The following attempts to capture the general logic of the Automation OCR2 implementation using pseudocode. It is divided first by the OCR2 interface followed by descriptions of secondary services.
An automation OCR2 observation is constructed of a block number and a shuffled list of upkeep IDs (big.Int), json encoded to a limit of max bytes. The list should only include eligible upkeeps (covered in a later section). Shuffling is done using a randomness source derived from the config digest, epoch, and block number. This ensure all nodes have the same source, but the results are random across different OCR rounds if an observation is repeated.
shuffling is done to ensure that all upkeeps have a chance at being sent in an observation due to limiting the observation length
ocr -> PluginThatImplementsLibOCR2
poller -> ParallelServicePollingLogs
filter -> ParallelServiceWatchingUpkeepLogs
call ocr.Observation with [ReportTimestamp]
call poller.SampleUpkeeps with filter.Filter(): return [blockNumber] and [upkeepStateResults]
define [upkeepIDList]
for each (upkeepStateResults)
if (upkeepState) is Eligible
add (upkeepID) to (upkeepIDList)
call shuffle with (upkeepIDList) and [randomSourceFromReportTimestamp]
define [observation]
add (blockNumber) to (observation)
define [observationBytes]
for each (upkeepIDList)
add (upkeepID) to (observation)
call encode with (observation): return [bytes]
if length of (bytes) < [maxObservationLength]
set (observationBytes) to (bytes)
remove (upkeepID) from (observation)
call encode with (observation): return [bytes]
set (observationBytes) to (bytes)
return (observationBytes)
Observations from all other nodes (including the one processing a report) are processed into a final encoded report ready to be transmitted on chain. Key checks include:
- all observations that don't pass decoding are discarded
- a report must be built off of at least 1 observation
- all observations must have a block number to calculate median from
- observation id length should be less than or equal to max
- check keys (block+ID) should be less than max keys for a report
- all upkeeps should be checked at specified median block for eligibility
- report capacity is based on max upkeeps per report (currently configured as 1), though there exists report gas limit checks too
All upkeep ids are combined into a single list, duplicates removed, in-flight upkeeps removed, and finally shuffled using the report timestamp such that a shuffled result is random between rounds, but identical across all nodes for the same list of upkeeps in the same round.
All upkeep ids are checked at the median block number by doing RPC calls to chain state to verify eligibility.
Finally all eligible upkeeps are packaged into a report with consideration to the gas required per upkeep, the maximum gas allowed per report, and the configured maximum number of upkeeps allowed in a report.
All observations report a block number they observed upkeeps at along with the upkeeps observed, if any. Since there should always be a block number in every observation, the median is selected for constructing upkeep keys. The way the median is selected is not a true median AND finally a configurable lag is subtracted from the resulting median that puts the final checks behind the head block even further.
If there are an odd number of observations, the middle value is selected just
like a true median. If there are an even number of observations, the highest of
the two middle values is selected instead of averaging them. Finally, the block
lag is subtracted from the selected median, resulting is what is being called
the medianBlockNumber
ocr -> PluginThatImplementsLibOCR2
filter -> ParallelServiceWatchingUpkeepLogs
call ocr.Report with [ReportTimestamp] and [observationList]
if length (observationList) == 0
return false, nil report, and error
define [allBlockNumbers]
define [allUpkeepIDs]
define [errorCount]
for each (observationList)
call decode [observation]: return [blockNumber], [upkeepIDList], and [error]
if (error)
add (1) to (errorCount)
add (blockNumber) to (allBlockNumbers)
add (slice upkeepIDList:maxLengthPerObservation) to (allUpkeepIDs)
if (errorCount) == length of (observationList)
return false, nil report, and error
call getMedian with (allBlockNumbers): return [medianBlockNumber]
define [upkeepKeys]
for each (allUpkeepIDs)
call combine with (medianBlockNumber) and (upkeepID): return [upkeepKey]
add (upkeepKey) to (upkeepKeys)
call dedupe with (upkeepKeys)
for each (upkeepKeys)
call filter.Filter() with [upkeepKey]: return [isPending]
if (isPending)
remove (upkeepKey) from (upkeepKeys)
call shuffle with (upkeepKeys) and [randomSourceFromReportTimestamp]
if length of (upkeepKeys) > [maxReportKeysLimit]
set (upkeepKeys) to (slice upkeepKeys:maxReportKeysLimit)
if length of (upkeepKeys) == 0
return false, nil report, and no error
define [toPerform]
for each (upkeepKeys)
call CheckUpkeep with [upkeepKey]: return [upkeepStateResult]
if [upkeepState] is not Eligible
if [reportCapacity]+[upkeepGasUsed] > [maxReportGas]
add (upkeepStateResult) to (toPerform)
if length of (toPerform) >= [maxUpkeepsInReport]
if length of (toPerform) == 0
return false, nil report, and no error
call encode with (toPerform): return [bytes]
return true, (bytes), and no error
In the acceptance of a report, the details of the incoming report must match the following:
- byte length should be greater than zero
- at least one upkeep in report
- no decode error
- no errors from marking a key as 'in-flight' (which would only happen for an error decoding an upkeep key)
- otherwise, all keys are accepted
This step is primarily focused on minimal report verification and extracting values from the report for tracking internal state. This internal state is used to provide more accurate observations and verify observations in report generation.
ocr -> PluginThatImplementsLibOCR2
filter -> ParallelServiceWatchingUpkeepLogs
call ocr.ShouldAcceptFinalizedReport with [ReportTimestamp] and [ReportBytes]
if length of (ReportBytes) == 0
return false, and no error
call decode with (ReportBytes): return [upkeepStateResultList]
if err in decode
return false, and decode error
if length of (upkeepStateResultList) == 0
return false, and error
for each (upkeepStateResultList)
call filter.Accept with [upkeepStateResult]
if err in accept
return false, and error
return true, and no error
Since multiple nodes will attempt to transmit a report in sequence, the decision on whether to transmit is based on the following:
- no decode error of report
- at least one upkeep in report
- at least one upkeep from report not confirmed
Confirmation of upkeeps is based on logs emitted from the contract and more
detail is provided in the filter
ocr -> PluginThatImplementsLibOCR2
filter -> ParallelServiceWatchingUpkeepLogs
call ocr.ShouldTransmitAcceptedReport with [ReportTimestamp] and [ReportBytes]
call decode with (ReportBytes): return [upkeepStateResultList]
if err in decode
return false, and error
if length of (upkeepStateResultList) == 0
return false, and error
for each (upkeepStateResultList)
call filter.IsTransmissionConfirmed with [upkeepStateResult]
if upkeep is not confirmed
return true, and no error
return false, and no error
This service interfaces with the registry contract and pulls a list of active upkeeps for every block. It is up to the registry to maintain the list of active upkeeps either by itself polling the contract or by listening for logs.
Sampling Ratio
The sampling ratio is defined as the ratio of upkeeps a single node MUST check
at random such that n
good nodes have p
probability of checking all upkeeps
at least once over r
range of blocks.
This limits the workload of individual nodes and attempts to distribute the
total workload equally to all nodes while synchronizing only on n
, p
and r
Faulty node limit f
is included in the calculation of the sampling ratio.
For each block, this service attempts to check the state of all active upkeeps provided by the registry. First, all upkeeps are shuffled before checking their state. This ensures that all upkeeps have a chance at being checked over a series of blocks. Second, the list of active upkeeps is reduced to the sampling size limit.
Each upkeep is then checked at the provided block number and the total results are used to reset an internal cache such that the results for the latest block replace the results for the previous block.
contract -> RegistryContractInterface
for each [Block]
define [activeUpkeeps]
for each [upkeep]
if upkeep is active and not cancelled
add (upkeep) to (activeUpkeeps)
call shuffle with (activeUpkeeps)
replace (activeUpkeeps) with slice of (activeUpkeeps:sampleRatioLimit)
define [upkeepResults]
for each (activeUpkeeps)
call contract.CheckUpkeep with [upkeep] and (Block): return [upkeepResult]
if no error
add (upkeepResult) to (upkeepResults)
replace (poller.upkeepResultsCache) with (upkeepResults)
Providing Samples
Samples are provided directly from the cached results of the last poll. All 'in-flight' results are filtered out at this point.
if no results sampled
return no results, and error
define [blockNumber]
define [upkeepResults]
for each (upkeepResults)
if [upkeepResult] is Pending
remove (upkeepResult) from (upkeepResults)
return (blockNumber), (upkeepResults), and no error
The filter is a coordinator between observations, building reports, and transmitting reports. It runs as a service, checking logs emitted from the contract to evaluate the pending state of each upkeep.
Accepting as In-flight
This is the set point for the internal state. Upkeeps that are accepted pass through this logic to update upkeep state. There are two states necessary to ensure an upkeep doesn't encounter a double-transmit scenario.
- block and id for transmit confirmation
- id only to filter out of observations
In this logic, an upkeepKey
is the composition of both the block number and
the unique upkeep identifier.
- accepting a key should only return an error if the key is not parsable
- accepting a key should always block the
- if the key is already set, the id should be blocked for the highest block number between the previously blocked or the block number from the
define [upkeepKey]
define [pendingKeys]
define [blockedIDs]
if (upkeepKey) is not in (pendingKeys)
set (upkeepKey) in (pendingKeys) with expiration of [pendingKeyTimeout] and confirmed false
split (upkeepKey) into [blockNumber], [upkeepID]
if (upkeepID) is not in (blockedIDs)
set (upkeepID) in (blockedIDs) with (blockNumber) and [maxTransmitBlockNumber]
define [blockedIDBlockNumber]
if (blockedIDBlockNumber) is after (blockNumber)
set (upkeepID) in (blockedIDs) with (blockNumber) and [maxTransmitBlockNumber]
Once an upkeepKey
and upkeepID
are blocked, the upkeep will be filtered out
of results until one of two things occur:
- the blocked key and id encounter the
- a perform log is detected for the upkeep id (conditional to transmit block)
Any newly accepted upkeepKey
will have a transmit number set to the max
allowable value. In this case, the block number for the upkeepKey
will always
be before the last transmit block number resulting in filtering out the upkeep
from observations.
When an upkeepKey
is compared against a recently performed upkeep, the
transmit block number will be the one indicated in the perform log and the
block number from the upkeepKey
will be compared against the perform log's
transmit number. If an observed upkeepKey
occured at a block previous to the
last transmit block number, the key will be filtered out of the observation.
This ensure observations are not stale based on tracked internal state.
define [upkeepKey]
define [blockedIDs]
define [lastTransmitBlock]
split (upkeepKey) into [blockNumber], [upkeepID]
if (upkeepID) is in (blockedIDs) and (blockNumber) is before or equal to (lastTransmitBlock)
filter out (upkeepKey)
Transmission confirmation is done on the upkeepKey
directly. If there is a key
in pending state that matches the upkeepKey
exactly, the perform action has
not yet been confirmed.
if (upkeepKey) is not in (pendingKeys)
return transmissionConfirmed
else if (upkeepKey) is in (pendingKeys) and (confirmationState) is true
return transmissionConfirmed
return transmissionNotConfirmed
Logs are polled every second and passed through the following:
Perform log entries indicate that a perform exists on chain in some capacity. The existance of an entry means that the transaction was broadcast by at least one node. Reorgs can still happen causing performs to get moved to a later block or change to reorg logs. Higher minConfirmations setting reduces the chances of this happening.
We do two things upon receiving a perform log:
- Mark the upkeep key responsible for the perform as 'transmitted', so that this node does not waste gas trying to transmit the same report again
- Unblock the upkeep from idBlocks so that it can be observed and reported on again.
define [performLogs]
define [configMinConfirmations]
define [pendingKeys]
define [blockedIDs]
for each (performLogs)
define [upkeepKey]
define [performLogConfirmations]
define [performBlockNumber]
if (performLogConfirmations) >= (configMinConfirmations)
split (upkeepKey) into [blockNumber], [upkeepID]
if (upkeepKey) in (pendingKeys)
define [upkeepKeyConfirmationState]
if (upkeepKeyConfirmationState) is false
set (upkeepKey) in (pendingKeys) with expiration of [pendingKeyTimeout] and confirmed true
set (upkeepID) in (blockedIDs) with (blockNumber) and (performBlockNumber)
if (upkeepID) is in (blockedIDs) and
(blockNumber) == [blockedIDBlockNumber] and
(performBlockNumber) != [blockedIDBlockNumber]
set (upkeepID) in (blockedIDs) with (blockNumber) and (performBlockNumber)
It can happen that in between the time the report is generated and it gets confirmed on chain something changes and it becomes stale. Current scenarios are:
- Another report for the upkeep is transmitted making this report stale
- Reorg happens which changes the checkBlockHash making this reorged report as it was checked on a different chain
- There's a massive gas spike and upkeep does not have sufficient funds when report gets on chain
In such cases the upkeep is not performed and the contract emits a log indicating the staleness reason instead of UpkeepPerformed log. We don't have different behaviours for different staleness reasons and just want to unlock the upkeep when we receive such log.
For these logs we do not have the exact key which generated this log. Hence we are not able to mark the key responsible as transmitted which will result in some wasted gas if this node tries to transmit it again, however we prioritize the upkeep performance and clear the idBlocks for this upkeep.
define [performLogs]
define [configMinConfirmations]
define [pendingKeys]
define [blockedIDs]
for each (performLogs)
define [upkeepKey]
define [performLogConfirmations]
define [performBlockNumber]
if (performLogConfirmations) >= (configMinConfirmations)
split (upkeepKey) into [blockNumber], [upkeepID]
define [nextBlock]
set (nextBlock) to (blockNumber) + 1
if (upkeepKey) in (pendingKeys)
define [upkeepKeyConfirmationState]
if (upkeepKeyConfirmationState) is false
set (upkeepKey) in (pendingKeys) with expiration of [pendingKeyTimeout] and confirmed true
set (upkeepID) in (blockedIDs) with (blockNumber) and (nextBlock)
if (upkeepID) is in (blockedIDs) and
(blockNumber) == [blockedIDBlockNumber] and
(performBlockNumber) != [blockedIDBlockNumber]
set (upkeepID) in (blockedIDs) with (blockNumber) and (nextBlock)