parent | title | nav_exclude |
Infrastructure Components |
AWS ECR-Image |
false |
ECR (Elastic Compute Repository) is the private-hosted AWS equivalent of DockerHub. ECR allows you to securely publish docker images which should not be accessible to external users.
No requirements.
The following providers are used by this module:
The following input variables are required:
Description: Standard name_prefix
module input. (Prefix counts towards 64-character max length for certain resource types.)
Type: string
Description: Standard environment
module input.
vpc_id = string
aws_region = string
public_subnets = list(string)
private_subnets = list(string)
Description: Standard resource_tags
module input.
Type: map(string)
Description: Name of Docker repository.
Type: string
Description: Path to Docker image source.
Type: string
Description: Path to the AWS credentials file, used to ensure that the correct credentials are used during upload of the ECR image.
Type: string
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: Optional. Build arguments to use during docker build
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: Tag to use for deployed Docker image.
Type: string
Default: "latest"
The following outputs are exported:
Description: The unique ID (ARN) of the ECR repo.
Description: The path to the ECR repo, excluding image name.
Description: The full path to the ECR image, including image name.
Description: The full path to the ECR image, including image name and tag.
To use this module, you will need the following components:
Once installed, the credential manager will pickup AWS credentials and use those specified in the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE
environment variable - which can be quickly set using the environment
module's terraform output in the "AWS User Switch Cmd".
To install on Windows:
# Install Go
choco install golang
# Install ECR Credential Helper
go get -u
To install on Mac/Linux:
brew install docker-credential-helper-ecr
Configure Docker to use the ECR Credential Helper:
Replace the contents of ~/.docker/config.json
(or %USERPROFILE%/.docker/config.json
on Windows) with:
{ "credsStore": "ecr-login" }
Set your shared credentials file:
On Windows:
SET AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=[repo-root-dir]/.secrets/aws-credentials
On Linux/Mac:
export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=[repo-root-dir]/.secrets/aws-credentials
Install with:
Install-Module -name AWSPowerShell.NetCore
Install-Module -name AWS.Tools.ECR
In order to then use this module for manual executions, you will need to load it into your powershell session:
Import-Module AWSPowerShell.NetCore
Import-Module AWS.Tools.ECR
For more info:
Source code for this module is available using the links below.
NOTE: This documentation was auto-generated using
and s-infra
from slalom.dataops
Please do not attempt to manually update this file.