feed classes for fetching data shown only in RTF Summary
- Add support for dependencies if other feature(s) need to be fetched first
- Add destroy method to all Features/Feeds
- Update eqid validation to be more lax
- Only show rendering message on 1st load of plots pane
- Sort historical eq list by mag, desc
- Hide year column on binned data tables when eq sequence is 30 days or less
- Add "x days ago" note since most recent aftershock
- Elegantly scroll long tables in map popups
- Display tweaks on edit, summary, help panes
- Code cleanup/optimization
- Bug fixes
- Update to latest Leaflet (1.5.1)
- Code cleanup and optimization
- create an app "Superglobal" for easy access to all public props/methods from any Class
- cleaner, more intuitive API
- refactor convoluted code
- improve style/consistency between Classes
- reorganize file/directory hierarchy
- better separation of concerns between Classes
- improve documentation
- Bug fix: block features from refreshing multiple times simultaneously when user manipulates parameters
- Map remembers layer state (on/off) when refreshing a feature
- Move lat/lon control to center of map; tweak css for consistency among controls
- Use OAF product for aftershock probs. instead of calculating them
- Add close button to error bar so user can dismiss
- Change timeout period for loading feeds from 8 to 20 secs
- Display more informative error msgs when feeds fail to load
- Update event page links to new schema
- Bug fix: use change event for updating urlparams, which allows decimal values to be entered
- Bug fix: always set minimum value on sliders to integer (Math.floor)
- Bug fix: include eqs with mag above threshold after rounding to nearest tenth
- Don't show 'Most Recent Aftershock' on summary if there's only 1 aftershock total
- Bug fix: be sure status bar gets removed when empty
- Add FieldNotes feature layer
- Various fixes for map being panned past int'l dateline
- Display domain name in error message during timeout
- CSS code cleanup / consistency
- Add aftershock probabilities on summary pane
- Add link to Event Page
- Unselect mainshock in signif. eqs pulldown when user manually changes eqid
- Reset scroll positions for all panes except edit when resetting app state
- Change plot download to output .svg (instead of .png)
- Bugfix: cutoff foreshocks, historical feeds at 1 sec before mainshock
- Select mainshock in signif. eqs pulldown when populated on initial load
- Use 'code' prop in GeoJson feed for DYFI thumbnail which is more reliable
- Add intensity border to ShakeMap/DYFI thumbs on summary pane
- Mobile css optimizations
- Alert user via status bar when network requests time out
- Bug fix: only apply index shift on aftershocks plot, not historical
- Tweak eq-mag radius calculation for more variability
- Switch default layer to greyscale so features are more visible
- Bug fix: reset <title> when user clicks 'reset' button
- Display loading feature status above rendering status
- Add legend/tips to help pane
- Add range sliders to filter visible list of eqs on summary pane
- Simplify instructions on edit pane
- Shorten url params to make url more succinct
- Handle status bar display in css instead of js
- Zoom map to fully contain updated features when user changes params on edit pane
- Bug fix: setting the initial map extent to contain features was unreliable
- Add new property to each feature that controls whether map is zoomed on initial load
- Bug fix: mag-time plot for aftershocks was time shifted by one event
- Add row with total for each column to binned tables
- Add new form.scss file for all form styles
- Add tabindex, autocomplete, autofocus attrs
- Visual refresh
- use same color purple throughout interface for interactive elements
- product headers are now clickable links
- tweak fonts / spacing / layout / colors / transparency
- add css transitions (fades, slides, loading 'spinner')
- new 2-column layout on edit pane
- Purge plots when removing them for performance reasons
- Throttle rapid-firing, repeating events in UI
- Bug fix: previous feature layers sometimes left behind when updating params rapidly
- Tweak display of cumulative plot so eq circles are more discernible
- Add loading message when rendering (now that plots are rendered on-the-fly)
- Make eqs in plots / summary clickable - opens map pane w/ popup displayed
- Bug fix: use more standard api for remembering scroll position
- Render plots 'on the fly' when user clicks 'Plots' tab to address plotly.js issues
- Bug fix: hide faults tooltip placeholder that was rendering on top left of map
- Bug fix: don't create 'empty' plots when there is no data
- Add generic 'Loading...' message in status bar when app is initially launched
- Add ShakeMap/DYFI thumbnails to summary pane
- Bug fix: remove 'leftover' canvas els from mapPane when loading new event
- Add historical plots in addition to aftershocks
- Remove decimal points from default values for magnitude thresholds
- Add eqid to data tables on summary pane
- Allow eqid's that have fewer characters for older events
- Add separate 'foreshocks' layer in addition to historical seismicity
- use gl3d bundle of plotly.js which is smaller
- Use 2x retina images for fm, mt canvas images
- Optimize css file structure / organization
- Patch: position mouseovers to left on right side of map; use built-in leaflet styles
- Minor refactor: mv map-related methods from Features.js to MapPane.js
- Bug fix: sort layers correctly in layer controller
- Add focal mechanism and moment tensor to summary pane and map
- Bug fix: set scroll position to '0' instead of just removing value
- Bug fix: tweak shakemap check so app doesn't bomb when event has no shakemap
- Add 'autoscale' button to hypocenters plot
- Set default view of hypocenters plot to map view
- Bug fix: don't recreate map panes for features if they already exist
- Add cumulative aftershocks plot
- Add ShakeMap stations layer
- Bug fix: layer order in layer controller should be same as rendered on map
- Sort layers in layer controller
- Bug fix: ensure status bar displays on top of map pane
- Make font sizes / colors more consistent btwn app panes
- Change 'View Map' button to green to be more intuitive
- Set z-index on status bar entries to control display order
- Add link to Napa quake (as an example)
- Bug fix: suppress DOM errors from fault mouseover layer (Utfgrid.js patch)
- Bug fix: ensure navbar is above plot controls
- Bug fix: only show 'Event ID not found' error for mainshock feed 404s
- Upgrade to Leaflet 1.x
- use new pane management feature to control order of layers on map
- bug fix: layers now stay in correct order when toggling on/off
- bug fix: map always zooms to correct extent on initial load (hopefully)
- Use same font stack for plots as rest of app
- Add :visited link color
- Add plot: aftershocks - magnitude vs. time
- Bug fix: clone eq moment before manipulating it in Earthquakes.js
- Add tsunami button to large events in oceanic regions
- Remember user's scroll position when switching between panes
- Bug fix: set all default values properly when selecting a new event
- Switch to using UTC time by default (only show localtime on map popups, ms details)
- Handle case of no eqs/no eqs above threshold more elegantly on summary pane
- Add view map button on edit pane; change reset link to a button
- Change order of input fields (show mag first) on edit pane
- Add plot: aftershocks - 3d hypocenters
- Refactor features: better separation of concerns, more readable code
- Add impact bubbles / link to mainshock details on edit pane
- Bug fix: calculate magInt based on rounded mag so data in tables is accurate
- Bug fix: only show utc note when filtered quakes contain utc time
- Darken stroke width so eqs stand out more
- Only set map bounds on initial loading of layers for each eqid
- Always plot aftershocks on top of historical
- Add timezone to updated stamp on summary pane
- Strip whitespace from param values in form fields
- Add option for user to sort data tables
- Add minmag params for aftershocks, historical seismicity
- Add mainshock impact bubbles to summary pane; reformat eq details
- Add time at epicenter to map popups (when available)
- Add mainshock details to <title> tag
- Only set default values for mainshock if empty or new eqid entered by user
- Add Significant Earthquakes pulldown menu
- Fix for browser's back/fwd buttons to navigate between panes
- Add reset button / req'd fields text
- Move instructions to new help pane; update text
- Improve error handling, and error messages
- Add note when eq time at epicenter is not available in geojson feed
- Add distance / direction to mainshock field in summary tables
- Set map bounds to fully contain each feature layer as it is added
- Tweak colors so navbar is more prominent
- Right align columns (mag, distance, depth, binned totals) in tables for readability
- Use rupture length for calculating default params
- Move "Find Earthquake" links to instructions; add image showing Event Id
- More mobile friendly:
- hide Leaflet zoom/attr controls; disable zoom when focusing form input
- css tweaks: summary tables shorter, less R/L padding, etc.
- hide location field in summary tables
- Bug fixes
App is fully functional for Step 1 priorities and all known bugs squashed.
- Add css styles for page layout and map display, etc. and improve presentation
- Add title, description, instructions, etc to edit pane
- Add loading module to show loading progress, error messages
- Add html5 form validation
- Show mainshock details on edit pane
- Add listeners to aftershocks / historical form fields to trigger updates when changed
- Update url params / validate event id as user types
- Plot mainshock as top layer on map
- Allow scrollwheel zoom on map
- Add impact bubbles to map popups
- Add text descriptions to summary
- Add binned earthquake data to summary
- Add last aftershock to summary
- Reverse order of eqs in summary tables (newest first)
- Add earthquake count to layer names
- Bug fixes
Initial release. Basic app structure / routing and (mostly) functionally complete for Step 1 priorities.