Aeronautics, Astronomy, Space science related packages.
- ices-desktop.
- Spice.jl :: NASA's SPICE observation geometry system.
- Astro.jl :: Jan Meeus astronomical formulas and some time/date code in Julia.
- Astrodynamics.jl :: An astrodynamics library in Julia.
- CasaCore.jl :: A Julia wrapper of CasaCore.
- Celeste.jl :: Scalable inference for a generative model of astronomical images.
- Interplanetary.jl :: Functions for low-fidelity interplanetary navigation and guidance simulations.
- Jadex.jl :: Julia port of RADEX.
- JPLEphemeris.jl :: The JPL Development Ephemerides are the results of simulations of the Solar System used for spacecraft navigation and astronomical purposes.
- julia-astro :: astronomy-related Julia code: skycoords.jl, dustmap.jl
- Photometry.jl :: Astronomical photometry library for Julia.
- SDSS.jl :: Collection of code snippets for querying and reading Sloan Digital Sky Survey data.
- SGP4.jl :: Julia wrapper for the SGP4 satellite propagation model.
- SkyCoords.jl :: Astronomical coordinate systems in Julia.
- WCS.jl :: Julia wrapper for wcstools library.
- WCS.jl :: wcslib wrapper for Julia.
- WCSLIB.jl :: wcslib wrapper for Julia.
- ioa-julia-tutorials :: An introductory Julia tutorial for the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
- AstroLib.jl :: Bundle of small astronomical and astrophysical routines, based on IDL Astronomy User's Library (AstroLib).
- Cosmology.jl :: Cosmology library for Julia.
- DustExtinction.jl :: Models for the interstellar extinction due to dust.
- ERFA.jl :: Julia wrapper for liberfa.
- WCS.jl :: Astronomical World Coordinate Systems library for Julia.
- FITSIO.jl :: Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) support for Julia.