1.0.14 (2023-06-12)
- config-api: cache-refresh plugin code (#5000) (eed9526)
- jans-auth-server: added ability to set client expiration via DCR #5057 (#5185) (a15054b)
- jans-auth-server: made not found exceptions logging level configurable #4973 (#4982) (98be22b)
- config-api: resolved dependency conflict for CustomScriptService (3121833)
- config-api: revert hide smtp and client model utility method (#4976) (6519744)
- config-api: test compile issue for cache refresh plugin (#5144) (af3e707)
- jans-auth-server: Illegal op_policy_uri parameter: - exclude entries with blank values from discovery response (oxauth counterpart) #4888 (#4934) (8603290)
- prepare for 1.0.14 release (25ccadf)
1.0.13 (2023-05-10)
- config-api: starup issue realted to mail service (#4853) (6aad8c9)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/demo/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#4037) (e079b28)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/helloworld/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#4039) (e0687f2)
- prepare for 1.0.13 release (493478e)
- set appropriate redirect_uris for registration in DCR using ssa (admin-ui)#4748 (#4749) (749f66b)
1.0.12 (2023-04-18)
- agama: avoid assets mess/loss when different projects use the same folder/file names (#4503) (def096b)
- jans-config-api: agama deployment detail endpoint not including all flows IDs (#4565) (358c494)
- jsonvalue has been added; (#4604) (f3b46f4)
- mailservice should send non signed emails, if keystore isn't defined (update); (#4544) (57f4b75)
- prepare for 1.0.12 release (6f83197)
- update method wrt previous changes in getDeployment #4563 (#4566) (53adff1)
- yaml has been updated; (f3b46f4)
1.0.11 (2023-04-05)
- backend changes for admin-ui to call licenseSpring apis via. SCAN #4461 (#4462) (3617a95)
- backend changes to submit SSA from admin-ui #4298 (#4364) (7e27b6d)
- config-api: user consent mgmt code quality fix (#4412) (acf64e4)
- jans-config-api: new endpoint for users consent management (#4409) (c34b592)
- loggerService should update root log level #4251 (#4252) (20264a2)
- userName -> smtpAuthenticationAccountUsername; (#4401) (2bbb95d)
- config-api: custom script revision increment on update (#4452) (27988bd)
- config-api: user creation in couchbase DB (#4450) (b8dfddd)
- mailservice should send non signed emails, if keystore isn't defied; (#4455) (7b41c44)
- prepare for release (60775c0)
- Unable to send emails issue 4121 (#4333) (70a566b)
1.0.10 (2023-03-16)
- config-api: smtp password decryption and encryption logic (#4161) (4aefb0d)
- config-api: user custom attribute changes and agama param changes (#4123) (291004e)
- prepare release for 1.0.10 (e996926)
- prevent getFlowByName method crash by refactoring #4128 (#4129) (092989b)
1.0.9 (2023-03-09)
- agama: update gama deployment endpoint to support configuration properties (#4049) (392525c)
- getting license credentials from SCAN (#4052) (5c563b7)
- docs: autogenerate docs (#4105) (da87cef)
- jans-config-api: getting license credentials from SCAN (#4055) (407d618)
- prepare 1.0.9 release (e6ea522)
- prepare 1.0.9 release (55f7e0c)
- update next SNAPSHOT and dev (0df0e7a)
1.0.7 (2023-02-22)
- add project metadata and related handling #3476 (#3584) (b95e53e)
- config-api: config api configuration endpoint (#3648) (c798c4c)
- config-api: data conversion, audit log and swagger enhancement (#3588) (a87b75b)
- config-api: plugin endpoint and audit interceptor (#3613) (95fadc6)
- config-api: script default script validation for location (#3786) (446de9e)
- jans-auth-server: renamed "key_ops" -> "key_ops_type" #3790 (#3792) (7a6bcba)
- config-api: agama swagger spec and admin-ui web key issue (#3831) (1593997)
- config-api: fixed start-up issue due to scope objectclass case (#3697) (eac6440)
- config-api: plugin result subsequent call (#3633) (3e4d513)
- config-api: user service conflict with fido2 and script enhancement (#3767) (5753d39)
- jans-config-api: Fixing runtime ambiguity for RegistrationPersistenceService.java (#3756) (83c7b50)
- jans-config-api: runtime exceptions in config-api at startup (#3725) (8748cc3)
- prepare 1.0.7 release (ce02fd9)
- add endpoint to do syntax check only #3277 (#3299) (3b23636)
- add endpoints for MVP ADS projects management #3094 (#3262) (8546356)
- add feature to include custom-claims in user-info endpoint of admin-ui plugin #2969 (#2970) (0549879)
- changes in admin-ui plugin to allow agama-developer-studio to use its OAuth2 apis #3085 (#3298) (9e9a7bd)
- config-api: audit log, agama ADS spec, fix for 0 index search (#3369) (ea04e2c)
- config-api: client claim enhancement, manual spec removed (#3413) (bd2cdf8)
- config-api: health check response rectification and Agama ADS swagger spec (#3293) (faf2888)
- jans-config-api: added admin-ui scopes in config-api-rs-protect.json (c348ae6)
- Broken swagger address. (843f78b)
- config-api: error handling for agama get and org patch (#3028) (21dd6e5)
- config-api: fix for swagger spec for scope creation and sessoin endpoint filter (#2949) (2989f1d)
- config-api: fixes for client creation, enum handling (#2854) (3121493)
- config-api: swagger update for enum and error handling (#2934) (6b61556)
- fix format string #3278 (#3281) (7104d9c)
- getting ready for a release (0bda832)
- jans-config-api/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#3005) (3e642c2)
- jans-config-api: corrected broken swagger address (#3505) (843f78b)
- jans: added null check to avoid NullPointerException (#3077) (42d49b2)
- prepare for 1.0.6 release (9e4c8fb)
- the admin-ui role/permission/mapping delete apis are not protected by appropriate permissions #2991 (#2992) (7d68021)
1.0.5 (2022-12-01)
- add feature to include custom-claims in user-info endpoint of admin-ui plugin #2969 (#2970) (0549879)
- config-api: error handling for agama get and org patch (#3028) (21dd6e5)
- config-api: fix for swagger spec for scope creation and sessoin endpoint filter (#2949) (2989f1d)
- config-api: swagger update for enum and error handling (#2934) (6b61556)
- getting ready for a release (0bda832)
- jans: added null check to avoid NullPointerException (#3077) (42d49b2)
- the admin-ui role/permission/mapping delete apis are not protected by appropriate permissions #2991 (#2992) (7d68021)
1.0.4 (2022-11-08)
- admin-ui apis refactoring #2388 (#2390) (c7b26e9)
- config-api: multiple pattern handling for search request (#2590) (46886fb)
- config-api: multiple pattern search in attribute api (#2491) (9f646ff)
- jans-auth-server: added allowSpontaneousScopes AS json config #2074 (#2111) (3083a3f)
- jans-auth-server: allow authentication for max_age=0 #2361 (#2362) (aed6ee3)
- jans-auth-server: allow end session with expired id_token_hint (by checking signature and sid) #2430 (#2431) (1b46b44)
- jans-auth-server: renamed "enabledComponents" conf property -> "featureFlags" #2290 (#2319) (56a33c4)
- jans-config-api: added new attributes (#1940) (757b22f)
- jans-config-api: agama flow endpoint (#1898) (0e73306)
- jans-config-api: agama patch endpoint (#2028) (0b96a95)
- jans-config-api: endpoint to get UmaResource based on clientId and swagger changes (#1912) (a3f9145)
- jans-config-api: enhancement to agama and uma resource endpoint (#2015) (f2c19a1)
- jans-config-api: fetch the associated clients_id in GET scopes api response (#1946) (ffe743c)
- jans-config-api: new endpoint to fetch scope by creator and type (#2098) (cf15d67)
- jans-config-api: pagination functionality for attribute endoint (#2232) (8bb8b70)
- jans-config-api: pagination functionality for endpoints and swagger spec rectification (#2397) (d893e13)
- jans-config-api: Scope object changes for creator details (#2033) (a8b8d76)
- jans-config-api: session management endpoint (#2158) (30f6e1a)
- need to fetch the associated clients_id in GET scopes api response #1923 (#1949) (88606a5)
- upgrade javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api from 3.1.0 to 4.0.1 (#646) (d186a05)
- upgrade org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-servlet-initializer from 4.5.10.Final to 5.0.1.Final (#645) (a9a712d)
- admin-ui plugin should use encoded client_secret for authentication #2717 (#2718) (cc0020e)
- config-api: client default value handling (#2585) (fbcbbad)
- config-api: fix for acr error handling and spec enhancement for example (#2443) (8113841)
- config-api: fix for assosiated client not fetched for scope (#2540) (08488d1)
- config-api: fix for returning associated-clients for scope (#2567) (e623f64)
- config-api: fixing discrepancies in the api (#2216) (af4d3a5)
- config-api: rectified sortBy field for Agama resource (#2513) (bb3ac95)
- config-api: removing CB and MySqlDB endpoints and swagger fixes (#2480) (cc68cc9)
- config-api: scope addiotion while client creation (#2714) (d51ae24)
- config-api: search filter logic for attribute resource (#2310) (c75ff1d)
- config-api: specifying JSON values for Attribute enum properties (#2663) (55d20c8)
- config-api: swagger fixes for missing scope and admin-ui paths (#2697) (6dcbff3)
- config-api: swagger spec changes for session, properties endpoint and ignoring customobject for non LDAP DB (#2348) (c6acaac)
- jans-config-api parameter month is not mandatory for endpoint /stat (#2459) (0654f98)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/demo/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#2625) (14dd8a6)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/demo/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#853) (2792b53)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/helloworld/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#2630) (0e39fb7)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/helloworld/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#2727) (5f42948)
- jans-config-api/plugins/sample/helloworld/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#972) (e2ae05e)
- jans-config-api/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#1464) (c832f98)
- jans-config-api/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#1746) (9dfe60e)
- jans-config-api/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#1780) (3252ff7)
- jans-config-api/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#2655) (499ff89)
- jans-config-api: avoid loss of attributes in agama endpoints (#2058) (3c8f816)
- jans-config-api: config-api compilation failed in main #2030 (#2031) (1659da1)
- jans-config-api: Fix to not update Metadata for PUT and PATCH agama endpoint (#2046) (da93050)
- jans-config-api: issue UMA scope request being saved as OAUTH (#2063) (81472aa)
- jans-config-api: rectified endpoint url in swagger spec for uma resource (#1965) (0dc3b2e)
- jans-eleven/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (#2676) (d27a7f9)
- jans: config api and client api (#2408) (003af55)
- orm: length check added before accessing CustomObjectAttribute values (#2505) (6ff718f)
- remove request-body from delete endpoints of admin-ui plugin #2341 (#2342) (1429a85)
- release 1.0.2 (43dead6)
- agama: work on TODOs (#2093) (157ac8b)
- config-api: added json payload examples to the generated swagger (#2747) (b47c611)
- config-api: auto generation of swagger spec (#2347) (57a1748)
- config-api: default value for Client attribute applicationType set (#2432) (5ba4341)
- no docs (3083a3f)
- no docs (1659da1)
- no docs (config-api swagger updated) (56a33c4)
- no docs (swagger is updated) (1b46b44)
- no docs (swagger updated) (aed6ee3)
- updated (739b939)
- add support for date ranges in statistic client #1575 (#1653) (8048cd9)
- endpoint to get details of connected FIDO devices registered to users #1465 (#1466) (62522fe)
- fix the dependencies and code issues (#1473) (f4824c6)
- jans-auth-server: added allowSpontaneousScopes AS json config #2074 (#2111) (3083a3f)
- jans-auth-server: added restriction for request_uri parameter (blocklist and allowed client.request_uri) #1503 (0696d92)
- jans-auth-server: removed dcrSkipSignatureValidation configuration property #1623 (6550247)
- jans-auth-server: removed id_generation_endpoint and other claims from discovery response #1827 (4068197)
- jans-config-api: added new attributes (#1940) (757b22f)
- jans-config-api: agama configuration integration (#1501) (e84575b)
- jans-config-api: agama flow endpoint (#1898) (0e73306)
- jans-config-api: agama patch endpoint (#2028) (0b96a95)
- jans-config-api: endpoint to get UmaResource based on clientId and swagger changes (#1912) (a3f9145)
- jans-config-api: enhancement to agama and uma resource endpoint (#2015) (f2c19a1)
- jans-config-api: enhancement to expose user inum at root level of response (#1477) (1e4b6bc)
- jans-config-api: fetch the associated clients_id in GET scopes api response (#1946) (ffe743c)
- jans-config-api: fixed user management swagger spec for mandatory fields (#1519) (29ff812)
- jans-config-api: new endpoint to fetch scope by creator and type (#2098) (cf15d67)
- jans-config-api: new functionality and swagger fix (#1802) (fc81d1d)
- jans-config-api: Scope object changes for creator details (#2033) (a8b8d76)
- jans-config-api: session management endpoint (#2158) (30f6e1a)
- jans-config-api: swagger spec change to expose user inum at root level of response (#1483) (c202705)
- jans-config-api: user management endpoint 418 (#1548) (b95fa7b)
- need to fetch the associated clients_id in GET scopes api response #1923 (#1949) (88606a5)
- : start_date and end_date not required in /stat reponse (swagger specs) #1767 (#1768) (c21452a)
- add path parameter to /fido2/registration/entries #1465 (#1508) (808d0c4)
- config-api: fixing discrepancies in the api (#2216) (af4d3a5)
- fido2-plugin throwing error during deployment #1632 (#1633) (90d2c8a)
- fix typos and other issues in jans-config-api swagger specs #1665 (#1668) (3c3a0f4)
- jans-config-api add JAVA to programmingLanguage (ref: #1656) (#1667) (a885a92)
- jans-config-api: avoid loss of attributes in agama endpoints (#2058) (3c8f816)
- jans-config-api: config-api compilation failed in main #2030 (#2031) (1659da1)
- jans-config-api: Fix to not update Metadata for PUT and PATCH agama endpoint (#2046) (da93050)
- jans-config-api: fixed due to couchbase cluster changes(#1863) (c996b51)
- jans-config-api: fixes for path conflict for SCIM config and spec for UMA Resource mandatory fields (#1805) (6d8cff6)
- jans-config-api: issue UMA scope request being saved as OAUTH (#2063) (81472aa)
- jans-config-api: rectified endpoint url in swagger spec for uma resource (#1965) (0dc3b2e)
- jans-config-api: removed java_script from programmingLanguages (8b935d8)
- jans-config-api: swagger spec change to add missing attributes for Client (#1786) (e623771)
- jans-config-api: switch to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (e8a9186)
- agama: work on TODOs (#2093) (157ac8b)
- no docs (3083a3f)
- no docs (1659da1)
- no docs required (4068197)
1.0.1 (2022-07-06)
- add support for date ranges in statistic client #1575 (#1653) (8048cd9)
- endpoint to get details of connected FIDO devices registered to users #1465 (#1466) (62522fe)
- fix the dependencies and code issues (#1473) (f4824c6)
- jans-auth-server: added restriction for request_uri parameter (blocklist and allowed client.request_uri) #1503 (0696d92)
- jans-auth-server: removed dcrSkipSignatureValidation configuration property #1623 (6550247)
- jans-config-api: agama configuration integration (#1501) (e84575b)
- jans-config-api: enhancement to expose user inum at root level of response (#1477) (1e4b6bc)
- jans-config-api: fixed user management swagger spec for mandatory fields (#1519) (29ff812)
- jans-config-api: swagger spec change to expose user inum at root level of response (#1483) (c202705)
- jans-config-api: user management endpoint 418 (#1548) (b95fa7b)
- add path parameter to /fido2/registration/entries #1465 (#1508) (808d0c4)
- fido2-plugin throwing error during deployment #1632 (#1633) (90d2c8a)
- fix typos and other issues in jans-config-api swagger specs #1665 (#1668) (3c3a0f4)
- jans-config-api add JAVA to programmingLanguage (ref: #1656) (#1667) (a885a92)
- jans-config-api: removed java_script from programmingLanguages (8b935d8)
- jans-config-api: switch to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (e8a9186)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (#1017) (88b591a)
- adding logs to debug license issues#1258 (#1281) (8a08771)
- config-cli enumerate scope type (275533b)
- create apis to verify and save license api-keys in Admin UI #1196 (#1203) (315faec)
- jans-auth-config: user mgmt endpoint - wip (9c8094a)
- jans-auth,jans-cli,jans-config-api: changes to handle new attribute description in Client object and new custom script type (d64e042)
- jans-auth,jans-cli,jans-config-api: changes to handle new attribute description in Client object and new custom script type (a096110)
- jans-auth,jans-cli,jans-config-api: changes to handle new attribute description in Client object and new custom script type (d4a9f15)
- jans-cli tabulate attribute list (#1313) (a684484)
- jans-config-api: added custom script patch endpoint (6daa4f6)
- jans-config-api: added patch endpoint for custom script (e274e20)
- jans-config-api: added patch endpoint for custom script (f8da77d)
- jans-config-api: added scope DN validation while client creation (#1293) (f276605)
- jans-config-api: converting fido2 endpoint to plugin (#1304) (88c3fff)
- jans-config-api: exposed attributes at root value (3c3df7a)
- jans-config-api: exposed attributes at root value (40570a7)
- jans-config-api: fixed build issue due to LocalizedString change (#1329) (3b5ab78)
- jans-config-api: ignore client.customObjectClasses value for persistence type other than LDAP (#1073) (622bcf4)
- jans-config-api: rectified test properties file (#1222) (5b80f67)
- jans-config-api: removed encrypttion and decryption of user password (7f50ad0)
- jans-config-api: removed unused import (8a41484)
- jans-config-api: user custom attributes at root level - 1348 (5b3f0a1)
- jans-config-api: user management api (b367d44)
- jans-config-api: user management api (517e7f2)
- jans-config-api: user management api (a034bc3)
- jans-config-api: user management endpoint (f28f3b8)
- jans-config-api: user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (903ba5a)
- jans-config-api: user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (0bc2282)
- jans-config-api: user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (e6e2781)
- jans-config-api: user management mandatory field chk changes (e242ec6)
- jans-config-api: user management patch endpoint (0a7ad7d)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (a093758)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (ad66713)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (0f7a723)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (379ca09)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (f98c59e)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (0ea10fd)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint - wip (70987f6)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint - wip (af30358)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint - wip (aadbf8b)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint -wip (ac35327)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoints (1d53b2e)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoints (5cd1ad5)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (1180068)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (12a08e1)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (0427186)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (cb7d36c)
- jans-config-api: user mgt plugin (ccc56f8)
- jans-config-api: user mgt plugin (ae132cf)
- jans-config-api: user-management endpoints (#1167) (d8e97c4)
- jans-core: remove UPDATE_USER and USER_REGISTRATION scripts #1289 (c34e75d)
- jans-linux-setup config-api fido2-plugin (ref: #1303) (#1308) (ea929c0)
- jans: jetty 11 integration (#1123) (6c1caa1)
- support regex client attribute to validate redirect uris (#1005) (a78ee1a)
- user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (3ac4b19)
- admin-ui: the backend issues related to jetty 11 migration #1258 (#1259) (d61be0b)
- config-api: scim user management endpoint failing due to conflict with user mgmt path (#1181) (8ee47a0)
- fix license apis#1258 (#1271) (14c6a2b)
- jans-auth-server: disabled issuing AT by refresh token if user status=inactive (3df72a8)
- jans-cli scope dn/id when creating client (518f971)
- jans-config-api: corrected typo in swagger spec (3c11556)
- jans-config-api: create openid client throwing 502 (#1004) (3f58aff)
- jans-config-api: LDAP test endpoint fix (#1320) (fb0e132)
- Typo httpLoggingExludePaths jans-auth-server jans-cli jans-config-api jans-linux-setup docker-jans-persistence-loader (47a20ee)
- Use highest level script in case ACR script is not found. Added FF to keep existing behavior. (#1070) (07473d9)
- release 1.0.0 (b2895f2)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (a083ad6)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (90e4bb2)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (eec2073)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (cd92ead)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (7f0a91b)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (c2ad604)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (a641486)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (94d5791)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (16de429)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (72915c0)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (3ea2b37)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (78a6d39)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (11bfa93)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (22b180b)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (b9acd0b)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (328cd30)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (5a84602)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (4923277)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (258ba96)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (77c4423)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (688b324)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (4e86f15)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (8d514ee)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (0899898)
1.0.0-beta.16 (2022-03-14)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (#1017) (88b591a)
- jans-config-api: swagger spec change to add extension (4f9d76c)
- jans-config-api: swagger spec change to add extension to differentiate plugin en… (4f9d76c)
- support regex client attribute to validate redirect uris (#1005) (a78ee1a)
- swagger spec change to add extension to differentiate plugin endpoint (bb3b88a)
- change in swagger spec for jwks to return missing attributes (477643b)
- jans-config-api: create openid client throwing 502 (#1004) (3f58aff)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (a083ad6)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (90e4bb2)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (eec2073)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (cd92ead)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (7f0a91b)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (c2ad604)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (a641486)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (94d5791)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (16de429)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (72915c0)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (3ea2b37)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (78a6d39)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (11bfa93)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (22b180b)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (b9acd0b)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (328cd30)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (5a84602)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (4923277)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (258ba96)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (77c4423)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (688b324)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (4e86f15)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (8d514ee)
- release 1.0.0-beta.16 (0899898)
- add deletable flag to admin-ui role object #888 (#901) (5b95a55)
- jans-config-api: add deletable flag to admin-ui role object #888 (#900) (500a773)
- jans-config-api: all config-api plugins should be in same plugins folder in maven repo #851 (#852) (cca93b2)
- jans-config-api: config api interception script (#840) (8e4c688)
- jans-config-api: organization configuration management endpoints (#790) (40ca464)
- jans-config-api: scim config endpoint issue #271 (#665) (a6e9a04)
- jans-config-api: security issue - upgrade dependencies (#883) (10568ff)
- jans-config-api: swagger update for default value (#862) (8f59921)
- jans-config-api: underlying server stats #275 (ae6f2d7)
- underlying server stats (ae6f2d7)
- underlying server stats (0f36336)
- underlying server stats (56b72e9)
- jans-config-api: excluded test from execution (#760) (3af6672)
- jans-config-api: license validity period should be read only #731 (f88095b)
- jans-config-api: multiple custom lib not working (#907) (9ef6fa4)
- jans-config-api: sql configuration endpoints are not found #793 (#794) (d8f2ea9)
- license validity period should be read only #731 (#746) (73931f5)