Releases: snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
Releases · snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bbtools (#3308) (2dcc3de)
- autobump bio/busco (#3311) (2a30d46)
- autobump bio/bustools/count (#3309) (e1f8579)
- autobump bio/bustools/sort (#3315) (48739e0)
- autobump bio/bustools/text (#3313) (ad43eb4)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem (#3316) (aea4d0a)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/mem (#3312) (53a0520)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#3317) (f39d367)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem (#3319) (116476b)
- autobump bio/bwa/sampe (#3318) (544040e)
- autobump bio/bwa/samse (#3314) (1ba8f6a)
- autobump bio/bwa/samxe (#3320) (2dc3de3)
- autobump bio/delly (#3321) (7528ea7)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastp (#3323) (0930e3b)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastx (#3322) (a477015)
- autobump bio/diamond/makedb (#3324) (d8d6dfb)
- autobump bio/encode_fastq_downloader (#3325) (46ed627)
- autobump bio/gatk3/baserecalibrator (#3329) (77bca7e)
- autobump bio/gatk3/indelrealigner (#3328) (ec78b12)
- autobump bio/gatk3/printreads (#3326) (2175d97)
- autobump bio/gatk3/realignertargetcreator (#3327) (31659ec)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#3330) (07f54f1)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#3331) (16af20d)
- autobump bio/picard/addorreplacereadgroups (#3342) (c25726d)
- autobump bio/picard/bedtointervallist (#3335) (96eef37)
- autobump bio/picard/collectalignmentsummarymetrics (#3347) (8798bed)
- autobump bio/picard/collectgcbiasmetrics (#3343) (c439cc7)
- autobump bio/picard/collecthsmetrics (#3340) (e00f028)
- autobump bio/picard/collectinsertsizemetrics (#3337) (c2996cb)
- autobump bio/picard/collectmultiplemetrics (#3334) (b600fd8)
- autobump bio/picard/collectrnaseqmetrics (#3346) (8afe52f)
- autobump bio/picard/collecttargetedpcrmetrics (#3339) (1dc935a)
- autobump bio/picard/createsequencedictionary (#3338) (be16cf0)
- autobump bio/picard/markduplicates (#3333) (f9166b0)
- autobump bio/picard/mergesamfiles (#3344) (5e5c110)
- autobump bio/picard/mergevcfs (#3345) (d0e6fa5)
- autobump bio/picard/revertsam (#3332) (a552f29)
- autobump bio/picard/samtofastq (#3336) (0693f2e)
- autobump bio/picard/sortsam (#3341) (07e379c)
- autobump bio/reference/ensembl-mysql-table (#3350) (ea533ff)
- autobump bio/rseqc/infer_experiment (#3349) (eb571a2)
- autobump bio/rseqc/inner_distance (#3351) (cb16cdf)
- autobump bio/rseqc/read_distribution (#3354) (e260a36)
- autobump bio/rseqc/read_duplication (#3353) (80266c6)
- autobump bio/rseqc/read_gc (#3352) ([aaaa9f4](
Bug Fixes
- Gatk filter mutect call typo (#3295) (6295e37)
- Gatk learn orientation model with multiple input files (#3296) (250dd3e)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bbtools (#3272) (51a5fee)
- autobump bio/delly (#3274) (f432006)
- autobump bio/deseq2/deseqdataset (#3275) (e311359)
- autobump bio/encode_fastq_downloader (#3276) (29a80c6)
- autobump bio/fastq_screen (#3277) (fead377)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#3278) (bf6a162)
- autobump bio/gatk3/baserecalibrator (#3281) (9e32e0f)
- autobump bio/gatk3/indelrealigner (#3279) (26d23ed)
- autobump bio/gatk3/printreads (#3282) (1d621b7)
- autobump bio/gatk3/realignertargetcreator (#3280) (90c78fd)
- autobump bio/kallisto/index (#3091) (5860f2e)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#3287) (d2f8a85)
- autobump bio/meryl/count (#3286) (b3595af)
- autobump bio/meryl/sets (#3285) (e8579fa)
- autobump bio/meryl/stats (#3289) (2dadb31)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#3288) (c69937c)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#3291) (dae6566)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#3290) (119c11b)
- autobump bio/spades/metaspades (#3292) (6cbbf83)
- autobump bio/vep/plugins (#3293) (ed94694)
- autobump bio/vsearch (#3294) (fb512aa)
- Add wrappers for ROOT rootcp CLI tool (#3251) (0be5d56)
- Bump meryl version (#3266) (448a1cb)
- Enhance phys/root/filter functionality (#3250) (4797d76)
- Parse threads (#3249) (9e63554)
Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/cnv_facets (#3253) (c5c8ddd)
- autobump bio/emu/abundance (#3256) (6e42aef)
- autobump bio/emu/collapse-taxonomy (#3255) (969067e)
- autobump bio/emu/combine-outputs (#3254) (de2a1be)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#3257) (80630dd)
- autobump bio/galah (#3258) (285d57a)
- autobump bio/gdc-api/bam-slicing (#3259) (27b6958)
- autobump bio/igv-reports (#3260) (a7d57ba)
- autobump bio/lofreq/call (#3262) (13626f0)
- autobump bio/lofreq/indelqual (#3261) (76c854e)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#3263) (d4d1475)
- autobump bio/tabix/index (#3264) (e39e97e)
- autobump bio/vep/annotate (#3265) (7f0b02a)
- adds GRCm39 to
in deepTools bamCoverage (#3164) (b5916c4) - Bwameth index (#3162) (bb4acf9)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/adapterremoval (#3144) (ddebbec)
- autobump bio/bcftools/call (#3188) (482a506)
- autobump bio/bcftools/concat (#3172) (25e18b3)
- autobump bio/bcftools/filter (#3187) (2872f7b)
- autobump bio/bcftools/index (#3202) (8e7f67c)
- autobump bio/bcftools/merge (#3194) (e5e3aea)
- autobump bio/bcftools/mpileup (#3195) (abddbbe)
- autobump bio/bcftools/norm (#3176) (44ee589)
- autobump bio/bcftools/reheader (#3191) (ce681c6)
- autobump bio/bcftools/sort (#3192) (1333676)
- autobump bio/bcftools/stats (#3193) (aeadc98)
- autobump bio/bcftools/view (#3183) (52ecefe)
- autobump bio/bellerophon (#3184) (c123ef8)
- autobump bio/benchmark/chm-eval-sample (#3201) (95fb4d7)
- autobump bio/bgzip (#3198) (344637b)
- autobump bio/bismark/bam2nuc (#3173) (e076c15)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark (#3190) (43650cb)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_genome_preparation (#3178) (1f05814)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_methylation_extractor (#3177) (b9fb8a1)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2bedGraph (#3179) (e43eca7)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2report (#3174) (0697536)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2summary (#3197) (1684162)
- autobump bio/bismark/deduplicate_bismark (#3196) (f864fde)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/align (#3199) (38e12a9)
- autobump bio/bustools/count (#3189) (16144ab)
- autobump bio/bustools/sort (#3175) (be5264b)
- autobump bio/bustools/text (#3185) (6457e25)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem (#3180) (72d688b)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/mem (#3182) (c0f3f1b)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#3181) (aeae606)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem (#3204) (9faa47f)
- autobump bio/bwa/sampe (#3200) (4b09e72)
- autobump bio/bwa/samse (#3203) (e5242a6)
- autobump bio/bwa/samxe (#3186) (5e4a55a)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/export (#3205) (7b139c1)
- autobump bio/emu/abundance (#3147) (a7cad86)
- autobump bio/emu/collapse-taxonomy (#3148) (0edc83d)
- autobump bio/emu/combine-outputs (#3146) (93f0557)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#3168) (57c126d)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#3206) (3a04dc4)
- autobump bio/gatk/applybqsr (#3207) (8b0fe36)
- autobump bio/gatk/applybqsrspark (#3208) (f51e681)
- autobump bio/hisat2/align (#3209) (8eeba48)
- autobump bio/hisat2/index ([#3210](https://www.g...