GPU Antialiased 2D vector drawing library written in Rust.
Ported from
Most of the implementation is the same as the original C code with some bug fixes, some features added and several parts have been made more Rust-y. Rendering is done via one OpenGl (ES) 3.0+ backend.
Run with
cargo run --example demo
Run with
cargo run --example breakout
Run with
cargo run --example svg
Run with
cargo run --example text
- Anti-aliasing
- Bézier paths filling and stroking
- Solid color and image pattern fills and strokes
- Gradients - box, linear and radial
- Stroke width and miterlimit
- Stroke caps: butt, round and square
- Stroke joins: miter, round and bevel
- Fill rules - EvenOdd/NonZero
- Rectangle scissoring
- Composition modes (SourceOver, SourceIn, SourceOut, Atop, etc..)
- Global alpha
- Text filling and stroking
- Text shaping
- Text alignment: (left center right), (top, middle, alphabetic, bottom)
- Nearest font matching
- Path hit testing
- OpenGl ES2 backend
- WGPU backend
- Color fonts
- Stroke dashing
- Path scissoring
- Custom shaders
- 3D transforms
FemtoVG is used by these projects:
- pn-editor view, edit, and simulate petri nets
- Slint A declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for embedded, desktop, and mobile application
- inlottie lib/tool in Rust for Lottie (Bodymovin) Animation
- Mapvas A map canvas showing OSM tiles with drawing functionality
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or at your option.
Fonts used in examples:
- Roboto licensed under Apache license
- Entypo licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
- Amiri licensed under SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1