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In Kali Linux itself we have a tool for sql injections called as sqlmap
sudo apt install sqlmap
man db - manual database
verbosity -v0----v6.
OWASP ZAP- An automation tool to find the known vulnerabilities
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Attackers inject malicious scripts into websites to steal data or hijack sessions.
HTML Injections: Inserting malicious HTML code to manipulate or harm users accessing web pages.
Repository for payloads- InfoSecWarrior/Offensive-Payloads: List of payloads and wordlists that are specifically crafted to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in target web applications. (
We can add them to BurpSuite and bruteforce
We may use different options while using sqlmap
For the time being we go with sqlmap -u -dbs
(getting info about database)
union query - a combination of data base
We get to know about the two databases- acuart and information_schema
sqlmap -u -D acuart --tables
from among the table we need to guess which data can be most confidential data(users)
sqlmap -u -D acuart -T users --columns
Now the hacker will want to download the data by -
sqlmap -u -D acuart --tables --dump-all
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