NOTE: This is a continuation of the 6-step example from the file. Please read it first before continuing with the tutorial here.
In our very first example, as described in, we generated a flame graph for all Riak processes that were executing during:
- A time window of 10 seconds
- We ran 25 Riak
requests while inside the measurement time window
... and we got something that looks like this:
Wow, that's impossible to read without zooming in via the SVG version of the image. (Remember that the SVG versions of flame graphs are "zoomable". Click on the PNG image of any flame graph in this document to fetch the SVG version of that image.)
However, we know that the flame graphs are colored with "SLEEP" time as a purple bar at the top of the stack. We can use this command to strip out all Erlang process sleep time and create a new graph:
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | grep -v 'SLEEP ' | \
./ > /tmp/output.0.nosleep.svg
Now we can see a few PIDs near the bottom: 0.1333.0
and 0.28843.0
and so on. But this is still too cluttered: there are over 150 Erlang
processes in this graph, with stacks for each process presented
What happens if we both:
- ignore sleep time, and
- collapse same stacks in different processes?
Let's try it.
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | grep -v 'SLEEP ' | sed 's/^[^;]*;//' | \
./ > /tmp/output.0.nosleep-nopid.svg
Now we can see several sets of related activities! Going from left to right:
- (All in orange) Miscellaneous OTP processes
- (With green, on top of
) Riak KV get FSM process activity intermixed with Riak Core vnode activity. The Riak vnode also uses thegen_fsm
behavior, so the stacks for these very dissimilar-acting processes are collapsed to the same base ofgen_fsm:handle_msg/7
near the bottom of their call stacks. - (With green, on top of
) Riak Core and KV vnode process activity. - (On top of
) Riak Core and KV statistics processing (both for the get FSM activity and also for OS stats monitoring). - (On top of
) Activity related to the Riak console and the Erlang REPL shell.
Let's look at a single process. We are interested in Riak KV vnode
processes that are executing Bitcask code. So, if we use
grep bitcask /tmp/ef.test.0.out
, we see that PID 0.450.0
has a lot
of activity. Let's see what that PID alone is doing.
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | \
./ > /tmp/output.0.only-450.svg
Oops, that process is sleeping, mostly. Let's ignore the sleep time also.
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | grep -v 'SLEEP ' | \
./ > /tmp/output.0.only-450-nosleep.svg
Now we have a nice breakdown for what a Riak KV vnode process is doing while under our workload. Our workload only performs get operations, so it should be no surprise that we do not see any put or delete activity.
Also, during the 10 seconds that we were profiling, this process was asked to check its backend status. Since this Riak cluster is using Bitcask, we see the Bitcask-related activity for handling the status request(s).
Let's assume that we've done some work, altering the behavior of the Riak system's get operation. We have altered both the client side (i.e., the get FSM process) and also the server side (the vnode process). Performance of the new code is terrible. Why?
Let's try to find out. We cut-and-paste this single blob into the Riak console shell:
spawn(fun() -> io:format("Tracing started...\n"), eflame2:write_trace(like_fprof, "/tmp/ef.test.1", all, timer, sleep, [10*1000]), io:format("Tracing finished!\n") end).
{ok, C} = riak:local_client().
[C:get(<<"test bucket">>, <<Key:32>>) || Key <- lists:seq(1, 25)].
Then process the trace:
eflame2:format_trace("/tmp/ef.test.1", "/tmp/ef.test.1.out").
%% ... wait for the trace to finish generating the text output ...
Then we create the SVGs by using a couple of extra flags for the Perl
script: --hash
and --seed
. This forces the color choices to be
the same for functions with exactly the same name ... the sameness
makes it easier to see differences in two graphs.
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | grep -v 'SLEEP ' | \
./ --seed 42 --hash > /tmp/output.0.only-450-nosleep.svg
cat /tmp/ef.test.1.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | grep -v 'SLEEP ' | \
./ --seed 42 --hash > /tmp/output.1.only-450-nosleep.svg
Oops, our profiling the first time (in the /tmp/ef.test.0.out
caught some riak_kv_vnode:handle_command/3
activity that the second
version does not. Let's remove those call stack entries and compare
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | grep -v riak_kv_vnode:handle_command/3 | grep -v 'SLEEP ' | \
./ --seed 42 --hash > /tmp/output.0.only-450-nosleep.svg
Hrrrmmmm, those graphs are pretty similar. Very similar. Perhaps within the normal & typical range of individual runs. We could try to continue by:
- Performing 10 or more runs of each type, before & after our patch. Then see how much variation there is in each graph.
- Look at other parts of the system that also changed with our patch. Perhaps the real problem is not in the vnode code at all!
- Let's try one more quick experiment: try looking at the flame graphs, before & after the patch, but include the sleep time.
The commands to generate the SVGs:
cat /tmp/ef.test.0.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | grep -v riak_kv_vnode:handle_command/3 | \
./ --seed 42 --hash > /tmp/output.0.only-450.svg
cat /tmp/ef.test.1.out | egrep '0\.450\.0' | \
./ --seed 42 --hash > /tmp/output.1.only-450.svg
YES! There's a big difference now. After our patch, the bottom
half clearly shows that there's an extra function that is forcing the
vnode to go to sleep during riak_core_vnode:vnode_command/3
What is that change that we made? This is an artificial example, but
here's the main reason for the difference: a call to a new function,
, included a 'receive' clause
that waits for some optional data.
diff --git a/src/riak_kv_vnode.erl b/src/riak_kv_vnode.erl
index 80e2a50..6d7b287 100644
--- a/src/riak_kv_vnode.erl
+++ b/src/riak_kv_vnode.erl
@@ -1913,6 +1914,14 @@ uses_r_object(Mod, ModState, Bucket) ->
{ok, Capabilities} = Mod:capabilities(Bucket, ModState),
lists:member(uses_r_object, Capabilities).
+do_alternate_processing(S) ->
+ receive
+ {extra_mod_state, Stuff} ->
+ S#state{modstate=Stuff}
+ after 20 ->
+ S
+ end.
%% Check assigning a vnodeid twice in the same second
The after 20
clause is the reason why the process is put to sleep by
the VM's scheduler. And the flame graph makes this extra sleep very
obvious to the programmer's eye.