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File metadata and controls

120 lines (75 loc) · 15.1 KB

1. Building the Authorization Server

  1. Creating the authorization route - In authorization-server.js create a new empty server route that accepts GET requests to the /authorize endpoint using the app.get method. The empty route should return a 200 status by default, using the res.end() method.
  2. Verifying the client ID - Next, get the client_id param from the req.query object and verify if the client ID exists by checking the clients object in the same file. If the client ID does not exist, respond with a 401 status code using the res.status method. If the client ID exists, return a 200 status.
  3. Validating the scopes requested - After the client ID is validated, we need to ensure that the requested scopes are a subset of the allowed scopes for the client. For example, the client with ID "my-client" is allowed to request for the "permission:name", and the "permission:date_of_birth" scopes. The requested scopes are available in the req.query.scopes parameter as a space separated string. We can split this string into it's individual scopes by using the req.query.scope.split(" ") method. You can use the containsAll(arg1, arg2) function imported from the utils.js file to check if the array arg1 contains all the elements of the array arg2. If requested scopes are not a subset of the allowed scopes, return a 401 status code.
  4. Storing the request - Now that we have verified all the client credentials and scope, we need to create a request ID and temporarily store the request object to use in the next section. You can see an empty requests object already declared in the file. We need to create a random string as the request ID, which will be a key stored in the requests object, with the value being the req.query object. To help you generate a random string, you can use the randomString() function in the utils.js file.
  5. Rendering the login page - We now need to render the login page for the user to login to our system. You can render the login page using the res.render(page, params). The page argument can be set to "login" which will render the assets/authorization-server/login.ejs template file. The params argument is needed to supply parameters to the template file. In this case params needs to be an object with three keys: "client", whose value will be the client ID; "scope", whose value would be set to the value of req.query.scope; "requestId" whose value would be set to the value of the random request ID string generated in the previous task.
  6. Creating the approve route - Once the user goes to the login page rendered in the last step, they will be shown a login form which will send a request to the approval endpoint. Create a new server route that accepts POST requests to the /approve endpoint using the method.
  7. Verifying the username and password - The POST request contains the userName, password and requestID keys in the req.body object. We need to check if the userName and password match. The usernames and passwords are listed in the users variable near the beginning of the file, with the usernames as keys and the passwords as values (for example john is a username with appleseed as their password). If the usernames and passwords don't match, return a 401 status.
  8. Checking if the request exists - We now have to check if the request with the given requestId (that was provided in req.body) actually exists. We can do this by checking if a key corresponding to requestId exists in the requests object (using requests[requestId]). If it doesn't exist, return a 401 status. If it does exist, assign it to a local variable (for use in the next task) and delete it from the requests object.
  9. Storing the request and userName - Next we need to retain the client request we obtained from the previous task (the value stored in requests[requestId]), and the userName of the logged in user in the authorizationCodes local variable. authorizationCodes is an empty object declared near the start of the file. Generate a random string (with the randomString() function) and set it as a new key in authorizationCodes, with the value being an object with two attributes: "clientReq", whose value is the client request object, and "userName", whose value is the userName of the logged in user. This random string will be the "code" which we will use in the next task.
  10. Redirecting the user - The client request object will contain a redirectUri, and a state attribute. We need to send a redirect response to this redirect URI using the res.redirect() method of the express.js response object. We also need to add the code generated in the last step and the state as query params to the redirect URI. For example, if the redirectUri value is, our code is "rof5ijf", and the state is "pc03ns9S", we need to redirect to
  11. Creating the token route - Now that we can issue an authorization code to the client redirect URI, we need to create a /token route to issue the authorization token using the authorization code. Create a new server route that accepts POST requests to the /token endpoint using the method.
  12. Checking if authorization credentials exist - We expect this endpoint to receive an authorization token in the req.headers.authorization attribute. Check if the authorization header exists. If not, return a 401 status.
  13. Verifying the authorization header - Each authorization header is encoded with the standard basic auth algorithm. A helper function decodeAuthCredentials is present in the utils.js file, which accepts the auth token and returns and object containing clientId and clientSecret keys. We need to check if these match the client IDs and secrets stored with us. This can be found in the clients object at the start of the file. For example, my-client is a client ID whose client secret is zETqHgl0d7ThysUqPnaFuLOmG1E=. If the client ID and secret don't match, return a 401 status.
  14. Verifying the authorization code - The req.body object contains the code key attribute, whose value corresponds to the code we issued in the last route. We need to check if an object that matches this code exists in the authorizationCodes object. For example, if the req.body.code is "abc", we need to check if obj = authorizationCodes["abc"] exists. If it doesn't, return a 401 status. If it exists, save the value in a local variable (for later use) and delete the key from authorizationCodes.
  15. Issuing the access token - Once all the above info has been validated, we need to create a signed token, and return it as the response. Create a new JWT using the jwt.sign method from the "jsonwebtoken" library (you can use other libraries if you prefer as well). The object we need to encode needs to contain the "userName" and "scope" keys, which can be obtained from the object we extracted from authorizationCodes in the last step (as obj.userName and obj.clientReq.scope respectively). This needs to be encoded using the "RS256" algorithm. The public and private keys for this can be found in the assets folder as public_key.pem and private_key.pem. Once we create the JWT string, respond with a 200 status and a JSON body with the following parameters: "access_token", whose value is the JWT string; "token_type", whose value is "Bearer".

2. Building the Protected Resource

1. Creating the user-info route

The protected resource needs to contain a route that gives out information about to the user to authorized clients. In protected-resource.js create a new server route that accepts GET requests to the /user-info endpoint using the app.get method.

2. Ensuring the existence of the authorization token

The identifying information about the user whose information is being requested will be contained in the authorization header present as req.headers.authorization attribute. We need to verify that this header exists, and return a 401 status incase it doesn't.

3. Getting user information from the auth token

In the previous module, we issued a JWT with an encoded object containing the userName and scope keys. We need to extract these keys from the token that comes along with the request. The authorization token is a string with the value authToken = "bearer <your_token_payload>". You can extract the token payload from the string using the authToken.slice() method. Once you've extracted the token payload, you can use the jwt.verify function from the jsonwebtoken library to decode and return the encoded object containing the required keys. If the token verification fails, return a 401 status.


  • The jwt.verify function takes three arguments: first, the token payload string. Second, the public key (which is present in config.publicKey which has been declared at the beginning of the file). Lastly, the options object, where you will have to set the "algorithms" key to ["RS256"].

4. Return the relevant fields for the requested user

In the previous task, we acquired the username and the scope. We now need to return the relevant information about the user as a JSON response, based on the scope. For example, if the userName is "john", and the scope is "permission:name permission:date_of_birth", our response should be {"name": "John Appleseed", "date_of_birth":"12th September 1998"}.


  • Use the .split() method of strings to get the scopes as an array from the space separated scopes string.
  • The user information is declared at the beginning of the file in the users object. With the usernames as keys and information as an object. For example, information about the user with username john is present in users["john"]
  • To get the field names from the permissions, use the .slice() method of strings to remove the "permissions:" prefix.
  • Use the res.json method to return the object as a JSON response.

3. Building the Client Application

1. Creating the authorization route

First, we need to create the initial route that the user will hit when authorizing our application. In client.js create a new route that accepts GET requests to the /authorize endpoint using the app.get() method.

2. Declaring the state

We need to generate a random string and assign it to the state variable, in order to keep track and verify the authorization request.


  • You can use the randomString() function imported from utils.js to generate a random string.
  • The random string needs to be assigned to the state variable, which has already been declared at the top of the file.

3. Redirecting the user to the authorization endpoint

Finally, we need to return a redirect response, sending the user to the /authorize endpoint of the authorization server (which we completed in module 2). The redirect URL needs to contain the following query parameters:

  • response_type which is set to "code"
  • client_id which is set to config.clientId
  • client_secret which is set to config.clientSecret
  • redirect_uri which is set to config.redirectUri
  • scope which is set to "permission:name permission:date_of_birth"
  • state which is set to the random string that you generated in the previous task

So if the authorization endpoint is "", the redirect URL should look something like: ""


  • The config object is declared near the top of the file
  • You can use the example under the Node.js URLSearchParams API to see the best way to add query parameters to an existing URL string.

4. Creating the callback endpoint

This is the final endpoint the user is going to hit once the authorization process is complete. In client.js create a new route that accepts GET requests to the /callback endpoint using the app.get() method.

5. Verifying the state

The incoming request will come with a state param present in req.query.state. We need to verify if its value matches the random string generated and sent in the previous tasks. If the value of the state sent in the request, and the value stored in the local state variable declared previously don't match, send a 403 (forbidden) status code, and return.

6. Requesting for the access token

Once the state is verified we need to get the access token from the authorization server. After the state verification, send an HTTP POST request to the token endpoint URL (which can be found in the tokenEndpoint attribute in config object declared near the top of the file)

You can make use of the axios library to make the HTTP call. The axios variable is already imported at the top of the file. You can create the request by calling the axios(requestConfig) function. requestConfig here is an object containing the following parameters:

  • method which should be set to POST
  • url which should be set to config.tokenEndpoint
  • auth, which is an object containing the username and password attributes, which should be set to config.clientId and config.clientSecret repectively.
  • data which is an object that has a data attribute, whose value should be req.query.code (which is the authorization code that we get from the request)


  • The axios(requestConfig) function returns a javascript Promise object. The response can be accessed inside the .then(res =>{}) method of the promise. You can find more usage examples here

7. Requesting for user information

We can now use the access token to request for the users scoped information. The response from the previous task will contain an access token in the attribute.

Create an HTTP GET request to the user info endpoint by using the axios(requestConfig) function. requestConfig here is an object containing the following parameters:

  • method which should be set to GET
  • url which should be set to config.userInfoEndpoint
  • headers, which is an object with the authorization attribute, who's value should be "bearer <access_token>" where <access_token> should be replaced with the access token from the response data.

Similar to the last step, the response to this request will be present in the then() method of the promise object.

8. Rendering the welcome page

The response to the user-info request should contain the relevant personal information of the user. We can now render the welcome page.

You can render the welcome page using the res.render(page, params). The page argument can be set to "welcome" which will render the assets/client/welcome.ejs template file. The params argument is needed to supply parameters to the template file. In this case params needs to be an object with a user attribute, whose value would be the data present in the user-info response, which can be accessed in the attribute.