info to set in execution flag :
bindAddress := flag.String("bindAddress", ":4242", "Address to listen on for web interface.")
configFile = flag.String("configFile", "opcua.yaml", "Path to configuration file.")
endpoint := flag.String("endpoint", "opc.tcp://", "OPC UA Endpoint URL")
auth := flag.String("auth-mode", "UserName", "Authentication Mode: one of Anonymous, UserName, Certificate")
verbosity := flag.String("verbosity", "info", "Log verbosity (debug/info/warn/error/fatal)")
To choose policy and mode :
policy := flag.String("sec-policy", "None", "Security Policy URL or one of None, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256, Basic256Sha256")
mode := flag.String("sec-mode", "auto", "Security Mode: one of None, Sign, SignAndEncrypt")
"auto" mode will find the highest security level according to selected endpoint beware that both policy and mode cannot be set to None
If auth is set to "Certificate" are mandatory :
certfile := flag.String("cert", "cert.crt", "Path to certificate file")
keyfile := flag.String("key", "cert.key", "Path to PEM Private Key file")
If auth is set to "UserName" are mandatory :
username := flag.String("user", "admin", "Username to use in auth-mode UserName")
password := flag.String("password", "admin", "Password to use in auth-mode UserName")
metrics configuration should be through yaml file following this pattern :
- name: Temperature # MANDATORY
help: get metrics for machine temperature # MANDATORY
nodeid: ns=2;i=10853 # MANDATORY and UNIQUE for each metric
labels: # if metrics share the same name they can be distinguis by labels
site: MLK
type: gauge # MANDATORY metric type can be counter, gauge, Float, Double
- name: Temperature
help: get metrics for machine temperature
nodeid: ns=2;i=10852
site: Paris
type: gauge
curl --request POST \
--url 127.0.1:4242/config/update \
--header 'content-type: x-yaml' \
--data "metrics:
- name: plop
help: plop
nodeid: ns=2;i=10853
labels: {}
type: gauge"
Please take note that it's also rewrite opcua.yaml with the input file