├── Guideline.md
├── README.md
├── doc
│ ├── Lab2_lecture.pdf
│ ├── Lab2_qsys_tuto1.pdf
│ ├── core state.drawio
│ ├── core state.png
│ ├── prep mont state.drawio
│ ├── prep mont state.png
│ ├── team04_lab2_report.pdf
│ ├── wrapper state.drawio
│ └── wrapper state.png
└── src
├── DE2_115
│ ├── DE2_115.qsf
│ ├── DE2_115.sdc
│ └── DE2_115.sv
├── Rsa256Core.sv
├── Rsa256Wrapper.sv
├── pc_python
│ ├── enc.bin
│ ├── enc.txt
│ ├── golden
│ │ ├── core.log
│ │ ├── core.py
│ │ ├── core.sh
│ │ ├── dec1.txt
│ │ ├── dec2.txt
│ │ ├── dec3.txt
│ │ ├── enc1.bin
│ │ ├── enc1.txt
│ │ ├── enc2.bin
│ │ ├── enc2.txt
│ │ ├── enc3.bin
│ │ ├── enc3.txt
│ │ ├── key.bin
│ │ ├── key.txt
│ │ ├── key_ascii.txt
│ │ ├── mont.log
│ │ ├── mont.py
│ │ ├── mont.sh
│ │ ├── prep.log
│ │ ├── prep.py
│ │ ├── prep.sh
│ │ └── rsa.py
│ ├── key.bin
│ ├── key.txt
│ ├── rs232_python2.py
│ ├── rs232.cpp
│ └── rs232.py
├── rsa_qsys
│ ├── rsa_qsys.bsf
│ ├── rsa_qsys.cmp
│ ├── rsa_qsys.html
│ ├── rsa_qsys.xml
│ ├── rsa_qsys_bb.v
│ ├── rsa_qsys_generation.rpt
│ ├── rsa_qsys_inst.v
│ ├── rsa_qsys_inst.vhd
│ └── synthesis
│ ├── rsa_qsys.debuginfo.xml
│ ├── rsa_qsys.qip
│ ├── rsa_qsys.v
│ └── submodules
│ ├── Rsa256Core.sv
│ ├── Rsa256Wrapper.sv
│ ├── altera_merlin_master_translator.sv
│ ├── altera_merlin_slave_translator.sv
│ ├── altera_reset_controller.sdc
│ ├── altera_reset_controller.v
│ ├── altera_reset_synchronizer.v
│ ├── rsa_qsys_altpll_0.v
│ ├── rsa_qsys_mm_interconnect_0.v
│ └── rsa_qsys_uart_0.v
└── tb_verilog
├── PipelineCtrl.v
├── PipelineTb.v
├── core.sh
├── tb.sv
├── test_wrapper.sv
├── tool.sh
├── wrapper.sh
├── wrapper_input.txt
└── wrapper_output.txt
cd Lab2/src/tb_verilog
source tool.sh
run the following commands in the terminal
cd Lab2/src/tb_verilog source core.sh nWave &
open nWave and open the file
select desired signals
below algorithm is based on python, for pseudocode, please checkout doc P.12 - 15
def modulo_product(N, a):
Function to perform modular multiplication: (2^(256) * a) % N
N : modulus
a : operand
result of the modular product
t = a
m = 0
for i in range(256):
if (2**256 >> i) & 1:
if m + t >= N:
m = m + t - N
m = m + t
if t + t >= N:
t = t + t - N
t = t + t
return m
def montgomery_algorithm(N, a, b):
Montgomery Algorithm to compute (a * b * 2^-256) % N
N : modulus
a : operand 1
b : operand 2
result of Montgomery multiplication
m = 0
for i in range(256):
if (a >> i) & 1:
m += b
if m % 2 == 1:
m += N
m //= 2
if m >= N:
m -= N
return m
def rsa256_mont(N, y, d):
m = 1
t = modulo_product(N, y)
# Iterate over the bits of the exponent d
for i in range(256):
if (d >> i) & 1:
m = montgomery_algorithm(N, m, t)
t = montgomery_algorithm(N, t, t)
return m
do modulo_product(N, a)
: wait for master module callS_CALC
: do the for-loop in the pseudocode, need 256 cyclesS_DONE
: output the result and set the finish signal to 1
do montgomery_algorithm(N, a, b)
: wait for master module callS_CALC
: do the for-loop in the pseudocode, need 256 cyclesS_DONE
: output the result and set the finish signal to 1
do rsa256_mont(N, y, d)
: wait for master module callS_PREP
: domodulo_product(N, a)
. if done, go toS_MONT
: domontgomery_algorithm(N, m, t)
andmontgomery_algorithm(N, t, t)
parallelly. if both done, go toS_MONT
: do the for-loop in the pseudocode, need 256 cycles. output the result and set the finish signal to 1 in the last cycle
- modify n and input file
# src/pc_python/golden/prep.py # Example usage n = 0xCA3586E7EA485F3B0A222A4C79F7DD12E85388ECCDEE4035940D774C029CF831 # Define N as hexadecimal enc = extract_hex_numbers('enc1.txt')
- run python
cd src/pc_python/golden source prep.py
- checkout the log at
- modify n, a, b
# src/pc_python/golden/mont.py # Example usage n = 0xca3586e7ea485f3b0a222a4c79f7dd12e85388eccdee4035940d774c029cf831 a = 0x34736a22e7f1e3b8be59f3603c4d8b1a64f21d770743a9318c0cebcdb67b1eff b = 0x34736a22e7f1e3b8be59f3603c4d8b1a64f21d770743a9318c0cebcdb67b1eff
- run python
cd src/pc_python/golden source mont.py
- checkout the log at
- modify n, a, b
# src/pc_python/golden/core.py # Example usage # Example parameters to test the functions N = 0xCA3586E7EA485F3B0A222A4C79F7DD12E85388ECCDEE4035940D774C029CF831 # Example modulus y = 0xc6b662ecb173c53cc7bb4212057f9c0ba283e000b98c9dcf5feaee7d6c933dfb d = 0xB6ACE0B14720169839B15FD13326CF1A1829BEAFC37BB937BEC8802FBCF46BD9 # Example exponent
- run python
cd src/pc_python/golden source core.py
- checkout the log at
run the following commands in the terminal
cd Lab2/src/tb_verilog source wrapper.sh nWave &
open nWave and open the file
select desired signals
- Input:
contains 288 lines.- first 32 lines are n
- second 32 lines are d
- last 32*7 lines are 7 encoded data
- Output:
contains 217 lines, which is 7 decoded data. Each data contains 31 lines
cd Lab2/src/
dv -no_gui
read_sverilog Rsa256Core.sv
read_sverilog Rsa256Wrapper.sv
- Press reset button on FPGA
- Run python
python3 rs232.py <YOUR COM> # modify the COM