diff --git a/src/preseq.cpp b/src/preseq.cpp
index 4611a50..2e006fe 100644
--- a/src/preseq.cpp
+++ b/src/preseq.cpp
@@ -1,1838 +1,41 @@
- * preseq: to predict properties of genomic sequencing libraries
+/* preseq: to predict properties of genomic sequencing libraries
- * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 University of Southern California and
- * Andrew D. Smith and Timothy Daley
+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2024 University of Southern California and
+ * Andrew D. Smith and Timothy Daley
- * Authors: Timothy Daley, Chao Deng, Victoria Helus, and Andrew Smith
+ * Authors: Timothy Daley, Chao Deng, Victoria Helus, and Andrew Smith
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * .
-#include "continued_fraction.hpp"
-#include "load_data_for_complexity.hpp"
-#include "moment_sequence.hpp"
+#include "common.hpp"
+// the preseq commands
+#include "bound_pop.hpp"
+#include "c_curve.hpp"
+#include "gc_extrap.hpp"
+#include "lc_extrap.hpp"
+#include "pop_size.hpp"
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::isfinite;
-using std::max;
-using std::min;
-using std::mt19937;
-using std::runtime_error;
-using std::setprecision;
-using std::string;
-using std::to_string;
-using std::uint64_t;
-using std::unordered_map;
-using std::vector;
-get_counts_from_hist(const vector &h) {
- T c = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < h.size(); ++i)
- c += i * h[i];
- return c;
-median_from_sorted_vector(const vector sorted_data, const size_t stride,
- const size_t n) {
- if (n == 0 || sorted_data.empty())
- return 0.0;
- const size_t lhs = (n - 1) / 2;
- const size_t rhs = n / 2;
- if (lhs == rhs)
- return sorted_data[lhs * stride];
- return (sorted_data[lhs * stride] + sorted_data[rhs * stride]) / 2.0;
-quantile_from_sorted_vector(const vector sorted_data, const size_t stride,
- const size_t n, const double f) {
- const double index = f * (n - 1);
- const size_t lhs = static_cast(index);
- const double delta = index - lhs;
- if (n == 0 || sorted_data.empty())
- return 0.0;
- if (lhs == n - 1)
- return sorted_data[lhs * stride];
- return (1 - delta) * sorted_data[lhs * stride] +
- delta * sorted_data[(lhs + 1) * stride];
-// Confidence interval stuff
-static void
-median_and_ci(vector estimates, // by val so we can sort them
- const double ci_level, double &median_estimate,
- double &lower_ci_estimate, double &upper_ci_estimate) {
- assert(!estimates.empty());
- sort(begin(estimates), end(estimates));
- const double alpha = 1.0 - ci_level;
- const size_t N = estimates.size();
- median_estimate = median_from_sorted_vector(estimates, 1, N);
- lower_ci_estimate = quantile_from_sorted_vector(estimates, 1, N, alpha / 2);
- upper_ci_estimate =
- quantile_from_sorted_vector(estimates, 1, N, 1.0 - alpha / 2);
-static void
-vector_median_and_ci(const vector> &bootstrap_estimates,
- const double ci_level, vector &yield_estimates,
- vector &lower_ci_lognorm,
- vector &upper_ci_lognorm) {
- yield_estimates.clear();
- lower_ci_lognorm.clear();
- upper_ci_lognorm.clear();
- assert(!bootstrap_estimates.empty());
- const size_t n_est = bootstrap_estimates.size();
- vector estimates_row(n_est, 0.0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < bootstrap_estimates[0].size(); i++) {
- // estimates is in wrong order, work locally on const val
- for (size_t k = 0; k < n_est; ++k)
- estimates_row[k] = bootstrap_estimates[k][i];
- double median_estimate, lower_ci_estimate, upper_ci_estimate;
- median_and_ci(estimates_row, ci_level, median_estimate, lower_ci_estimate,
- upper_ci_estimate);
- sort(begin(estimates_row), end(estimates_row));
- yield_estimates.push_back(median_estimate);
- lower_ci_lognorm.push_back(lower_ci_estimate);
- upper_ci_lognorm.push_back(upper_ci_estimate);
- }
-multinomial(mt19937 &gen, const vector &mult_probs, uint_type trials,
- vector &result) {
- typedef std::binomial_distribution binom_dist;
- result.clear();
- result.resize(mult_probs.size());
- double remaining_prob = accumulate(begin(mult_probs), end(mult_probs), 0.0);
- auto r(begin(result));
- auto p(begin(mult_probs));
- while (p != end(mult_probs)) { // iterate to sample for each category
- *r = binom_dist(trials, (*p) / remaining_prob)(gen); // take the sample
- remaining_prob -= *p++; // update remaining probability mass
- trials -= *r++; // update remaining trials needed
- }
- if (trials > 0)
- throw runtime_error("multinomial sampling failed");
-// Lanczos approximation for gamma function for x >= 0.5 - essentially an
-// approximation for (x-1)!
-static double
-factorial(double x) {
- // constants
- double LogRootTwoPi = 0.9189385332046727;
- double Euler = 2.71828182845904523536028747135;
- // Approximation for factorial is actually x-1
- x -= 1.0;
- vector lanczos{0.99999999999980993227684700473478,
- 676.520368121885098567009190444019,
- -1259.13921672240287047156078755283,
- 771.3234287776530788486528258894,
- -176.61502916214059906584551354,
- 12.507343278686904814458936853,
- -0.13857109526572011689554707,
- 9.984369578019570859563e-6,
- 1.50563273514931155834e-7};
- double Ag = lanczos[0];
- for (size_t k = 1; k < lanczos.size(); k++)
- Ag += lanczos[k] / (x + k);
- double term1 = (x + 0.5) * log((x + 7.5) / Euler);
- double term2 = LogRootTwoPi + log(Ag);
- return term1 + (term2 - 7.0);
-// vals_hist[j] = n_{j} = # (counts = j)
-// vals_hist_distinct_counts[k] = kth index j s.t. vals_hist[j] > 0
-// stores kth index of vals_hist that is positive
-// distinct_counts_hist[k] = vals_hist[vals_hist_distinct_counts[k]]
-// stores the kth positive value of vals_hist
-resample_hist(mt19937 &gen, const vector &vals_hist_distinct_counts,
- const vector &distinct_counts_hist,
- vector &out_hist) {
- const size_t hist_size = distinct_counts_hist.size();
- vector sample_distinct_counts_hist(hist_size, 0);
- const uint32_t distinct =
- accumulate(begin(distinct_counts_hist), end(distinct_counts_hist), 0.0);
- multinomial(gen, distinct_counts_hist, distinct, sample_distinct_counts_hist);
- out_hist.clear();
- out_hist.resize(vals_hist_distinct_counts.back() + 1, 0.0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < hist_size; i++)
- out_hist[vals_hist_distinct_counts[i]] = sample_distinct_counts_hist[i];
-// interpolate by explicit calculating the expectation
-// for sampling without replacement;
-// see K.L Heck 1975
-// N total sample size; S the total number of distincts
-// n sub sample size
-static double
-interpolate_distinct(const vector &hist, const size_t N, const size_t S,
- const size_t n) {
- const double denom =
- factorial(N + 1) - factorial(n + 1) - factorial(N - n + 1);
- vector numer(hist.size(), 0);
- for (size_t i = 1; i < hist.size(); i++) {
- // N - i -n + 1 should be greater than 0
- if (N < i + n) {
- numer[i] = 0;
- }
- else {
- const double x =
- (factorial(N - i + 1) - factorial(n + 1) - factorial(N - i - n + 1));
- numer[i] = exp(x - denom) * hist[i];
- }
- }
- return S - accumulate(begin(numer), end(numer), 0);
-static void
-extrapolate_curve(const ContinuedFraction &the_cf,
- const double initial_distinct, const double vals_sum,
- const double initial_sample_size, const double step_size,
- const double max_sample_size, vector &estimates) {
- double curr_samp_sz = initial_sample_size;
- while (curr_samp_sz < max_sample_size) {
- const double fold = (curr_samp_sz - vals_sum) / vals_sum;
- assert(fold >= 0.0);
- estimates.push_back(initial_distinct + fold * the_cf(fold));
- curr_samp_sz += step_size;
- }
-extrap_bootstrap(const bool VERBOSE, const bool allow_defects,
- const uint64_t seed, const vector &orig_hist,
- const size_t n_bootstraps, const size_t orig_max_terms,
- const int diagonal, const double bin_step_size,
- const double max_extrap, const size_t max_iter,
- vector> &bootstrap_estimates) {
- // clear returning vectors
- bootstrap_estimates.clear();
- // setup rng
- srand(time(0) + getpid());
- mt19937 rng(seed);
- // const double vals_sum = get_counts_from_hist(orig_hist);
- const double initial_distinct =
- accumulate(begin(orig_hist), end(orig_hist), 0.0);
- vector orig_hist_distinct_counts;
- vector distinct_orig_hist;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_hist.size(); i++)
- if (orig_hist[i] > 0) {
- orig_hist_distinct_counts.push_back(i);
- distinct_orig_hist.push_back(orig_hist[i]);
- }
- for (size_t iter = 0;
- (iter < max_iter && bootstrap_estimates.size() < n_bootstraps); ++iter) {
- if (VERBOSE && iter > 0 && iter % 72 == 0)
- cerr << endl; // bootstrap success progress only 72 char wide
- vector yield_vector;
- vector hist;
- resample_hist(rng, orig_hist_distinct_counts, distinct_orig_hist, hist);
- const double sample_vals_sum = get_counts_from_hist(hist);
- // resize boot_hist to remove excess zeros
- while (hist.back() == 0)
- hist.pop_back();
- // compute complexity curve by random sampling w/out replacement
- const size_t distinct = accumulate(begin(hist), end(hist), 0.0);
- size_t curr_sample_sz = bin_step_size;
- while (curr_sample_sz < sample_vals_sum) {
- yield_vector.push_back(
- interpolate_distinct(hist, sample_vals_sum, distinct, curr_sample_sz));
- curr_sample_sz += bin_step_size;
- }
- size_t first_zero = 1;
- while (first_zero < hist.size() && hist[first_zero] > 0)
- ++first_zero;
- size_t max_terms = min(orig_max_terms, first_zero - 1);
- // refit curve for lower bound (degree of approx is 1 less than
- // max_terms)
- max_terms = max_terms - (max_terms % 2 == 1);
- bool successful_bootstrap = false;
- // defect mode, simple extrapolation
- if (allow_defects) {
- vector ps_coeffs;
- for (size_t j = 1; j <= max_terms; j++)
- ps_coeffs.push_back(hist[j] * std::pow(-1.0, j + 1));
- const ContinuedFraction defect_cf(ps_coeffs, diagonal, max_terms);
- extrapolate_curve(defect_cf, initial_distinct, sample_vals_sum,
- curr_sample_sz, bin_step_size, max_extrap,
- yield_vector);
- // no checking of curve in defect mode
- bootstrap_estimates.push_back(yield_vector);
- successful_bootstrap = true;
- }
- else {
- // refit curve for lower bound
- const ContinuedFractionApproximation lower_cfa(diagonal, max_terms);
- const ContinuedFraction lower_cf(
- lower_cfa.optimal_cont_frac_distinct(hist));
- // extrapolate the curve start
- if (lower_cf.is_valid()) {
- extrapolate_curve(lower_cf, initial_distinct, sample_vals_sum,
- curr_sample_sz, bin_step_size, max_extrap,
- yield_vector);
- // sanity check
- if (check_yield_estimates_stability(yield_vector)) {
- bootstrap_estimates.push_back(yield_vector);
- successful_bootstrap = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << (successful_bootstrap ? '.' : '_');
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << endl;
- if (bootstrap_estimates.size() < n_bootstraps)
- throw runtime_error("too many defects in the approximation, "
- "consider running in defect mode");
-static bool
-extrap_single_estimate(const bool VERBOSE, const bool allow_defects,
- vector &hist, size_t max_terms,
- const int diagonal, const double step_size,
- const double max_extrap,
- vector &yield_estimate) {
- yield_estimate.clear();
- const double vals_sum = get_counts_from_hist(hist);
- const double initial_distinct = accumulate(begin(hist), end(hist), 0.0);
- // interpolate complexity curve by random sampling w/out replacement
- size_t upper_limit = static_cast(vals_sum);
- size_t step = static_cast(step_size);
- size_t sample = static_cast(step_size);
- for (; sample < upper_limit; sample += step)
- yield_estimate.push_back(
- interpolate_distinct(hist, upper_limit, initial_distinct, sample));
- size_t first_zero = 1;
- while (first_zero < hist.size() && hist[first_zero] > 0)
- ++first_zero;
- // Ensure we are not using a zero term
- max_terms = min(max_terms, first_zero - 1);
- // refit curve for lower bound (degree of approx is 1 less than
- // max_terms)
- max_terms = max_terms - (max_terms % 2 == 1);
- if (allow_defects) {
- vector ps_coeffs;
- for (size_t j = 1; j <= max_terms; j++)
- ps_coeffs.push_back(hist[j] * std::pow(-1.0, j + 1));
- const ContinuedFraction defect_cf(ps_coeffs, diagonal, max_terms);
- extrapolate_curve(defect_cf, initial_distinct, vals_sum, sample, step_size,
- max_extrap, yield_estimate);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << defect_cf << endl;
- // NO FAIL! defect mode doesn't care about failure
- }
- else {
- const ContinuedFractionApproximation lower_cfa(diagonal, max_terms);
- const ContinuedFraction lower_cf(
- lower_cfa.optimal_cont_frac_distinct(hist));
- // extrapolate curve
- if (lower_cf.is_valid()) {
- extrapolate_curve(lower_cf, initial_distinct, vals_sum, sample, step_size,
- max_extrap, yield_estimate);
- }
- else {
- // FAIL!
- // lower_cf unacceptable, need to bootstrap to obtain estimates
- return false;
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << lower_cf << endl;
- }
- // SUCCESS!!
- return true;
-static double
-GoodToulmin2xExtrap(const vector &counts_hist) {
- double two_fold_extrap = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < counts_hist.size(); i++)
- two_fold_extrap += pow(-1.0, i + 1) * counts_hist[i];
- return two_fold_extrap;
-static void
-write_predicted_complexity_curve(const string &outfile, const double c_level,
- const double step_size,
- const vector &yield_estimates,
- const vector &yield_lower_ci_lognorm,
- const vector &yield_upper_ci_lognorm) {
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- << "LOWER_" << c_level << "CI\t"
- << "UPPER_" << c_level << "CI" << endl;
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << 0 << '\t' << 0 << '\t' << 0 << '\t' << 0 << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < yield_estimates.size(); ++i)
- out << (i + 1) * step_size << '\t' << yield_estimates[i] << '\t'
- << yield_lower_ci_lognorm[i] << '\t' << yield_upper_ci_lognorm[i]
- << endl;
-// ADS: functions same, header different (above and this one)
-static void
-write_predicted_coverage_curve(const string &outfile, const double c_level,
- const double base_step_size,
- const size_t bin_size,
- const vector &cvrg_estimates,
- const vector &cvrg_lower_ci_lognorm,
- const vector &cvrg_upper_ci_lognorm) {
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- << "LOWER_" << 100 * c_level << "%CI\t"
- << "UPPER_" << 100 * c_level << "%CI" << endl;
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << 0 << '\t' << 0 << '\t' << 0 << '\t' << 0 << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < cvrg_estimates.size(); ++i)
- out << (i + 1) * base_step_size << '\t' << cvrg_estimates[i] * bin_size
- << '\t' << cvrg_lower_ci_lognorm[i] * bin_size << '\t'
- << cvrg_upper_ci_lognorm[i] * bin_size << endl;
-static int
-lc_extrap(const int argc, const char **argv) {
- try {
- static const size_t min_required_counts = 4;
- static const string min_required_counts_error_message =
- "max count before zero is less than min required count (" +
- to_string(min_required_counts) + ") duplicates removed";
- string outfile;
- size_t orig_max_terms = 100;
- double max_extrap = 1.0e10;
- double step_size = 1e6;
- size_t n_bootstraps = 100;
- int diagonal = 0;
- double c_level = 0.95;
- uint64_t seed = 408;
- /* FLAGS */
- bool VERBOSE = false;
- bool VALS_INPUT = false;
- bool PAIRED_END = false;
- bool HIST_INPUT = false;
- bool SINGLE_ESTIMATE = false;
- bool allow_defects = false;
- bool BAM_FORMAT_INPUT = false;
- size_t MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 5000;
- string description =
- R"(Extrapolate the complexity of a library. This is the approach \
-described in Daley & Smith (2013). The method applies rational \
-function approximation via continued fractions with the \
-original goal of estimating the number of distinct reads that a \
-sequencing library would yield upon deeper sequencing. This \
-method has been used for many different purposes since then.
- OptionParser opt_parse(strip_path(argv[1]), description, "");
- opt_parse.add_opt("output", 'o', "yield output file (default: stdout)",
- false, outfile);
- opt_parse.add_opt("extrap", 'e', "maximum extrapolation", false,
- max_extrap);
- opt_parse.add_opt("step", 's', "extrapolation step size", false, step_size);
- opt_parse.add_opt("boots", 'n', "number of bootstraps", false,
- n_bootstraps);
- opt_parse.add_opt("cval", 'c', "level for confidence intervals", false,
- c_level);
- opt_parse.add_opt("terms", 'x', "maximum terms in estimator", false,
- orig_max_terms);
- opt_parse.add_opt("verbose", 'v', "print more info", false, VERBOSE);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bam", 'B', "input is in BAM format", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("seg_len", 'l',
- "maximum segment length when merging "
- "paired end bam reads",
- opt_parse.add_opt("pe", 'P', "input is paired end read file", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt(
- "vals", 'V', "input is a text file containing only the observed counts",
- false, VALS_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("hist", 'H',
- "input is a text file containing the observed histogram",
- false, HIST_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("quick", 'Q',
- "quick mode (no bootstraps) for confidence intervals",
- opt_parse.add_opt("defects", 'D', "no testing for defects", false,
- allow_defects);
- opt_parse.add_opt("seed", 'r', "seed for random number generator", false,
- seed);
- opt_parse.set_show_defaults();
- vector leftover_args;
- // ADS: suspect bug below; "-about" isn't working.
- opt_parse.parse(argc - 1, argv + 1, leftover_args);
- if (argc == 2 || opt_parse.help_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.about_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.about_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.option_missing()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.option_missing_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (leftover_args.empty()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- const string input_file_name = leftover_args.front();
- /******************************************************************/
- vector counts_hist;
- size_t n_reads = 0;
- /************ loading input ***************************************/
- if (HIST_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "HIST_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_histogram(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (VALS_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "VALS_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- const size_t MAX_READS_TO_HOLD = 5000000;
- size_t n_paired = 0;
- size_t n_mates = 0;
- n_reads =
- load_counts_BAM_pe(VERBOSE, input_file_name, MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH,
- MAX_READS_TO_HOLD, n_paired, n_mates, counts_hist);
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "MERGED PAIRED END READS = " << n_paired << endl;
- cerr << "MATES PROCESSED = " << n_mates << endl;
- }
- }
- else if (BAM_FORMAT_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BAM_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (PAIRED_END) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BED_pe(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else { // default is single end bed file
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BED_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- /************ done loading input **********************************/
- const size_t max_observed_count = counts_hist.size() - 1;
- const double distinct_reads =
- accumulate(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist), 0.0);
- size_t first_zero = 1;
- while (first_zero < counts_hist.size() && counts_hist[first_zero] > 0)
- ++first_zero;
- orig_max_terms = min(orig_max_terms, first_zero - 1);
- orig_max_terms = orig_max_terms - (orig_max_terms % 2 == 1);
- const size_t distinct_counts =
- std::count_if(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist),
- [](const double x) { return x > 0.0; });
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "TOTAL READS = " << n_reads << endl
- << "DISTINCT READS = " << distinct_reads << endl
- << "DISTINCT COUNTS = " << distinct_counts << endl
- << "MAX COUNT = " << max_observed_count << endl
- << "COUNTS OF 1 = " << counts_hist[1] << endl
- << "MAX TERMS = " << orig_max_terms << endl;
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "OBSERVED COUNTS (" << counts_hist.size() << ")" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < counts_hist.size(); i++)
- if (counts_hist[i] > 0)
- cerr << i << '\t' << static_cast(counts_hist[i]) << endl;
- cerr << endl;
- }
- // check to make sure library is not overly saturated
- const double two_fold_extrap = GoodToulmin2xExtrap(counts_hist);
- if (two_fold_extrap < 0.0)
- throw runtime_error("Saturation expected at double initial sample size."
- " Unable to extrapolate");
- // const size_t total_reads = get_counts_from_hist(counts_hist);
- // assert(total_reads == n_reads); // ADS: why commented out?
- // check that min required count is satisfied
- if (orig_max_terms < min_required_counts)
- throw runtime_error(min_required_counts_error_message);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[ESTIMATING YIELD CURVE]" << endl;
- vector yield_estimates;
- const bool single_estimate_success = extrap_single_estimate(
- VERBOSE, allow_defects, counts_hist, orig_max_terms, diagonal,
- step_size, max_extrap, yield_estimates);
- if (!single_estimate_success)
- throw runtime_error("single estimate failed, run "
- "full mode for estimates");
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << 0 << '\t' << 0 << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < yield_estimates.size(); ++i)
- out << (i + 1) * step_size << '\t' << yield_estimates[i] << endl;
- }
- else {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[BOOTSTRAPPING HISTOGRAM]" << endl;
- const size_t max_iter = 100 * n_bootstraps;
- vector> bootstrap_estimates;
- extrap_bootstrap(VERBOSE, allow_defects, seed, counts_hist, n_bootstraps,
- orig_max_terms, diagonal, step_size, max_extrap,
- max_iter, bootstrap_estimates);
- if (VERBOSE)
- // yield ci
- vector yield_upper_ci_lognorm, yield_lower_ci_lognorm;
- vector_median_and_ci(bootstrap_estimates, c_level, yield_estimates,
- yield_lower_ci_lognorm, yield_upper_ci_lognorm);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[WRITING OUTPUT]" << endl;
- write_predicted_complexity_curve(outfile, c_level, step_size,
- yield_estimates, yield_lower_ci_lognorm,
- yield_upper_ci_lognorm);
- }
- }
- catch (runtime_error &e) {
- cerr << "ERROR:\t" << e.what() << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &ba) {
- cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate memory" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-///// GC_EXTRAP: predicting genomic coverage
-static int
-gc_extrap(const int argc, const char **argv) {
- try {
- const size_t MIN_REQUIRED_COUNTS = 4;
- int diagonal = 0;
- size_t orig_max_terms = 100;
- size_t bin_size = 10;
- bool VERBOSE = false;
- string outfile;
- double base_step_size = 1.0e8;
- size_t max_width = 10000;
- bool SINGLE_ESTIMATE = false;
- double max_extrap = 1.0e12;
- size_t n_bootstraps = 100;
- uint64_t seed = 408;
- bool allow_defects = false;
- bool NO_SEQUENCE = false;
- double c_level = 0.95;
- const string description = R"(
- "Extrapolate the size of the covered genome by mapped reads. This \
- approach is described in Daley & Smith (2014). The method is the \
- same as for lc_extrap: using rational function approximation to \
- a power-series expansion for the number of \"unobserved\" bases \
- in the initial sample. The gc_extrap method is adapted to deal \
- with individual nucleotides rather than distinct reads.)";
- OptionParser opt_parse(strip_path(argv[1]), description, "");
- opt_parse.add_opt("output", 'o',
- "coverage yield output file (default: stdout)", false,
- outfile);
- opt_parse.add_opt("max_width", 'w',
- "max fragment length, "
- "set equal to read length for single end reads",
- false, max_width);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bin_size", 'b', "bin size", false, bin_size);
- opt_parse.add_opt("extrap", 'e', "maximum extrapolation in base pairs",
- false, max_extrap);
- opt_parse.add_opt("step", 's', "step size in bases between extrapolations",
- false, base_step_size);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bootstraps", 'n', "number of bootstraps", false,
- n_bootstraps);
- opt_parse.add_opt("cval", 'c', "level for confidence intervals", false,
- c_level);
- opt_parse.add_opt("terms", 'x', "maximum number of terms", false,
- orig_max_terms);
- opt_parse.add_opt("verbose", 'v', "print more information", false, VERBOSE);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bed", 'B',
- "input is in bed format without sequence information",
- false, NO_SEQUENCE);
- opt_parse.add_opt("quick", 'Q',
- "quick mode: run gc_extrap without "
- "bootstrapping for confidence intervals",
- opt_parse.add_opt("defects", 'D',
- "defects mode to extrapolate without testing for defects",
- false, allow_defects);
- opt_parse.add_opt("seed", 'r', "seed for random number generator", false,
- seed);
- opt_parse.set_show_defaults();
- vector leftover_args;
- opt_parse.parse(argc - 1, argv + 1, leftover_args);
- if (argc == 2 || opt_parse.help_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.about_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.about_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.option_missing()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.option_missing_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (leftover_args.empty()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- const string input_file_name = leftover_args.front();
- // ****************************************************************
- vector coverage_hist;
- size_t n_reads = 0;
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "LOADING READS" << endl;
- if (NO_SEQUENCE) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BED FORMAT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_coverage_counts_GR(input_file_name, seed, bin_size,
- max_width, coverage_hist);
- }
- else {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "MAPPED READ FORMAT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_coverage_counts_MR(VERBOSE, input_file_name, seed,
- bin_size, max_width, coverage_hist);
- }
- const double total_bins = get_counts_from_hist(coverage_hist);
- const double distinct_bins =
- accumulate(coverage_hist.begin(), coverage_hist.end(), 0.0);
- const double avg_bins_per_read = total_bins / n_reads;
- double bin_step_size = base_step_size / bin_size;
- const size_t max_observed_count = coverage_hist.size() - 1;
- size_t first_zero = 1;
- while (first_zero < coverage_hist.size() && coverage_hist[first_zero] > 0)
- ++first_zero;
- orig_max_terms = min(orig_max_terms, first_zero - 1);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "TOTAL READS = " << n_reads << endl
- << "BASE STEP SIZE = " << base_step_size << endl
- << "BIN STEP SIZE = " << bin_step_size << endl
- << "TOTAL BINS = " << total_bins << endl
- << "BINS PER READ = " << avg_bins_per_read << endl
- << "DISTINCT BINS = " << distinct_bins << endl
- << "TOTAL BASES = " << total_bins * bin_size << endl
- << "TOTAL COVERED BASES = " << distinct_bins * bin_size << endl
- << "MAX COVERAGE COUNT = " << max_observed_count << endl
- << "COUNTS OF 1 = " << coverage_hist[1] << endl;
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "OBSERVED BIN COUNTS (" << coverage_hist.size() << ")" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < coverage_hist.size(); i++)
- if (coverage_hist[i] > 0)
- cerr << i << '\t' << coverage_hist[i] << endl;
- cerr << endl;
- }
- // catch if all reads are distinct
- if (orig_max_terms < MIN_REQUIRED_COUNTS)
- throw runtime_error("max count before zero is les than min required "
- "count (4), sample not sufficiently deep or "
- "duplicates removed");
- // check to make sure library is not overly saturated
- const double two_fold_extrap = GoodToulmin2xExtrap(coverage_hist);
- if (two_fold_extrap < 0.0)
- throw runtime_error("Library expected to saturate in doubling of "
- "experiment size, unable to extrapolate");
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[ESTIMATING COVERAGE CURVE]" << endl;
- vector coverage_estimates;
- bool SINGLE_ESTIMATE_SUCCESS = extrap_single_estimate(
- VERBOSE, allow_defects, coverage_hist, orig_max_terms, diagonal,
- bin_step_size, max_extrap / bin_size, coverage_estimates);
- throw runtime_error("SINGLE ESTIMATE FAILED, NEED TO RUN IN "
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << 0 << '\t' << 0 << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < coverage_estimates.size(); ++i)
- out << (i + 1) * base_step_size << '\t'
- << coverage_estimates[i] * bin_size << endl;
- }
- else {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[BOOTSTRAPPING HISTOGRAM]" << endl;
- const size_t max_iter = 10 * n_bootstraps;
- vector> bootstrap_estimates;
- extrap_bootstrap(VERBOSE, allow_defects, seed, coverage_hist,
- n_bootstraps, orig_max_terms, diagonal, bin_step_size,
- max_extrap / bin_size, max_iter, bootstrap_estimates);
- if (VERBOSE)
- vector coverage_upper_ci_lognorm, coverage_lower_ci_lognorm;
- vector_median_and_ci(bootstrap_estimates, c_level, coverage_estimates,
- coverage_lower_ci_lognorm,
- coverage_upper_ci_lognorm);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[WRITING OUTPUT]" << endl;
- write_predicted_coverage_curve(
- outfile, c_level, base_step_size, bin_size, coverage_estimates,
- coverage_lower_ci_lognorm, coverage_upper_ci_lognorm);
- }
- }
- catch (runtime_error &e) {
- cerr << "ERROR:\t" << e.what() << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &ba) {
- cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate memory" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-static int
-c_curve(const int argc, const char **argv) {
- try {
- bool VERBOSE = false;
- bool PAIRED_END = false;
- bool HIST_INPUT = false;
- bool VALS_INPUT = false;
- uint64_t seed = 408;
- string outfile;
- size_t upper_limit = 0;
- double step_size = 1e6;
- bool BAM_FORMAT_INPUT = false;
- size_t MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 5000;
- const string description = R"(
-Generate the complexity curve for data. This does not extrapolate, \
-but instead resamples from the given data.)";
- /********** GET COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS FOR C_CURVE ***********/
- OptionParser opt_parse(strip_path(argv[1]), description, "");
- opt_parse.add_opt("output", 'o', "yield output file (default: stdout)",
- false, outfile);
- opt_parse.add_opt("step", 's', "step size in extrapolations", false,
- step_size);
- opt_parse.add_opt("verbose", 'v', "print more information", false, VERBOSE);
- opt_parse.add_opt("pe", 'P', "input is paired end read file", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("hist", 'H',
- "input is a text file containing the observed histogram",
- false, HIST_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt(
- "vals", 'V', "input is a text file containing only the observed counts",
- false, VALS_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bam", 'B', "input is in BAM format", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("seg_len", 'l',
- "maximum segment length when merging "
- "paired end bam reads",
- opt_parse.add_opt("seed", 'r', "seed for random number generator", false,
- seed);
- opt_parse.set_show_defaults();
- vector leftover_args;
- opt_parse.parse(argc - 1, argv + 1, leftover_args);
- if (argc == 2 || opt_parse.help_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.about_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.about_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.option_missing()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.option_missing_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (leftover_args.empty()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- const string input_file_name = leftover_args.front();
- /******************************************************************/
- // Setup the random number generator
- srand(time(0) + getpid()); // give the random fxn a new seed
- mt19937 rng(seed);
- vector counts_hist;
- size_t n_reads = 0;
- if (HIST_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "INPUT_HIST" << endl;
- n_reads = load_histogram(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (VALS_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "VALS_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- const size_t MAX_READS_TO_HOLD = 5000000;
- size_t n_paired = 0;
- size_t n_mates = 0;
- n_reads =
- load_counts_BAM_pe(VERBOSE, input_file_name, MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH,
- MAX_READS_TO_HOLD, n_paired, n_mates, counts_hist);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "MERGED PAIRED END READS = " << n_paired << endl
- << "MATES PROCESSED = " << n_mates << endl;
- }
- else if (BAM_FORMAT_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BAM_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (PAIRED_END) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BED_pe(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else { // default is single end bed file
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BED_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- const size_t max_observed_count = counts_hist.size() - 1;
- const double distinct_reads =
- accumulate(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist), 0.0);
- const size_t total_reads = get_counts_from_hist(counts_hist);
- const size_t distinct_counts =
- std::count_if(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist),
- [](const double x) { return x > 0.0; });
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "TOTAL READS = " << n_reads << endl
- << "COUNTS_SUM = " << total_reads << endl
- << "DISTINCT READS = " << distinct_reads << endl
- << "DISTINCT COUNTS = " << distinct_counts << endl
- << "MAX COUNT = " << max_observed_count << endl
- << "COUNTS OF 1 = " << counts_hist[1] << endl;
- if (VERBOSE) {
- // output the original histogram
- cerr << "OBSERVED COUNTS (" << counts_hist.size() << ")" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < counts_hist.size(); i++)
- if (counts_hist[i] > 0)
- cerr << i << '\t' << static_cast(counts_hist[i]) << endl;
- cerr << endl;
- }
- if (upper_limit == 0)
- upper_limit = n_reads; // set upper limit to equal the number of
- // molecules
- // handles output of c_curve
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- // prints the complexity curve
- out << "total_reads" << "\t" << "distinct_reads" << endl;
- out << 0 << '\t' << 0 << endl;
- for (size_t i = step_size; i <= upper_limit; i += step_size) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "sample size: " << i << endl;
- out << i << "\t"
- << interpolate_distinct(counts_hist, total_reads, distinct_reads, i)
- << endl;
- }
- }
- catch (runtime_error &e) {
- cerr << "ERROR:\t" << e.what() << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &ba) {
- cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate memory" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-// BOUND_UNOBS: bounding n_0
-static int
-bound_pop(const int argc, const char **argv) {
- try {
- bool VERBOSE = false;
- bool PAIRED_END = false;
- bool HIST_INPUT = false;
- bool VALS_INPUT = false;
- bool QUICK_MODE = false;
- string outfile;
- bool BAM_FORMAT_INPUT = false;
- size_t MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 5000;
- size_t max_num_points = 10;
- double tolerance = 1e-20;
- size_t n_bootstraps = 500;
- double c_level = 0.95;
- size_t max_iter = 100;
- uint64_t seed = 408;
- const string description = R"(
-Estimate the size of the underlying population based on counts \
-of observed species in an initial sample.)";
- OptionParser opt_parse(strip_path(argv[1]), description, "");
- opt_parse.add_opt("output", 'o',
- "species richness output file "
- "(default: stdout)",
- false, outfile);
- opt_parse.add_opt("max_num_points", 'p',
- "maximum number of points in "
- "quadrature estimates",
- false, max_num_points);
- opt_parse.add_opt("tolerance", 't', "numerical tolerance", false,
- tolerance);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bootstraps", 'n', "number of bootstraps", false,
- n_bootstraps);
- opt_parse.add_opt("clevel", 'c', "level for confidence intervals", false,
- c_level);
- opt_parse.add_opt("verbose", 'v', "print more information", false, VERBOSE);
- opt_parse.add_opt("pe", 'P', "input is paired end read file", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("hist", 'H',
- "input is a text file containing the "
- "observed histogram",
- false, HIST_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("vals", 'V',
- "input is a text file containing only the "
- "observed duplicate counts",
- false, VALS_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bam", 'B', "input is in BAM format", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("seg_len", 'l',
- "maximum segment length when merging "
- "paired end bam reads",
- opt_parse.add_opt("quick", 'Q',
- "quick mode, estimate without bootstrapping", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("seed", 'r', "seed for random number generator", false,
- seed);
- opt_parse.set_show_defaults();
- vector leftover_args;
- opt_parse.parse(argc - 1, argv + 1, leftover_args);
- if (argc == 2 || opt_parse.help_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.about_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.about_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.option_missing()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.option_missing_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (leftover_args.empty()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- const string input_file_name = leftover_args.front();
- // ****************************************************************
- vector counts_hist;
- size_t n_obs = 0;
- if (HIST_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "HIST_INPUT" << endl;
- n_obs = load_histogram(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (VALS_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "VALS_INPUT" << endl;
- n_obs = load_counts(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- const size_t MAX_READS_TO_HOLD = 5000000;
- size_t n_paired = 0;
- size_t n_mates = 0;
- n_obs =
- load_counts_BAM_pe(VERBOSE, input_file_name, MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH,
- MAX_READS_TO_HOLD, n_paired, n_mates, counts_hist);
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "MERGED PAIRED END READS = " << n_paired << endl;
- cerr << "MATES PROCESSED = " << n_mates << endl;
- }
- }
- else if (BAM_FORMAT_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- n_obs = load_counts_BAM_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (PAIRED_END) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_obs = load_counts_BED_pe(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else { // default is single end bed file
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_obs = load_counts_BED_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- const double distinct_obs =
- accumulate(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist), 0.0);
- vector measure_moments;
- // mu_r = (r + 1)! n_{r+1} / n_1
- size_t idx = 1;
- while (counts_hist[idx] > 0 && idx <= counts_hist.size()) {
- // idx + 1 because function calculates (x-1)!
- measure_moments.push_back(
- exp(factorial(idx + 1) + log(counts_hist[idx]) - log(counts_hist[1])));
- if (!isfinite(measure_moments.back())) {
- measure_moments.pop_back();
- break;
- }
- idx++;
- }
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "TOTAL OBSERVATIONS = " << n_obs << endl
- << "DISTINCT OBSERVATIONS = " << distinct_obs << endl
- << "MAX COUNT = " << counts_hist.size() - 1 << endl;
- cerr << "OBSERVED COUNTS (" << counts_hist.size() << ")" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < counts_hist.size(); i++)
- if (counts_hist[i] > 0)
- cerr << i << '\t' << setprecision(16) << counts_hist[i] << endl;
- cerr << "OBSERVED MOMENTS" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < measure_moments.size(); i++)
- cerr << std::setprecision(16) << measure_moments[i] << endl;
- }
- if (QUICK_MODE) {
- if (measure_moments.size() < 2 * max_num_points)
- max_num_points = static_cast(floor(measure_moments.size() / 2));
- else
- measure_moments.resize(2 * max_num_points);
- size_t n_points = 0;
- n_points = ensure_pos_def_mom_seq(measure_moments, tolerance, VERBOSE);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "n_points = " << n_points << endl;
- MomentSequence obs_mom_seq(measure_moments);
- if (VERBOSE) {
- for (size_t k = 0; k < obs_mom_seq.alpha.size(); k++)
- cerr << "alpha_" << k << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < obs_mom_seq.alpha.size(); k++)
- cerr << obs_mom_seq.alpha[k] << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < obs_mom_seq.beta.size(); k++)
- cerr << "beta_" << k << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < obs_mom_seq.beta.size(); k++)
- cerr << obs_mom_seq.beta[k] << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- }
- vector points, weights;
- obs_mom_seq.Lower_quadrature_rules(VERBOSE, n_points, tolerance, max_iter,
- points, weights);
- // renormalize if needed
- const double weights_sum = accumulate(begin(weights), end(weights), 0.0);
- if (weights_sum != 1.0)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++)
- weights[i] = weights[i] / weights_sum;
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "points = " << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
- cerr << points[i] << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- cerr << "weights = " << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++)
- cerr << weights[i] << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- }
- double estimated_unobs = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++)
- estimated_unobs += counts_hist[1] * weights[i] / points[i];
- if (estimated_unobs > 0.0)
- estimated_unobs += distinct_obs;
- else {
- estimated_unobs = distinct_obs;
- n_points = 0;
- }
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << "quadrature_estimated_unobs" << '\t' << "n_points" << endl;
- out << estimated_unobs << '\t' << n_points << endl;
- }
- else {
- vector quad_estimates;
- // setup rng
- srand(time(0) + getpid());
- mt19937 rng(seed);
- // hist may be sparse, to speed up bootstrapping
- // sample only from positive entries
- vector counts_hist_distinct_counts;
- vector distinct_counts_hist;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < counts_hist.size(); i++)
- if (counts_hist[i] > 0) {
- counts_hist_distinct_counts.push_back(i);
- distinct_counts_hist.push_back(counts_hist[i]);
- }
- for (size_t iter = 0;
- iter < max_iter && quad_estimates.size() < n_bootstraps; ++iter) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "iter=" << "\t" << iter << endl;
- vector sample_hist;
- resample_hist(rng, counts_hist_distinct_counts, distinct_counts_hist,
- sample_hist);
- const double sampled_distinct =
- accumulate(begin(sample_hist), end(sample_hist), 0.0);
- // initialize moments, 0th moment is 1
- vector bootstrap_moments(1, 1.0);
- // moments[r] = (r + 1)! n_{r+1} / n_1
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2 * max_num_points; i++) {
- bootstrap_moments.push_back(exp(
- factorial(i + 3) + log(sample_hist[i + 2]) - log(sample_hist[1])));
- }
- size_t n_points = 0;
- n_points =
- ensure_pos_def_mom_seq(bootstrap_moments, tolerance, VERBOSE);
- n_points = min(n_points, max_num_points);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "n_points = " << n_points << endl;
- MomentSequence bootstrap_mom_seq(bootstrap_moments);
- vector points, weights;
- bootstrap_mom_seq.Lower_quadrature_rules(VERBOSE, n_points, tolerance,
- max_iter, points, weights);
- // renormalize if needed
- const double weights_sum =
- accumulate(begin(weights), end(weights), 0.0);
- if (weights_sum != 1.0)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++)
- weights[i] = weights[i] / weights_sum;
- double estimated_unobs = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++)
- estimated_unobs += counts_hist[1] * weights[i] / points[i];
- if (estimated_unobs > 0.0)
- estimated_unobs += sampled_distinct;
- else {
- estimated_unobs = sampled_distinct;
- n_points = 0;
- }
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "bootstrapped_moments=" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < bootstrap_moments.size(); i++)
- cerr << bootstrap_moments[i] << endl;
- }
- if (VERBOSE) {
- for (size_t k = 0; k < bootstrap_mom_seq.alpha.size(); k++)
- cerr << "alpha_" << k << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < bootstrap_mom_seq.alpha.size(); k++)
- cerr << bootstrap_mom_seq.alpha[k] << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < bootstrap_mom_seq.beta.size(); k++)
- cerr << "beta_" << k << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < bootstrap_mom_seq.beta.size(); k++)
- cerr << bootstrap_mom_seq.beta[k] << '\t';
- cerr << endl;
- }
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "points=" << "\t";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
- cerr << points[i] << "\t";
- cerr << endl;
- cerr << "weights=" << "\t";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++)
- cerr << weights[i] << "\t";
- cerr << endl;
- cerr << "estimated_unobs=" << "\t" << estimated_unobs << endl;
- }
- quad_estimates.push_back(estimated_unobs);
- }
- double median_estimate, lower_ci, upper_ci;
- median_and_ci(quad_estimates, c_level, median_estimate, lower_ci,
- upper_ci);
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << "median_estimated_unobs" << '\t' << "lower_ci" << '\t'
- << "upper_ci" << endl;
- out << median_estimate << '\t' << lower_ci << '\t' << upper_ci << endl;
- }
- }
- catch (runtime_error &e) {
- cerr << "ERROR:\t" << e.what() << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &ba) {
- cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate memory" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-static int
-pop_size(const int argc, const char **argv) {
- try {
- static const size_t min_required_counts = 4;
- static const string min_required_counts_error_message =
- "max count before zero is less than min required count (" +
- to_string(min_required_counts) + ") duplicates removed";
- string outfile;
- size_t orig_max_terms = 100;
- double max_extrap = 0.0;
- double step_size = 0.0;
- size_t n_desired_steps = 50;
- size_t n_bootstraps = 100;
- int diagonal = 0;
- double c_level = 0.95;
- uint64_t seed = 408;
- /* FLAGS */
- bool VERBOSE = false;
- bool VALS_INPUT = false;
- bool PAIRED_END = false;
- bool HIST_INPUT = false;
- bool SINGLE_ESTIMATE = false;
- bool allow_defects = false;
- bool BAM_FORMAT_INPUT = false;
- size_t MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 5000;
- const string description =
- "Estimate the total population size using the approach described in "
- "Daley & Smith (2013), extrapolating to very long range. Default "
- "parameters assume that the initial sample represents at least"
- "1e-9 of the population, which is sufficient for every example "
- "application we have seen.";
- OptionParser opt_parse(strip_path(argv[1]), description, "");
- opt_parse.add_opt("output", 'o', "yield output file (default: stdout)",
- false, outfile);
- opt_parse.add_opt("extrap", 'e', "maximum extrapolation", false,
- max_extrap);
- opt_parse.add_opt("steps", 's', "number of steps", false, n_desired_steps);
- opt_parse.add_opt("boots", 'n', "number of bootstraps", false,
- n_bootstraps);
- opt_parse.add_opt("cval", 'c', "level for confidence intervals", false,
- c_level);
- opt_parse.add_opt("terms", 'x', "maximum terms in estimator", false,
- orig_max_terms);
- opt_parse.add_opt("verbose", 'v', "print more info", false, VERBOSE);
- opt_parse.add_opt("bam", 'B', "input is in BAM format", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt("seg_len", 'l',
- "maximum segment length when merging "
- "paired end bam reads",
- opt_parse.add_opt("pe", 'P', "input is paired end read file", false,
- opt_parse.add_opt(
- "vals", 'V', "input is a text file containing only the observed counts",
- false, VALS_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("hist", 'H',
- "input is a text file containing the observed histogram",
- false, HIST_INPUT);
- opt_parse.add_opt("quick", 'Q',
- "quick mode (no bootstraps) for confidence intervals",
- opt_parse.add_opt("defects", 'D', "no testing for defects", false,
- allow_defects);
- opt_parse.add_opt("seed", 'r', "seed for random number generator", false,
- seed);
- opt_parse.set_show_defaults();
- vector leftover_args;
- // ADS: suspect bug below; "-about" isn't working.
- opt_parse.parse(argc - 1, argv + 1, leftover_args);
- if (argc == 2 || opt_parse.help_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.about_requested()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.about_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (opt_parse.option_missing()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.option_missing_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (leftover_args.empty()) {
- cerr << opt_parse.help_message() << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- const string input_file_name = leftover_args.front();
- /******************************************************************/
- vector counts_hist;
- size_t n_reads = 0;
- /************ loading input ***************************************/
- if (HIST_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "HIST_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_histogram(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (VALS_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "VALS_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- const size_t MAX_READS_TO_HOLD = 5000000;
- size_t n_paired = 0;
- size_t n_mates = 0;
- n_reads =
- load_counts_BAM_pe(VERBOSE, input_file_name, MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH,
- MAX_READS_TO_HOLD, n_paired, n_mates, counts_hist);
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "MERGED PAIRED END READS = " << n_paired << endl;
- cerr << "MATES PROCESSED = " << n_mates << endl;
- }
- }
- else if (BAM_FORMAT_INPUT) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BAM_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BAM_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else if (PAIRED_END) {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "PAIRED_END_BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BED_pe(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- else { // default is single end bed file
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "BED_INPUT" << endl;
- n_reads = load_counts_BED_se(input_file_name, counts_hist);
- }
- /************ done loading input **********************************/
- const size_t max_observed_count = counts_hist.size() - 1;
- const double distinct_reads =
- accumulate(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist), 0.0);
- size_t first_zero = 1;
- while (first_zero < counts_hist.size() && counts_hist[first_zero] > 0)
- ++first_zero;
- orig_max_terms = min(orig_max_terms, first_zero - 1);
- orig_max_terms = orig_max_terms - (orig_max_terms % 2 == 1);
- if (max_extrap < 1.0)
- max_extrap = 1000000000 * distinct_reads;
- if (step_size < 1.0)
- step_size = (max_extrap - distinct_reads) / n_desired_steps;
- const size_t distinct_counts =
- std::count_if(begin(counts_hist), end(counts_hist),
- [](const double x) { return x > 0.0; });
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "TOTAL READS = " << n_reads << endl
- << "DISTINCT READS = " << distinct_reads << endl
- << "DISTINCT COUNTS = " << distinct_counts << endl
- << "MAX COUNT = " << max_observed_count << endl
- << "COUNTS OF 1 = " << counts_hist[1] << endl
- << "MAX TERMS = " << orig_max_terms << endl;
- if (VERBOSE) {
- cerr << "OBSERVED COUNTS (" << counts_hist.size() << ")" << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < counts_hist.size(); i++)
- if (counts_hist[i] > 0)
- cerr << i << '\t' << static_cast(counts_hist[i]) << endl;
- cerr << endl;
- }
- // check to make sure library is not overly saturated
- const double two_fold_extrap = GoodToulmin2xExtrap(counts_hist);
- if (two_fold_extrap < 0.0)
- throw runtime_error("Saturation expected at double initial sample size."
- " Unable to extrapolate");
- // const size_t total_reads = get_counts_from_hist(counts_hist);
- // assert(total_reads == n_reads); // ADS: why commented out?
- // check that min required count is satisfied
- if (orig_max_terms < min_required_counts)
- throw runtime_error(min_required_counts_error_message);
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[ESTIMATING YIELD CURVE]" << endl;
- vector yield_estimates;
- const bool single_estimate_success = extrap_single_estimate(
- VERBOSE, allow_defects, counts_hist, orig_max_terms, diagonal,
- step_size, max_extrap, yield_estimates);
- if (!single_estimate_success)
- throw runtime_error("single estimate failed, run "
- "full mode for estimates");
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- out << 0 << '\t' << 0 << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < yield_estimates.size(); ++i)
- out << (i + 1) * step_size << '\t' << yield_estimates[i] << endl;
- }
- else {
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[BOOTSTRAPPING HISTOGRAM]" << endl;
- const size_t max_iter = 100 * n_bootstraps;
- vector> bootstrap_estimates;
- extrap_bootstrap(VERBOSE, allow_defects, seed, counts_hist, n_bootstraps,
- orig_max_terms, diagonal, step_size, max_extrap,
- max_iter, bootstrap_estimates);
- if (VERBOSE)
- // yield ci
- vector yield_upper_ci_lognorm, yield_lower_ci_lognorm;
- vector_median_and_ci(bootstrap_estimates, c_level, yield_estimates,
- yield_lower_ci_lognorm, yield_upper_ci_lognorm);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (VERBOSE)
- cerr << "[WRITING OUTPUT]" << endl;
- std::ofstream of;
- if (!outfile.empty())
- of.open(outfile.c_str());
- std::ostream out(outfile.empty() ? std::cout.rdbuf() : of.rdbuf());
- out.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
- out.precision(1);
- const size_t n_ests = yield_estimates.size() - 1;
- if (n_ests < 2)
- throw runtime_error("problem with number of estimates in pop_size");
- const bool converged =
- (yield_estimates[n_ests] - yield_estimates[n_ests - 1] < 1.0);
- out << "pop_size_estimate" << '\t' << "lower_ci" << '\t' << "upper_ci"
- << endl;
- out << yield_estimates.back() << '\t' << yield_lower_ci_lognorm.back()
- << '\t' << yield_upper_ci_lognorm.back();
- if (!converged)
- out << "\tnot_converged";
- out << endl;
- }
- }
- catch (runtime_error &e) {
- cerr << "ERROR:\t" << e.what() << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &ba) {
- cerr << "ERROR: could not allocate memory" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-static string
+static std::string
usage_message() {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "preseq: a program for analyzing library complexity\n"
@@ -1850,41 +53,31 @@ usage_message() {
-main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
- // static string usage_message =
- // "preseq: a program for analyzing library complexity\n"
- // "Version: " +
- // preseq_version +
- // "\n\n"
- // "Usage: preseq [OPTIONS]\n\n"
- // ": c_curve generate complexity curve for a library\n"
- // " lc_extrap predict the yield for future experiments\n"
- // " gc_extrap predict genome coverage low input\n"
- // " sequencing experiments\n"
- // " bound_pop lower bound on population size\n"
- // " pop_size estimate number of unique species\n";
- if (argc < 2)
- cerr << usage_message() << endl;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "lc_extrap") == 0) {
- return lc_extrap(argc, argv);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "c_curve") == 0) {
- return c_curve(argc, argv);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "gc_extrap") == 0) {
- return gc_extrap(argc, argv);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "bound_pop") == 0) {
- return bound_pop(argc, argv);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "pop_size") == 0) {
- return pop_size(argc, argv);
- }
- else {
- cerr << "unrecognized command: " << argv[1] << endl
- << usage_message << endl;
+main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ std::cerr << usage_message() << std::endl;
+ static const std::string cmd = argv[1];
+ if (cmd == "lc_extrap")
+ return lc_extrap_main(argc, argv);
+ if (cmd == "c_curve")
+ return c_curve_main(argc, argv);
+ if (cmd == "gc_extrap")
+ return gc_extrap_main(argc, argv);
+ if (cmd == "bound_pop")
+ return bound_pop_main(argc, argv);
+ if (cmd == "pop_size")
+ return pop_size_main(argc, argv);
+ std::cerr << "Error: unrecognized command: " << argv[1] << std::endl
+ << usage_message() << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;