This document is automatically generated at {{gitbook.time}}
1.0.2 13 Oct 2018:
- Updated uiding documentation (README)
- Improved automated build of the pdf, epub and .mobi
- Updated Frontispiece (given new contributor stats).
- Added attack surface sections for Android and various
- Added vulnerable apps for testing skills
- Improved sections for testing App permissions for Android (given android Oreo/Pie), added section for testing permissions on iOS
- Added fix for Fragment Injection on older Android versions
- Improved sections on iOS webview related testing.
1.0.1 17 Sept 2018:
- Updated guiding documentation (README, PR templates, improved styleguide, issue templates).
- Added automated build of the pdf and DocX.
- Updated Frontispiece (given new contributor stats).
- Updated Crackmes and guiding documentation.
- Updated tooling commands (ADB, ABE, iMazing, Needle, IPAinstaller, etc.).
- Added first russian translations of the 1.0 documents for iOS.
- Improved URLs for GitBook using in case of URLs with odd syntax.
- Updated Frontispiece to give credit to all that have helped out for this version.
- Clarified the app taxonomy & security testing sections by a rewrite.
- Added sections for network testing, certificate verification & SSL pinning for Cordova, Webview, Xamarin, React-Native and updated the public key pinning sections.
- Removed no longer working guides (e.g. using itunes to install apps).
- Updated a lot of URLs (using TLS wherever possible).
- Updated tests regarding WebViews.
- Added new testing toolsuites in the toolssection, such as the mobile hacktools and various dependency checkers.
- Updated testcases regarding protocol handlers (added missing MASVS 6.6 for iOS).
- Many small updates in terms of wording, spelling/typos, updated code segments and grammar.
- Added missing testcases for MASVS 2.11, 4.7, 7.5 and 4.11.
- Updated the XLS Checklist given MASVS 1.1.0.
- Removed the clipboard test from iOS and Android.
- Removed duplicates on local storage Testing and updated data storage testcases.
- Added writeups from the mobile security sessions at the OWASP summit.
- Added anti-debugging bypass section for iOS.
- Added SQL injection and XML injection samples & improved mitigation documentation.
- Added Needle documentation for iOS.
- Added fragment injection documentation.
- Updated IPA installation process guidance.
- Added XSS sample for Android.
- Added improved documentation for certificate installation on Android devices.
- Updated Frida & Fridump related documentation.
- Added sections about in-memory data analysis in iOS.
- Updated software development and related supporting documentation.
- Updated (anti) reverse-engineering sections for Android and iOS.
- Updated data storage chapters given newer tooling.
- Merged SDLC and security testing chapters.
- Updated cryptography & key-management testing sections for both Android and iOS (up to Android Nougat/iOS 11).
- Updated general overview chapters for Android and iOS.
- Updated Android and iOS IPC Testing.
- Added missing overviews, references, etc. to various sections, such as 0x6i.
- Updated local authentication chapters and the authenticaiton & session management chapters.
- Updated testing for sensitive data in memory cases.
- Added code quality sections.
1.0 15 Jun 2018 : First release