This techincally doesn't require making a complete another blog , it's just a small trick type and teaches you something about bitwise operators
whenever it's said to be written a programme that filters even number or "A even number checker programmme"
we generally think of this block
if num%2 == 0 :
this block of code, in simple terms translates that,
if the num (number) is divisible by 2 then only print that number
but there's also one other way to do this using binary arithmatic
bitwise operators that is
if num & 1 == 0 :
this block of code, in simple terms, first, coverts num to its binary form and than does binary AND operation of that number with 1
so how does that work
in binary number system numbers are measured in powers of 2 like ;
. . .+ 2^4 + 2^3 +2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0 + 2^{-1} + 2^{-2} + 2^{-3} + . . .
hence if number is even, when you convert it to binary
term 2^0
goes to 0 and hence any even binary number will
end in 0, also AND
operation in binary is like nultiplication
hence any binary even number when AND-ed
with 1
for eample 1010 AND 0001
always results in 0
hence the block
if num & 1 == 0 :
makes sense when used as even number filter