Dynamic Keyboard Input NUI for FiveM
I created this resource because I couldn't find any good looking NUI resources to input text and have it return back for use, the menu is very dynamic and allows as many options as the screen allows, it's also Open source so feel free to pull request if you have any improvements.
It's pretty simple, once you drop the nh-keyboard resource into your resources folder just make sure you put
ensure nh-keyboard
in your server.cfg.
If you want to have only one selection simply do something like this:
local keyboard = exports["nh-keyboard"]:KeyboardInput({
header = "Add Item",
rows = {
id = 0,
txt = "Spawn Name"
if keyboard ~= nil then
TriggerEvent('additem', keyboard)
You can also add multiple listing and it would look something like this
local keyboard = exports["nh-keyboard"]:KeyboardInput({
header = "Add Items",
rows = {
id = 0,
txt = "Spawn Name"
id = 1,
txt = "Amount"
if keyboard ~= nil then
if keyboard[1].input == nil or keyboard[2].input == nil then return end
TriggerEvent('additem', keyboard[1].input, keyboard[2].input)
No known bugs
Any issues feel free to contact me on the FiveM Forums or on discord NeroHiro#0001
or feel free to report any issues you have in the GitHub Issues
if you wish to add something to it, do a pull request on the github Pull Requests