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# Course Policies
My priority is that class periods are productive learning experiences for all students. In order to foster this type of productive environment, I ask students to follow a few general policies and expectations:^[These general expectations were adopted from language originally used by Dr. Shelley Kimmelberg.]
1. Work each week to contribute to a positive, supportive, welcoming, and compassionate class environment.
2. Arrive to class on time and stay for the entire class period.
3. Silence *all* electronic devices before entering the classroom.
4. Do not engage in side conversations. This is disrespectful to the speaker (whether me or a classmate), and can affect the ability of others in the class to learn.
5. Be respectful of your fellow classmates. Do not interrupt when someone is speaking, monopolize the conversation, or belittle the ideas or opinions of others.
6. Complete the assigned readings for each class in advance, and come prepared with discussion points and questions.
7. Follow my best practices for using Zoom and Canvas (see Canvas for more details).
The following sections contain additional details about specific course policies related to attendance, participation, electronic device use, student support, academic honesty, and Title IX.
## COVID-19
I think acknowledging that we are all starting from varying places of exhaustion, stress, and anxiety is critical. Please, first and foremost, focus on what matters most and practice self care. Please follow SLU's guidance both for <a href = "https://www.slu.edu/health-advisory/messages/update-students-maintain-community-health-march20.php" target = "_blank">your own health and for maintaining community</a>. If you are living on-campus, please follow all of SLU's policies for social distancing and <a href = "https://slu.policystat.com/policy/token_access/2e1e7d4c-49c9-42ba-8055-ca833711bea4/" target = "_blank">mask wearing</a>. These are critical for our collective safety.
Again, my biggest priority this semester is your health and well-being. Please reach out if you want to talk about strategies for managing our "new normal," if you find yourself struggling, or just need someone to vent to. Alternatively, you can reach out to either the <a href = "https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/university-counseling/index.php" target = "_blank">University Counseling Center</a> at 314-977-TALK or <a href = "https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/campus-ministry/index.php" target = "_blank">Campus Ministry</a> at 314-977-2425 or <[email protected]>.
### Planning for Disruptions
While we are starting the semester with all of you in St. Louis, and I am certainly rooting for a semester where you all are able to remain on-campus through Thanksgiving Break, we should recognize that there may be disruptions. For some of you, you may find yourselves quarantined because of an exposure to someone infected with COVID-19. You may become sick yourselves. Changes both on-campus and in the greater St. Louis community may mean changes to how SLU operates and even whether or not you can continue to remain on-campus.
Given that these are not abstract concerns, everything laid out here represents a best case scenario for the semester. We may find ourselves needing to change some course policies, reading and assignment schedules, and even teaching modalities based on the challenges we are confronted with this semester. I ask for your patience and your flexibility if and when we do need to make these changes. For my part, I will do my best to stay in touch with you and communicate clearly how these changes will impact our course.
One way that I am proactively preparing for disruptions is to add two **"flex days"** to the syllabus. I do not have any content planned for **March 9th** and **May 9th**. If there is a widespread disruption, such as the need for many of you to move off campus, I will use these flex days as a buffer so that we can adjust our course schedule without changing the basic structure of the course. If we approach each day and it appears that we will not need to use it, I will announce alternate plans for the meeting.
Another way that I am proactively preparing for disruptions is to have meeting recordings from prior semesters available. In the event that I cannot teach due to illness, I may share recordings from prior semesters in-place of having in-person meetings.
**You should therefore treat all of the course dates and content as provisional.** This is my plan as of January 12th, and I may modify it further as we progress through the the semester. If I become sick or a member of my family becomes ill, modifications will likely be required. If another faculty member has to take over teaching my class, there may be changes to course content, teaching modality, and assignments. I will do my best to keep everyone updated in a timely fashion. Please check your email and Canvas regularly. I appreciate everyone’s willingness to roll with the many punches we are all facing right now. Remember, we are in this together.
### Face Masks
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, key safeguards like face masks have allowed SLU to safely maintain in-person learning. If public health conditions and local, state, and federal restrictions demand it, the University may require that all members of our campus community wear face masks indoors.
**Therefore, any time a University-level face mask requirement is in effect, face masks will be required in this class.** This expectation will apply to all students and instructors, unless a medical condition warrants an exemption from the face mask requirement (see below).
**When a University-wide face mask requirement is in effect,** the following will apply:
* Students who attempt to enter a classroom without wearing masks will be asked by the instructor to put on their masks prior to entry. Students who remove their masks during a class session will be asked by the instructor to resume wearing their masks.
* Students and instructors may remove their masks briefly to take a sip of water but should replace masks immediately. The consumption of food will not be permitted.
* Students who do not comply with the expectation that they wear a mask in accordance with the University-wide face mask requirement may be subject to disciplinary actions per the rules, regulations, and policies of Saint Louis University, including but not limited to those outlined in the Student Handbook. Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including any of the following:
* dismissal from the course(s)
* removal from campus housing (if applicable)
* dismissal from the University
* To immediately protect the health and well-being of all students, instructors, and staff, instructors reserve the right to cancel or terminate any class session at which any student fails to comply with a University-wide face mask requirement.
**When a University-wide face mask requirement is in effect,** students and instructors may choose to wear a face mask or not, as they prefer for their own individual comfort level.
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We do not know when the City of St. Louis will roll back their mask mandate, or what SLU will do after that in terms of mask policies. Even if the mask mandate on-campus is rescinded, I will continue to mask in class to keep my family healthy. If the mask mandate does get rescinded, I'll ask for your cooperation and continued masking during class!
#### ADA Accomodations for Face Mask Requirements
Saint Louis University is committed to maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment. Individuals who are unable to wear a face mask due to medical reasons should contact the Office of Disability Services (students) or Human Resources (instructors) to initiate the accommodation process identified in the University’s [ADA Policy](https://www.slu.edu/human-resources/pdfs/policies/americans-disabilities-act-policy.pdf). Inquiries or concerns may also be directed to the [Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity](https://www.slu.edu/general-counsel/institutional-equity-diversity/index.php). Notification to instructors of SLU-approved ADA accommodations should be made in writing prior to the first class session in any term (or as soon thereafter as possible).
### Attendance Policies
The health and well-being of SLU’s students, staff, and faculty are critical concerns, as is the quality of our learning environments. Accordingly, the following University policy statements on in-person class attendance are designed to preserve and advance the collective health and well-being of our institutional constituencies and to create the conditions in which all students have the opportunity to learn and successfully complete their courses.
1. Students who exhibit [any potential COVID-19 symptoms](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html) (those that cannot be attributed to some other medical condition the students are known to have, such as allergies, asthma, etc.) shall absent themselves from any in-person class attendance or in-person participation in any class-related activity until they have been evaluated by a qualified medical official. Students should contact the [University Student Health Center](https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/student-health/index.php) for immediate assistance.
2. Students (whether exhibiting any of potential COVID-19 symptoms or not, and regardless of how they feel) who are under either an isolation or quarantine directive issued by a qualified health official must absent themselves from all in-person course activities per the stipulations of the isolation or quarantine directive.
3. Students are responsible for notifying their instructor of an absence as far in advance as possible; when advance notification is not possible, students are responsible for notifying each instructor as soon after the absence as possible. Consistent with the [University Attendance Policy](https://catalog.slu.edu/academic-policies/academic-policies-procedures/attendance/), students also are responsible for all material covered in class and must work with the instructor to complete any required work. In situations where students must be absent for an extended period of time due to COVID-19 isolation or quarantine, they also must work with the instructor to determine the best way to maintain progress in the course as they are able based on their health situation.
4. Consistent with the [University Attendance Policy](https://catalog.slu.edu/academic-policies/academic-policies-procedures/attendance/), students may be asked to provide medical documentation when a medical condition impacts a student’s ability to attend and/or participate in class for an extended period of time.
5. As a temporary amendment to the current [University Attendance Policy](https://catalog.slu.edu/academic-policies/academic-policies-procedures/attendance/), all absences due to illness or an isolation/quarantine directive issued by a qualified health official, or due to an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine, shall be considered “Authorized” absences.
### Zoom Policies
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This section of the syllabus will only apply if we switch to having class remotely.
If we have to meet via Zoom, there will be several additional policies to note:
1. Attending via Zoom is required. There is not an alternative means for completing this course. *If you have a concern about technology, internet access, or other barriers to regularly attending class via Zoom, please let me know as soon as possible.*
* If there is a need for some or all of you to change from learning on-campus to learning from home or another location, we will work together to identify strategies for you to successfully complete the course.
2. Do not share Zoom details, including login information, links, and passwords, with anyone outside of this course.
3. Using your camera is *strongly encouraged* during group discussions, but is not otherwise required.
4. Please keep your microphone muted unless you are actively speaking.
The <a href ="https://slu-soc1120.github.io/docs/start_zoom/" target = "_blank">Course Docs</a> contain some additional tips for using Zoom. Please review them closely.
## Attendance and Participation
### General Attendance Policy
Attendance and participation are important components of this course. Your expected to attend all class sessions and to arrive before the beginning of class. That said, it is important to recognize that our normal attendance policies are not well suited to a pandemic. If you cannot attend class or arrive on time because of a personal illness, a family issue, jury duty, an athletic match, or a religious observance, you must contact me **beforehand** to let me know if at all possible. I define family issues broadly - if your family or friends become sick or are being affected by COVID-19 in other ways, please know that I want you to keep your focus on what is most important.
I may ask for more information, such as a note from a health care provider, a travel letter from Athletics, or other documentation for absences. I will not be asking for health care provider documentation for acute illnesses or injuries, though, since if you’re sick but not *very* sick, the last thing most you will want to do is go to a doctor just to get a note. I am proceeding with a spirit of trust in all of you, and ask you reciprocate that with me. If you need to modify assignment due dates, please let me know prior to those deadlines.
Please see the <a href = "https://catalog.slu.edu/academic-policies/academic-policies-procedures/attendance/" target = "_blank">University's attendance policy</a> for additional details.
### Attendace Collection
In order to help identify students who might need extra support, I do keep track of who attends class. Attendance check-ins will be collected through a simple web-form. Students will need a <a href = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code" target = "_blank">QR code</a> reader application installed on their smartphone to check-in if their phone does not support it automatically. The <a href ="https://slu-soc1120.github.io/docs/start_other/#attendance" target = "_blank">Course Docs</a> contain some additional details and links for learning more about how this works.
This QR code will be available as print-outs in the back and front of the classroom. Please scan them as you come into class. Attendance submissions must be received by the end of the class period.
These web forms are **time stamped**, so if you sign the form 3 minutes after the beginning of class or later, you will be marked as 'late' in the attendance database. This is done automatically by my gradebook, so please see me if you have a concern about how this works or, more generally, if you have a concern about regularly being able to arrive to class on time.
If you do not own a smartphone, please let me know as soon as possible. You should note that attendance check-ins are covered by the course's Academic Honesty policy. Sharing the check-in form with another student or signing in on their behalf are both violations of this policy.
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If we have to switch to having class remotely, the QR code will be available on-screen. This means that you need to arrive to class at least a minute or two before we begin. If you arrive after the QR code has been taken down, I'll put it up again at the end of the "front matter" and "back matter" sections of the course meeting slides. Attendance submissions must be received by the end of the class period.
### Missed Classes
My priority with attendance is to identify students who may be struggling or in need of additional support. However, because attending class is crucial, I do factor attendance into your overall participation grade. In order to give you some flexibility, I do not apply any penalties to your first two unexcused absences. Any unexcused absences beyond those two will result in no credit (for an absences). Regular late arrivals may result in partial credit being earned for that day's participation grade.
Specific elements of the course, such as participation in group discussions during course meetings as well as the *Mama Might Be Better Off Dead* discussions, will also be factored into your participation grade. If there is a need for you to miss a significant portion of your coursework, such as because of an illness, please reach out to me and we will make a plan for alternative ways to make-up these activities based on the circumstances.
It is your responsibility to make-up missed classes, including viewing the course meeting recording and, if needed, obtaining notes from a classmate. All course meeting slides will be posted on Canvas before class begins along with relevant notes for that course meeting. Please note that course meetings and discussions cannot be recorded by any means (e.g. audio or video recordings, or photographs) without my permission.
To help students who miss class, I will make recordings of our meetings (or the recording from a prior semester) available on a case-by-case basis. Class recordings will be made via Zoom and/or Panopto, and will be shared with students who cannot attend class. Recordings should not be shared with anyone inside or outside our course.
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Meeting recordings will capture whatever is happening on my screen, which may include sharing your name and whatever is actively shown via your webcam. *If this presents a privacy concern for you, please let me know as soon as possible.*
## Communication
The best ways to get in touch with me are email, texting, or calling:
* Email - <[email protected]>
* Text or call - 314-884-0386 (Google Voice)
Email is my preferred method of communication. I dedicate time to email responses each workday, meaning that my response time is typically within 24 hours during the workweek. If you have not received a response from me after 48 hours (or by end of business on Monday if you emailed me over the weekend), please feel free to follow-up with me.
Please use your SLU email account when emailing me. All messages regarding course updates, assignments, and changes to the class schedule including cancellations will be sent to your SLU email account. It is therefore imperative that you check your SLU email account regularly.
I don't have an office land-line anymore, but I do have a Google Voice number that students can use to text or call me. If you do call or text, please let me know who you are and what section you are in! I'll respond to calls or texts during the workweek, just like with email.
Please also ensure that all concerns or questions about your standing in the course are directed to me immediately. Inquires from parents, SLU staff members, and others will not be honored.
## Electronic Devices
During class periods, students are asked to refrain from using electronic devices (including cell phones) for activities not directly related to the course. For this class, I expect students to limit their use of electronic devices to accessing Zoom, course readings, notes, and other course materials.
There is evidence that using electronic devices during course meetings results in decreased retention of course content ([Hembrooke and Gay 2003](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02940852)) and lower overall course performance ([Fried 2008](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131506001436)). Students who are not using a laptop but are in direct view of another student’s laptop also have decreased performance in courses ([Sana et al. 2013](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131512002254)). Conversely, students who take notes the “old fashioned way” have better performance on tests compared to students who take notes on laptops ([Mueller and Oppenheimer 2014](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797614524581)).
I therefore ask students to be conscious of how they are using their devices, the ways such use impacts their own learning, and the effect that it may have on others around them. I reserve the right to alter this policy if electronic device use becomes problematic during the semester.
## Student Support
### Basic Needs
If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live, you are urged to contact the [Dean of Students](https://www.slu.edu/student-development/dean-of-students/index.php) for support. Likewise if you have concerns about your mental or physical health needs, or lack access to health care services you require, you should contact either the [Dean of Students](https://www.slu.edu/student-development/dean-of-students/index.php), [Student Health Services](https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/student-health/index.php), or the [University Counseling Center](https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/university-counseling/index.php).^[This language is adopted from text written by [Dr. Sarah Goldrick-Rab](https://medium.com/@saragoldrickrab/basic-needs-security-and-the-syllabus-d24cc7afe8c9).]
If you feel comfortable doing so, please discuss any concerns you might have with me. Doing so is particularly important if believe your performance in this course might be affected. I will do my best to work with you to come up with a plan for successfully completing the course and, if need be, work with you to identify on-campus resources. I will treat all discussions with discretion, though please be aware that certain situations, including disclosures of [sexual misconduct](/syllabus/harassment-and-title-ix.html) or self harm, must be reported by faculty to the appropriate University office.
### Academic Accommodations
If you meet the eligibility requirements for academic accommodations through the [Office of Disability Services](https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/student-success-center/disability-services/index.php) (located within the Student Success Center) *and you wish to use them for this class*, you should arrange to discuss your needs with me after the first class. All discussions of this nature are treated confidentially, and I will make every effort to work with you to come up with a plan for successfully completing the course requirements.
Please note that I will not provide accommodations to students who are not working with Disability Services, and that I cannot retroactively alter assignments or grades if they have already been completed. This follows the University policies on disability accommodations:
> Students with a documented disability who wish to request academic accommodations must formally register their disability with the University. Once successfully registered, students also must notify their course instructor that they wish to use their approved accommodations in the course.
> Please contact Disability Services to schedule an appointment to discuss accommodation requests and eligibility requirements. Most students on the St. Louis campus will contact Disability Services, located in the Student Success Center and available by email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or by phone at 314-977-3484. Once approved, information about a student’s eligibility for academic accommodations will be shared with course instructors by email from Disability Services and within the instructor’s official course roster. Students who do not have a documented disability but who think they may have one also are encouraged to contact to Disability Services. Confidentiality will be observed in all inquiries.
### Writing Services
I also encourage you to take advantage of the [University Writing Services (UWS) program](https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/student-success-center/academic-support/university-writing-services/index.php). Getting feedback benefits writers at all skill levels and the quality of your writing will be reflected in assignment grades. The UWS has trained writing consultants who can help you improve the quality of your written work. UWS’s consultants are available to address everything from brainstorming and developing ideas to crafting strong sentences and documenting sources.
### Student Success Coaching
<a href = "https://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/student-success-center/student-success-coaching.php" target = "_blank">Academic coaches</a> are staff members who can assist with study skills, time management, test and note taking, goal setting, and motivations. They can also help deal with navigating homesickness, making connections on campus, and being successful in online/remote coursework. Coaches will work with you on a weekly basis to develop the skills that are most important to you. For more information, please contact <a href = "[email protected]" target = "_blank">Emily Tuttle</a>.
## Academic Honesty
All students should familiarize themselves with [Saint Louis University’s policies](https://www.slu.edu/provost/policies/academic-and-course/policy_academic-integrity_6-26-2015.pdf) the the [College of Arts and Sciences policies](https://www.slu.edu/arts-and-sciences/student-resources/academic-honesty.php) concerning cheating, plagiarism, and other academically dishonest practices:
> Academic integrity is honest, truthful and responsible conduct in all academic endeavors. The mission of Saint Louis University is “the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the service of humanity.” Accordingly, all acts of falsehood demean and compromise the corporate endeavors of teaching, research, health care, and community service through which SLU fulfills its mission. The University strives to prepare students for lives of personal and professional integrity, and therefore regards all breaches of academic integrity as matters of serious concern.
Any work that is taken from another student, copied from printed material, or copied the internet without proper citation is expressly prohibited, and will be addressed by the instructor. Collaborating on quizzes, such as taking them in groups (whether in-person or virtually), is also prohibited. Any student who is found to have been academically dishonest in their work risks failing both the assignment and this course.
All relevant assignments should include in-text citations and references formatted using an accepted citation format.
Any student who is found to have been academically dishonest in their work risks failing both the assignment and this course.
## Harassment and Title IX
While I have every expectation that each member of the Saint Louis University community is capable and willing to create a positive coursework experience, I fully recognize that there may be instances where students fall short of that expectation. Students should generally be aware that:
> Saint Louis University prohibits harassment because of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, veteran status, gender expression/identity, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristics protected by law.
All students should also familiarize themselves with [Saint Louis University’s polices](http://www.slu.edu/general-counsel/institutional-equity-diversity/) on bias, discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. In particular, they should be aware of policies on [harassment](http://www.slu.edu/general-counsel/institutional-equity-diversity/harassment.php) and [sexual misconduct](https://www.slu.edu/about/safety/sexual-assault-resources.php):
> Saint Louis University and its faculty are committed to supporting our students and seeking an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. If you have encountered any form of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, stalking, domestic or dating violence, we encourage you to report this to the University. If you speak with a faculty member about an incident that involves a Title IX matter, that faculty member must notify SLU’s Title IX Coordinator and share the basic facts of your experience. This is true even if you ask the faculty member not to disclose the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will then be available to assist you in understanding all of your options and in connecting you with all possible resources on and off campus.
> Anna Kratky is the Title IX Coordinator at Saint Louis University (DuBourg Hall, Room 36; [email protected]; 314-977-3886). If you wish to speak with a confidential source, you may contact the counselors at the University Counseling Center at 314-977-TALK or make an anonymous report through SLU’s Integrity Hotline by calling 1-877-525-5669 or online at <https://www.lighthouse-services.com/_StandardCustomURL/LHILandingPage.asp>. To view SLU’s policies, and for resources, please visit the following web addresses: <https://www.slu.edu/here4you> and <https://www.slu.edu/general-counsel>.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior should be reported either directly to the instructor or to the University Administration. Consistent with the above policies, I will forward all reports of inappropriate conduct to the Title IX Coordinator’s office or to the Office of Diversity and Affirmative Action. Please be aware that University policies may require me to forward information about the identity of any students connected to the disclosure.
Please also be aware that communications over various online services, including (but not limited to) Canvas and Zoom, are covered by this policy.